Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

13 Jan 2010
I'm on the nag to Scottish Power to get some of my massive credit balance refunded. I don't think they have any reason to deny it.

Don't like that much cash sitting somewhere that could be a pain to recover
11 Jun 2015
I work four days a week and stream on Twitch. I make some money from streaming but not much. I just work, eat and sleep. I don't have money for much else.

It's just bonkers. My partner and I both have decent jobs and are above the median house-hold income (not quite Gucci belt level just yet) but it's not like we live a lavish life by any stretch and to make things worse we have a 4 month old who now depends on us. I feel all of my adult working life has been throughout some level of austerity or recession and I, perhaps wrongly, feel like I never got to benefit from any of the 'good times'.

Ultimately, it is what it is and we are all in the same boat and as much as it sucks for most of us on this forum, there are going to be really vulnerable people out there who are going to be made even worse off than they are now.

I feel bad for even turning on my PC for gaming these days. Suddenly I now care how much power the 3090 draws!
24 Feb 2004
It's just bonkers. My partner and I both have decent jobs and are above the median house-hold income (not quite Gucci belt level just yet) but it's not like we live a lavish life by any stretch and to make things worse we have a 4 month old who now depends on us. I feel all of my adult working life has been throughout some level of austerity or recession and I, perhaps wrongly, feel like I never got to benefit from any of the 'good times'.

Ultimately, it is what it is and we are all in the same boat and as much as it sucks for most of us on this forum, there are going to be really vulnerable people out there who are going to be made even worse off than they are now.

I feel bad for even turning on my PC for gaming these days. Suddenly I now care how much power the 3090 draws!

Likewise, I graduated / left education just as the 2007 crash occurred. If I had entered the workforce just 5 years earlier than I did, most likely I would be far far more comfortable than I am now. It's recession and "once in a lifetime" events one after the other.

I now face paying my mortgage until the day I retire, I'm just hoping I can build a substantial pension pot to finally enjoy my retirement. I certainly can't afford international holidays or many luxuries, most of my family holidays are cheap camping trips.
25 Mar 2004
I would encourage everyone to get a handle on their usage, don't need a smart meter to do it, although it makes it easier. Billing is largely consumption based with some fixed standing charge costs, so lowering consumption is one way to tackle increased costs. I appreciate you can't always lower consumption.

Take an electric meter reading once per day if possible for a week (same time of day is best), using stuff as normal. That will give you 7 data points across a week, with kwh usage start and end values, difference / 7 = average daily consumption, check that against each 24 hours worth of usage and see if any days are particularly high compared to others.

Electric usage shouldn't change a lot throughout the year unless you're powering something seasonal like AC, or the central heating is electric.

This is a starting point I think everyone should understand, how many kwh they use per day roughly. Extend the meter readings a bit to get even more accurate data.

Until recently I think the costs for units were cheap enough people would largely ignore usage.

If the usage is high then you can investigate in the home to try and work out what is using the most. Smart meter IHD makes this easier because you can see real-time power usage, but otherwise you can turn stuff off more or between daily reads to see if there is a noticeable drop.
16 Jun 2005
In the middle
Yeah it can be done sure.

Could drop the fridge too and live off tinned food.

This is meant to be civilised time not the dark ages though.

Not aimed at you, just general comment on how pathetic this whole situation is.
I don't disagree, but cost savings are cost savings. People have got used to, for want of a better phrase, a certain level of luxury in this country (and the west in general) and now that is at risk of being taken away through no fault of their own.
Turn a tap on, instant hot water, flick a switch, light everywhere, 3 showers a day, no problem, bit chilly, crank that CH up, eat out every week, great!
For a lot of people the good times are over. For a lot more they never started.
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16 Jun 2005
In the middle
I'm on the nag to Scottish Power to get some of my massive credit balance refunded. I don't think they have any reason to deny it.

Don't like that much cash sitting somewhere that could be a pain to recover
There's no reason they should deny a refund, they know you are on a cheap deal until '24. They just want to hold on to the cash.
Once I know how much I'm in credit by with EDF I shall be doing the same.
13 Jan 2010
There's no reason they should deny a refund, they know you are on a cheap deal until '24. They just want to hold on to the cash.
Once I know how much I'm in credit by with EDF I shall be doing the same.

Got the cash. I asked if they take into account the government 400. They are not until it lands.
So no doubt I will need to chase for a refund in a few months again!

I'll probably be in credit by 400 in 6 months.
16 Jun 2005
In the middle
Got the cash. I asked if they take into account the government 400. They are not until it lands.
So no doubt I will need to chase for a refund in a few months again!

I'll probably be in credit by 400 in 6 months.
From what I can tell we're paying £125 a month and using under £75...
1 Sep 2013
Makes me wonder what the government will do

Keep chucking out handouts every time the energy costs increase which could be indefinitely as far as we know

Force the energy tycoons to lower prices

Or the tory way let it stuff the country and do jack
17 Apr 2009
I just don’t understand all the DD mess. When I join octopus in June they put me straight onto a variable (pay for what you use) DD.

Phone them up and ask, much better.

It'll be interesting to see if advocates of using variable direct debits still think it's better if/when they're getting £1k+ bills in January...
16 Jun 2005
In the middle
We are now paying 100 and using 80ppm (summer)

But still 150 credit left.

That looks to me like a 0 balance after a year. Except the 400 free money will be 400 credit.
Maybe they won't count the £400 yet as it could well change with a new pm. Increased considerably hopefully...
9 Apr 2007
16 Jun 2005
In the middle

what a shambles £400 wont do nothing!
25 Mar 2004
It'll be interesting to see if advocates of using variable direct debits still think it's better if/when they're getting £1k+ bills in January...

How much will you need to use and at what price will it need to be, to be £1k in a month?

At current cap, and using more than most do, my bill month to month without CH costs is around £150-£200 at present. Add say £100~ for extra gas usage during winter, bill isn't going to 3-4X between now and Jan.

October cap will be around 45p/kwh on elec probably. Jan is estimated to be higher still, but even at 60p/kwh that is a doubling of the price.

People paying £1K in a month will have exceptional usage.
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