Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
We’ll just ignore the whole ‘theres no money left’ thing shall we?

The fact that Labour has had to wheel out Gordon Brown because Captain Hindsight is MIA says all we need to know about them.

The government need a strong opposition to hold them to account but we havent had one of them since 2010.

I wont even go into the scum Corbyn years.

The no money left thing was a joke.
I can't believe people still don't know that.

It originates back to when a similar letter was written to an incoming Labour chancellor by an outgoing Cons one.
13 Jan 2010
Why in the UK do we always think of the now? It's not just the UK. Germany still using Russian gas. And being dependent it.

It boggles the mind.
25 Mar 2004
Yes I suppose having a ton of live panels on the roof will mean lots of power sat there, needs to have appropriate cabling.

As you say, if they can be put nearby without being on the roof, lowers that risk a lot.
31 Jul 2008
There's been no one good to vote for in years. I can't remember the last time I actually wanted to vote in a GE.

I blame them all.

Tories being tories and Labour being absolutely useless as an opposition.

As to parties securing out future? I also blame them all. We could have been building nuclear power stations for years. This isn't just hindsight. I've always thought we should go to nuclear until renewables are fully up to speed.
Well wasnt it the lib dems that were against new nuclear reactors in 2010 because they wouldn't be ready until 2021…. Doh
14 Jul 2005
The no money left thing was a joke.
I can't believe people still don't know that.

It originates back to when a similar letter was written to an incoming Labour chancellor by an outgoing Cons one.
I think everyone knows it was a joke - the issue is it was a very bad taste joke that shows a lack of respect for the public office.

If it did happen before (perhaps too long ago for me to remember), then that would also have been in bad taste too.
13 Jan 2010
Well wasnt it the lib dems that were against new nuclear reactors in 2010 because they wouldn't be ready until 2021…. Doh

Yeah it's exactly this. All of them. Tories have been in power so long they could be coming out as heroes now.

But I doubt the general Population would have voted it in if it cost more.

Just look at all the people who have no faith in green energy. Paying more now to protect the environment is a vote loser. So our population is equally to blame.
1 Mar 2010
Germans are probably feeling the same about Angela Merkle; too much complacency (post ww2) in Europe about the level of resiliency needed in energy supply,
the UK LNG gas supply JIT stratgey versus Europe, yes maybe that was partly Con selling off land from the gasometers and like, but not sure how the Germans are storing their gas, though.
4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
That was Labours idea of humour - they cant even get that right… pathetic..

Its obviously a bit too high brow for you.

Maybe you think this was fine "The letter recalls a similar note left by Tory Reginald Maudling to his Labour successor James Callaghan in 1964: "Good luck, old **** ... Sorry to leave it in such a mess.""
31 Jul 2008
Its obviously a bit too high brow for you.

Maybe you think this was fine "The letter recalls a similar note left by Tory Reginald Maudling to his Labour successor James Callaghan in 1964: "Good luck, old **** ... Sorry to leave it in such a mess.""
You consider that high brow and amusing?

Plus using something from 60 years ago as defence - is that the best you’ve got? Seriously..
14 Jul 2005
But I doubt the general Population would have voted it in if it cost more.
Since when do we get detailed voting choices on specific schemes and projects.

No-one voted for HS2 yet that is happening. We basically vote in either a Labour or Conservative government and they get to choose the projects they deliver and are trusted (?) to do so.

Id love to have more of a direct vote/say in national strategy but we don't get one. For example, if there was a vote on onshore wind turbines it would have massive support across the country, yet for some reason its not policy. Lots of people are for nuclear power but the minority voice has taken precedent there too.

Who do we vote for to change this because I can't see any options.
13 Jan 2010
Since when do we get detailed voting choices on specific schemes and projects.

No-one voted for HS2 yet that is happening. We basically vote in either a Labour or Conservative government and they get to choose the projects they deliver and are trusted (?) to do so.

Id love to have more of a direct vote/say in national strategy but we don't get one. For example, if there was a vote on onshore wind turbines it would have massive support across the country, yet for some reason its not policy. Lots of people are for nuclear power but the minority voice has taken precedent there too.

Who do we vote for to change this because I can't see any options.

I mean if the government said

We are going to build 5 nuclear power stations but we will have to put NI up by X to pay for it.

We hate increasing tax burden. All it takes is the opposition to say we won't do it and the voters would likely flock to the other party.

Saying that, like like hinckley cost 22bln. 1/4 of hs2.

Damn I hate hs2.
Hs2 and brexit handling. For me 2 huge defining single issues as to why I absolutely hate this government.
4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
You consider that high brow and amusing?

Plus using something from 60 years ago as defence - is that the best you’ve got? Seriously..

I said too high brow for you.

Best I've got, honestly your quite frankly well I cant say without getting banned.

You seem utterly clueless to how these sorts of things work.
There is hundreds of years of customs and archaic practice that makes the HOC what it is.

Typically the letters are not published and not into the main stream media. No surprise that with how politics has become, with easily triggered morons making lots of fuss about simple things that it was chosen to politicise it.

Its a non event and a nothing really. Only brought up ever now by ignorant people.
14 Jul 2005
I mean if the government said

We are going to build 5 nuclear power stations but we will have to put NI up by X to pay for it.

We hate increasing tax burden. All it takes is the opposition to say we won't do it and the voters would likely flock to the other party.

Saying that, like like hinckley cost 22bln. 1/4 of hs2.

Damn I hate hs2.
Hs2 and brexit handling. For me 2 huge defining single issues as to why I absolutely hate this government.

If you asked it like that I guess it would struggle to get support. However it could also be funded with borrowing and pay itself back over 50 years, or funded via joint initiatives with private sector (properly regulated, not like this mess). Or it could be prioritised over other areas of spend without raising tax. All possible and would I think get good support.
13 Jan 2010
If you asked it like that I guess it would struggle to get support. However it could also be funded with borrowing and pay itself back over 50 years, or funded via joint initiatives with private sector (properly regulated, not like this mess). Or it could be prioritised over other areas of spend without raising tax. All possible and would I think get good support.

I don't know. A lot of people hate nuclear. And you'd have to be proposing it when nuclear was more expensive than fossil fuels.

You're having to convince people that paying more now for something that is more expensive daily now is a good choice.

The way people have no care for the environmental disaster coming, I have no faith you'd get support.

People just don't care about the future. Even when they have kids and therefore (your hope) an interest in it
28 Oct 2006
If you asked it like that I guess it would struggle to get support. However it could also be funded with borrowing and pay itself back over 50 years, or funded via joint initiatives with private sector (properly regulated, not like this mess). Or it could be prioritised over other areas of spend without raising tax. All possible and would I think get good support.
People want the cheap, short term solution.
You yourself were calling for coal-fired power stations to be started up again a few pages ago.

Things will be worse in future and we'll all be thinking "We should have invested more in renewables back in 2022 when we had the chance".
14 Jul 2005
You're having to convince people that paying more now for something that is more expensive daily now is a good choice.
Did anyone know that we were so reliant on imported energy before all this kicked off? I didn't know. It doesn't get media attention normally, and people don't have time in their busy lives to go and find out these things when its in the background.

If people were given the facts, properly without propaganda, and the options, then I think people would be much more open to things and take an interest in long term planning.

When have we ever been given good data and sensible choices on long term national policy? Never I don't think. There is the problem. Our system delegates this duty to people who time and time again prove their incompetence.

People want the cheap, short term solution.
You yourself were calling for coal-fired power stations to be started up again a few pages ago.

Things will be worse in future and we'll all be thinking "We should have invested more in renewables back in 2022 when we had the chance".
Reactive yes, to cut costs/increase security in the short term. That doesn't preclude having a good long term strategy.

See my reply above, if people are given genuine good quality data and sensible options and discussion, without the propaganda like what we end up with (eg the brexit bus), then people would, I think, have some good input to make.
4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
I don't know. A lot of people hate nuclear. And you'd have to be proposing it when nuclear was more expensive than fossil fuels.

You're having to convince people that paying more now for something that is more expensive daily now is a good choice.

The way people have no care for the environmental disaster coming, I have no faith you'd get support.

People just don't care about the future. Even when they have kids and therefore (your hope) an interest in it

Also have to consider the case for climate change was quite different back then.
Its only really in very recent years that the majority now believe it in the UK.
The go to position for most deniers now is, its happening but its not man made.
31 Jul 2008
I said too high brow for you.

Best I've got, honestly your quite frankly well I cant say without getting banned.

You seem utterly clueless to how these sorts of things work.
There is hundreds of years of customs and archaic practice that makes the HOC what it is.

Typically the letters are not published and not into the main stream media. No surprise that with how politics has become, with easily triggered morons making lots of fuss about simple things that it was chosen to politicise it.

Its a non event and a nothing really. Only brought up ever now by ignorant people.
If you cant debate anything without getting personal it suggests youre the one getting triggered possibly by the shame of defending such a stupid letter - on headed paper no less.

Just accept it was wrong and a moronic thing to do.
25 Mar 2004
I don't like the idea of coal being used again from an environmental standpoint, but if it gets us through the moment without causing a financial ruin for people it would seem to be an option worth investigating.

Alternatives and other methods should be deployed expediently in tandem though if we do it, addition of green energy sources is very important, and shouldn't have the spin up time of something like Nuclear.
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