Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

13 Jan 2010
Did anyone know that we were so reliant on imported energy before all this kicked off? I didn't know. It doesn't get media attention normally, and people don't have time in their busy lives to go and find out these things when its in the background.

If people were given the facts, properly without propaganda, and the options, then I think people would be much more open to things and take an interest in long term planning.

When have we ever been given good data and sensible choices on long term national policy? Never I don't think. There is the problem.

But look at climate. People are given the facts and chose not to believe it. I think if people were told the facts about imported energy they wouldn't care as its business as usual. We've become a society that only reacts. We wait for issues to hit then do something.

I mean look at covid. It was rampant and everyone was "its fine". I remember having a conversation with my then boss. Him saying. It will probably only last a few weeks. It might not even get here. It was rampant in Italy. You could see how bad it was. It was a common view at that time.

People cannot forecast. So so many people cannot. I was very much in the minority. Same with my energy fix. Same with my mortgage fix. It's seems to be a common factor.
14 Jul 2005
But look at climate. People are given the facts and chose not to believe it. I think if people were told the facts about imported energy they wouldn't care as its business as usual. We've become a society that only reacts. We wait for issues to hit then do something.

I mean look at covid. It was rampant and everyone was "its fine". I remember having a conversation with my then boss. Him saying. It will probably only last a few weeks. It might not even get here. It was rampant in Italy. You could see how bad it was. It was a common view at that time.

People cannot forecast. So so many people cannot. I was very much in the minority. Same with my energy fix. Same with my mortgage fix. It's seems to be a common factor.

Obviously you'll remember I was in the camp against excessive Covid restrictions. I think that reacting to something that came out of nowhere, well then you have to make short term decisions. It doesn't preclude having a long term strategy too. For example, there was I believe a national pandemic strategy. Clearly it was poor, because we didn't have stocks of essential equipment or masks for example, so that strategy was next to useless (who came up with it, who managed it, what were they actually paid to do in the years before Covid hit?)

What about energy - is there a national 50 year energy plan? If not, why not. If there is, what's in it, who came up with the options, who is making the decisions and on what basis? Were the risks apparent yet we did nothing, or were the risks not recognised or passed off as too unlikely. No-one knows.

What about the NHS. Our most prized institution now struggling with backlogs. Where is the 25/50 year plan for that?

We don't get the scrutiny, instead we just get mud slinging at PMQ every Wednesday when they don't ever answer the question being asked in the first place.

On climate - the issue is its politicised I think, and there is so much noise in all the comms/data that people can't really be blamed for turning away from it. There is no joined up national strategy on recycling - every council does something different. There is no real plan to move to EVs other than passing a law banning petrol cars and hoping it works. Why are we still rejecting onshore wind when almost everyone supports it? Also - people have problems at being taxed more to solve these types of problems - it is stick rather than carrot and just annoys people. Give positive incentives instead and you'll get more buy in.
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5 Jul 2003
We as people haven’t held them to account. The conservatives by default should be banished from British politics until they learn the lessons of there monumental incompetence, lies and distain for the public.
The conservatives have always had a fairly unhealthy disdain for us plebs. The current lot have taken that to a new level though, the outright blatant dishonesty and thievery from them is astonishing.
16 Jun 2005
In the middle
Obviously you'll remember I was in the camp against excessive Covid restrictions. I think that reacting to something that came out of nowhere, well then you have to make short term decisions. It doesn't preclude having a long term strategy too. For example, there was I believe a national pandemic strategy. Clearly it was poor, because we didn't have stocks of essential equipment or masks for example, so that strategy was next to useless (who came up with it, who managed it, what were they actually paid to do in the years before Covid hit?)

What about energy - is there a national 50 year energy plan? If not, why not. If there is, what's in it, who came up with the options, who is making the decisions and on what basis? Were the risks apparent yet we did nothing, or were the risks not recognised or passed off as too unlikely. No-one knows.

What about the NHS. Our most prized institution now struggling with backlogs. Where is the 25/50 year plan for that?

We don't get the scrutiny, instead we just get mud slinging at PMQ every Wednesday when they don't ever answer the question being asked in the first place.

On climate - the issue is its politicised I think, and there is so much noise in all the comms/data that people can't really be blamed for turning away from it. There is no joined up national strategy on recycling - every council does something different. There is no real plan to move to EVs other than passing a law banning petrol cars and hoping it works. Why are we still rejecting onshore wind when almost everyone supports it? Also - people have problems at being taxed more to solve these types of problems - it is stick rather than carrot and just annoys people. Give positive incentives instead and you'll get more buy in.
I don't think any government really cares beyond their 5 year term unfortunately. I'd like to think after the last few years that would change but...
14 Nov 2002
Under the Hill
Can we get over the whole ‘yeh but labour’ mantra in this thread.

Since 1979, so over the last 43 years, the conservatives have been in government for 30 years and labour 13 years.

Most of the decisions that got us into this mess happened in the 30 year period and not the 13 year period.

Once you break up and privatise something, it’s very hard to get it back and when you do, it costs way more than you got when you sold it.

For clarity, I’m not a labour supporter but to point any significant blame on them is utterly preposterous. The only thing is on their head potentially is not trying to deal with it in the Blair years but in reality the damage was done and there was little incentive to change course (E.g. build nukes) as prices were affordable.
Look, I don't like either political party, but blaming the conservatives for this in isolation is unjustified. This has been a sustained failure of all british governments for the past 30 years+, Labour, Conservative and Lib Dems. Labour were mothballing nuclear projects in the early 2000s, it's tough to argue that their policies have had no impact on today's situation.
7 Nov 2002
pantyhose factory
We as people haven’t held them to account. The conservatives by default should be banished from British politics until they learn the lessons of there monumental incompetence, lies and distain for the public.

they should but the racists and narcists will always vote them back in once they sound off their dog whistle and get rags like the mail and express to say it's everyone elses fault.
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25 Nov 2009
they should but the racists and narcists will always vote them back in once they sound off their dog whistle and get rags like the mail and express to say it's everyone elses fault.
Unsustainable numbers of people moving to England doesn't make them racist but thinking the tories will do anything about it is stupid but is the labour party any better? They'll only listen when riots start because there are no school places, not enough homes, the NHS collapses, power cuts or people realise they've printed a boat load of money and gave it to their mates and got the public to pick up the inflation tab.
9 May 2004
Leafy outskirts of London
Unsustainable numbers of people moving to England doesn't make them racist but thinking the tories will do anything about it is stupid but is the labour party any better? They'll only listen when riots start because there are no school places, not enough homes, the NHS collapses, power cuts or people realise they've printed a boat load of money and gave it to their mates and got the public to pick up the inflation tab.
Capitalism cares not for sustainability, all these new people are needed to keep the pension machine churning.
30 Sep 2005
Well it looks my future budgeting is on point

Highest month was March - 723kw (March was a high month)

Current (Octopus Go Fixed Nov '22)

5p 00:30-04:30

25p a day

= £104.74

Future (Octopus Intelligent)

7.50p 23:30-05:30

44.48p a day

= £297.34

Will be a bit lower than that as I did simple maths not including cheap car charging, but still looking like a 300% increase which is what I've been working on. This excludes gas which is about £40 a month, but that's on a variable tariff now.
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4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
If you cant debate anything without getting personal it suggests youre the one getting triggered possibly by the shame of defending such a stupid letter - on headed paper no less.

Just accept it was wrong and a moronic thing to do.

Oh it was wrong thats for sure
1) he shouldn't have lowered himself to that level previously reserved for the Tories ;)
2) secondly it created powerful propaganda for them to use to manipulate weak minded lacking in attention to detail politically activated dumb asses who would repeat it for eternity as they didn't know nor understand context
23 Apr 2014
I mean if the government said

We are going to build 5 nuclear power stations but we will have to put NI up by X to pay for it.

We hate increasing tax burden. All it takes is the opposition to say we won't do it and the voters would likely flock to the other party.

Saying that, like like hinckley cost 22bln. 1/4 of hs2.

Damn I hate hs2.
Hs2 and brexit handling. For me 2 huge defining single issues as to why I absolutely hate this government.

Yet everyone voted for increased taxes and making ourselves poorer at the last election?
3 Jun 2012
Issue for us is, without going into too much detail, we had a fire in one of our plants (not UK) that basically levelled a factory about 6-7 years ago.
It was a flagship solar project and was the trial. Was eventually traced back to a faulty bit of high voltage wiring.
At that point they basically ditched any solar the moment anyone proposed it.

We can avoid putting them on buildings so its been a long battle to say look its like 100 meters away from the nearest building without our US based exec board dismissing it without even looking.
That wont be the only issue.
Getting approval for a 2Mw connection to the Grid (if its grid connected ie.. no massive battery) will be VERY difficult in some locations.
Talks of 10+ year waits for the grid to be upgraded to add these types of connections.

Many solar parks are waiting for their connection agreements to become live.. 8+ years before they even are able to build due to waiting for our antiquated Grid.
4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
That wont be the only issue.
Getting approval for a 2Mw connection to the Grid (if its grid connected ie.. no massive battery) will be VERY difficult in some locations.
Talks of 10+ year waits for the grid to be upgraded to add these types of connections.

Many solar parks are waiting for their connection agreements to become live.. 8+ years before they even are able to build due to waiting for our antiquated Grid.

We use multiples of that on site so almost certainly zero export.
Only risky time is when the other side of the site to me is in shutdown and we are not working, so basically 3 weekends of the year.
Highly doubt we would bother to get grid connected initially. BUt we do talk to NG so its possible at some point it may make sense.

One of the main reasons we argued for it (internally) is that we are one of the businesses that can be asked to shut down in high demand times so we will partially be able to carry on running if forced to shut down grid connection.
Going to be a big fight internally however to decide who gets priority though.
31 Jul 2008
Oh it was wrong thats for sure
1) he shouldn't have lowered himself to that level previously reserved for the Tories ;)
2) secondly it created powerful propaganda for them to use to manipulate weak minded lacking in attention to detail politically activated dumb asses who would repeat it for eternity as they didn't know nor understand context
Well even the author of that letter doesnt agree with your pathetic leftie spin so try again lol..

4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
Well even the author of that letter doesnt agree with your pathetic leftie spin so try again lol..

Lol leftie spin, I am a paid up conservative member you ... member

Yes he regretted it, I wonder why, triggered morons?
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