Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

31 Jul 2008
He probably regretted stooping to the same low level as was previously demonstrated by the guy who first penned such a letter many years before. :D
I think most people understand that what might have been acceptable 50 years ago may not be ok now - unless you think Jimmy Saville was just being friendly lol..
9 Feb 2004
I think most people understand that what might have been acceptable 50 years ago may not be ok now - unless you think Jimmy Saville was just being friendly lol..
It was NEVER acceptable for a government minister to behave in such a manner, 50 years ago or now. The only difference is that 50years ago the Media didn't get ahold of it and run with it to the ends of the earth.

*Edit* However this is risking getting wildly off-topic at this point. The reality is that the Tories have had 13 nearly years to address potential issues with energy supply and have done exactly what...?

In fact wasn't one of their proposals to use EV's that are on charge to act as storage and load-sinking for the grid?
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17 Oct 2002
Panting like a fiend
I don't like the idea of coal being used again from an environmental standpoint, but if it gets us through the moment without causing a financial ruin for people it would seem to be an option worth investigating.

Alternatives and other methods should be deployed expediently in tandem though if we do it, addition of green energy sources is very important, and shouldn't have the spin up time of something like Nuclear.
I don't think we have enough in the way of coal generating capacity to use even if we wanted to, let alone enough coal available to run them. IIRC most the coal stations have been being decommissioned and we may not even have the infrastructure to supply them with the fuel they'd need if we started relying on it as primary generating capacity for extended periods.
17 Mar 2009
Got to love how tribal and extreme people are being around their preferred political party. I wonder where we have seen this behaviour before and how well it played out.......
9 Feb 2004
I don't think we have enough in the way of coal generating capacity to use even if we wanted to, let alone enough coal available to run them. IIRC most the coal stations have been being decommissioned and we may not even have the infrastructure to supply them with the fuel they'd need if we started relying on it as primary generating capacity for extended periods.
Also if I'm not wrong, wasn't UK coal considered too "dirty" for power stations anyway? Something about too much sulfur and other stuff in it?

Got to love how tribal and extreme people are being around their preferred political party. I wonder where we have seen this behaviour before and how well it played out.......
I've only really seen a singular individual exhibiting such tribal behaviour in the last few pages, everyone else seems to be providing a fairly reasoned and balanced argument / viewpoint :confused:
17 Oct 2002
Panting like a fiend
Why are people blaming Labour for the current events? 12 years of Conservative government and the oh-so-typical 3rd term failure of policy?
Because it's easier than admitting the party that has been in power for most of the last half century have missed every opportunity to prevent a largely foreseeable situation (we've known since the day they were built the expected life of most of our power stations), and missed the chances in the last 10-12 years to get generating capacity online because they didn't want to pay what is now looking like bargain basement prices for the electricity.
31 Jul 2008
A shamed corbynista yeah right, go check SC and how many times over the years I have mentioned being a member. That was years of planning just to win an argument with a confused *something*

As I said over and over there is a history of letters some are widely published and referred to over time, most not.

There is no need to be ashamed you didn't know about it or understand it and context to the letter and how you were played. It was working as intended.
You protest too much I can still hear you sobbing ‘oh jeremy’ lol.

The fact you must clearly think the last labour govt left the country in a good financial position clearly shows what a gullible fool you are.



28 Jul 2010
Why are people blaming Labour for the current events? 12 years of Conservative government and the oh-so-typical 3rd term failure of policy?

Its the Tory scum way... Don't worry Truss will win then they will skank the crap out of anyone who doesn't work in the city or went to Oxford/Cambridge.... Sack Truss 3 months before the GE and claim a new beginning. Now the thick stupid plebs (you and me) will lap this up and think be told they have changed their ways and for the purpose of the GE they have.


A new beginning does not mean a new beginning in change of policy but only a new beginning for skanking the **** out of everyone again so the cycle can repeat.
17 Oct 2002
Panting like a fiend
Also if I'm not wrong, wasn't UK coal considered too "dirty" for power stations anyway? Something about too much sulfur and other stuff in it?
Sounds about right, IIRC there are several grades of coal ranging from junk coal that you really don't use unless you have a choice (too many contaminates/burns less efficiently), to the high quality "pure" black coal that burns more cleanly.

Junk coal might be ok for say an 18th century train, or an open fire (if you don't mind the smog) but it's really not good for modern stuff because from memory it clogs things like filters and leaves more ash/waste behind in the furnace.
31 Jul 2008
Because it's easier than admitting the party that has been in power for most of the last half century have missed every opportunity to prevent a largely foreseeable situation (we've known since the day they were built the expected life of most of our power stations), and missed the chances in the last 10-12 years to get generating capacity online because they didn't want to pay what is now looking like bargain basement prices for the electricity.
If this was all so foreseeable without Captain Hindsight why is there anyone still on fixed rates with last years tariffs and why did all the small power companies exist in the first place to be able to collapse?
9 Feb 2004
If this was all so foreseeable without Captain Hindsight why is there anyone still on fixed rates with last years tariffs and why did all the small power companies exist in the first place to be able to collapse?
Of course it was foreseeable! They knew full well the life expectancy left on our aging nuclear plants 12 years ago. The knew full well the plan was to phase out coal entirely as it was the dirtiest of the generating methods.
Did they use the information and advice given to them by their advisors and experts in the field? Nope.
Hinkley Point C should have started construction a decade ago, at least.
17 Oct 2002
Panting like a fiend
If this was all so foreseeable without Captain Hindsight why is there anyone still on fixed rates with last years tariffs and why did all the small power companies exist in the first place to be able to collapse?
The general problems were foreseeable but not expected quite so fast...

If you've spent any time in the SC energy thread that's been going for years you may have noticed how many times, and how increasingly we've been dipping into what is meant to be the generating reserve, which was bad but not long term catastrophic as it was basically "we're running low on capacity" not "the fuel for our power stations has gone up massively in price because of a war" and we may not be able fuel many of them bad.

Now if we'd say been building a nuclear reactor for each one we'd decommissioned, as common sense would have said (given the reliability and relative fuel security of them), we probably wouldn't be in a situation where we're in massive trouble because one type of fuel has basically gone up in price massively due to a war, leading to the average price of all generating capacity having gone up massively.

I think I've been saying on here for at least 10 years that we needed to build more nuclear facilities, if you go and hunt down the threads about the government not going with the EDF build for a nuclear plant years ago I'm fairly sure you'll see me calling the decision insane.
25 Jul 2010
A shamed corbynista yeah right, go check SC and how many times over the years I have mentioned being a member. That was years of planning just to win an argument with a confused *something*

As I said over and over there is a history of letters some are widely published and referred to over time, most not.

There is no need to be ashamed you didn't know about it or understand it and context to the letter and how you were played. It was working as intended.
When people try and label someone they disagree with as a far end extremist of the other wing, when in fact all that's being presented is a logical argument that just so happens to go against one party, is a very easy way to spot when someone has just chosen a side to stick to rather than think about things.

I'm pretty centrist and have never voted labour in my life (perhaps up until the next election but we'll see), but I almost take pride in getting called a raving lefty just for criticising something the conservatives have done, as it shows at least I can generate my own opinion that doesn't just blindly follow one side or another.
29 Jul 2010
If you cant debate anything without getting personal it suggests youre the one getting triggered

The fact that you think the letter is only wrong because it ‘triggered morons’ and could be used as propaganda shows what a contemptuous moron you are.

Looks like you are triggered then :cry:

Anyway, I think you've had your allotted braincell time today, Roar87 is needing his turn with it.
31 Jul 2008
Of course it was foreseeable! They knew full well the life expectancy left on our aging nuclear plants 12 years ago. The knew full well the plan was to phase out coal entirely as it was the dirtiest of the generating methods.
Did they use the information and advice given to them by their advisors and experts in the field? Nope.
Hinkley Point C should have started construction a decade ago, at least.
So why the fixed tariffs if the greedy power companies knew they would be selling at a loss?
31 Jul 2008
Looks like you are triggered then :cry:

Anyway, I think you've had your allotted braincell time today, Roar87 is needing his turn with it.
I was just try to follow his principle that if its ok for one person to do it its ok for me. In my defence I didnt have 50 years to consider it lol.
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