Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

9 Jul 2003
in winter we have a 300w heated clothes maiden which i think anyone with space should consider. costs loads less than a tumble drier, its silent, and also that 300w can give out some warmth as well into the room it is in (but its not big enough for towels and bedding).

How long is that left on for though, wouldn't be surprised if it uses more than your heat pump dryer.

I tend to air dry in Winter and then shove a few things in tumble dryer for 20 mins or so to soften up. Will stop that this Winter though and just suffer from scratchy towels :eek::p First world problem I know, another is that the house starts to look a sodding laundry when you can't air outside.



13 Aug 2003
How long is that left on for though, wouldn't be surprised if it uses more than your heat pump dryer.

I tend to air dry in Winter and then shove a few things in tumble dryer for 20 mins or so to soften up. Will stop that this Winter though and just suffer from scratchy towels :eek::p First world problem I know, another is that the house starts to look a sodding laundry when you can't air outside.

Funny how so many of these normal things were the ways of the 90s/00s. Now according to so many tumble drying is bad. I thought we were supposed to evolve? Not reach a point and go back to how some things were in the 60s/70s/80s and tumble dryers are destroying the environment.

Yet the same ones never scream about all the planes in the skies spewing out all the air pollution but some people tumble drying are destroying the world. :rolleyes:
23 May 2006
If your clothes are taking ages to dry on a horse, it’s probably because you have too many in too small an area.

You want to spread them out to ensure air can circulate between the layers of fabric. That one linked above isn’t great for that reason.

You want something like this so you can hang each garment over 2 rails so the air can get in between the layers of fabric.

its a practical problem tho.... our washing machine has a..... from memory as cant be bothered going to kitchen - either a 9kg or 10kg load........ We have 3 large clothes (Maid/Maiden/Horse/Airers - delete as appropriate ;) ) as well as 1 heated one - which we put on for 2 hrs if normal clothes or 4 hrs if heavy jumpers or jeans - overnight on cheap power or during the day if our solar can run it.

1 load of our washer will fill any 3 of the above leaving only 1 spare and that is filling them quite full...... if you were to space out even more then we would need far more of them and god knows where we could put them.

another good point made about damp as well (and indeed we do have a black mould issue - or did - we are hoping this winter will be better as we reroofed our house and put breathable felt in.

as for the going back in time and losing some comforts....... well i do think many of us are going to need to think about things more as until we get more carbon neutral or preferably renewable energy some things are simply not sustainable.

its a fair comment about planes...... short haul i could imagine us going back to propellor planes battery driven.... long haul, maybe we will see hydrogen fueled planes (though the hydrogen needs to be made from clean energy).

(i would like to see blimps make a come back.... i think they could be run much safer these days and are far cleaner..... not to mention they are cool! - that last bit may not be a good reason on its own ;) .)

no matter what however i think the next 5 years are gonna be tough, thanks to 20+ years of not enough action which could have prepared us over a longer period......... it was already going to be a squeeze, Putin has just forced the issue even more.
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9 Jul 2003
Funny how so many of these normal things were the ways of the 90s/00s. Now according to so many tumble drying is bad. I thought we were supposed to evolve? Not reach a point and go back to how some things were in the 60s/70s/80s and tumble dryers are destroying the environment.

Yet the same ones never scream about all the planes in the skies spewing out all the air pollution but some people tumble drying are destroying the world. :rolleyes:
For most people its just the cost rather than worrying about the environmental concerns.

Think my dryer uses about 5kw per full load cycle which if the unit cost gets to around 50p a unit would be £2.50 a time. A heat pump uses a lot less so keeping an eye out for a decent deal on one of those.

I agree with your point that we should be going forwards not backwards, boost clean energy production rather than taking away things that make life easier.
18 Oct 2012
Most people can't utilize out door drying due to living situation/flats not having a garden or outside area etc. Drying inside on a rack can risk damp and the like.
I expect most people in flats in the UK at least don't even have room for a dryer as their is no provision for one on builds tbh even on reasonable size 3 bed detached houses lol.
14 Apr 2007
I'm with Outfox the Market and currently pay £187.57/m on the variable rate for dual fuel. £302.80 in credit as of today. 3 bedroom house, 2 adults and 1 cat. Usage I'd say average/below average as we aren't heavy users. Just called them to see if there are any fixes knocking about and this is what they offered:

Electric 61.84/p kWh
Standing charge 42.90/p

Gas 19.22/p kWh
Standing charge 32.88/p

£4906 annual, £408 a month.

£600 exit fee.

Current tariff:

Electric 28.02/p kWh
Standing charge 42.241/p

Gas 7.342/p kWh
Standing charge 27.219/p

Back of the fag packet calcs based on current cap predictions - Oct £339.38/m and Jan £403.86/m.

I can probably lower my current direct debit as it's too high.

Unless I'm blind that fix just doesn't seem worth it.
9 Jul 2003
I expect most people in flats in the UK at least don't even have room for a dryer as their is no provision for one on builds tbh even on reasonable size 3 bed detached houses lol.
Thats what the third bedroom / cupboard is for :p

If you mean tumble dryer, don't a lot of countries stick utilities in the bathroom. They must have massive bathrooms!
18 Oct 2012
its a practical problem tho.... our washing machine has a..... from memory as cant be bothered going to kitchen - either a 9kg or 10kg load........ We have 3 large clothes (Maid/Maiden/Horse/Airers - delete as appropriate ;) ) as well as 1 heated one - which we put on for 2 hrs if normal clothes or 4 hrs if heavy jumpers or jeans - overnight on cheap power or during the day if our solar can run it.

1 load of our washer will fill any 3 of the above leaving only 1 spare and that is filling them quite full...... if you were to space out even more then we would need far more of them and god knows where we could put them.
My Ex has 6 large clothes airers because two boys (1 & 4) so lots of clothing and bedding from them. Even with that she has a washer/dryer (no room for two separate appliances) and runs out room trying to make sure they are separated out enough to get air circulating proper and it takes overnight normally cause now can't have heating on constant either.
10 Oct 2006
It's the windows. They're old, they don't fit properly and the wind just comes through.

We tried to get cavity wall insulation done a few years back when there were grants, it was all booked, the company came out and told us it couldn't be done. I don't remember the reason why.

I can't afford the £15k to have it done.

Energy prices are not going to be going back down to the previous low levels for years if ever.

If I was in your position I would sell off the Mac kit and start replacing the windows. You don't need to do them in one go I'd do the side of the house that gets the worst wind first and then start saving for the other side. With gas likely to go up to 20p a unit in next years rises the cost saving with new windows could be significant.

Worth getting multiple quotes as 15k sounds expensive but may be due to unusual bay window shapes etc.
18 Oct 2002
Sandwich, Kent



28 Jul 2010
Tumble dryers rule, wonder when we are all having to go bear foot or only wear dead leaves mixed with natural mood on our feet. That wont last either as the MUD is a finite resource. Best all die now and let the insect overlords take the realm.
14 Apr 2007
18 Oct 2012
Thats what the third bedroom / cupboard is for :p

If you mean tumble dryer, don't a lot of countries stick utilities in the bathroom. They must have massive bathrooms!

The bathrooms in Portugal and Spain where I have stayed with friends are larger than the master bedrooms in 3-4 bed properties and have generally got much larger baths too.

3rd bedroom? No mean generally we have no utility room, no kitchen space allowance even a 3 bed house being built, let alone the 2 bed box houses we have in the UK. 650sqft average is about 100sqft short to have a decent kitchen space, bedrooms that actually fit a double bed and wardrobe in without being able to touch the wardrobe from said bed. It just daft. Trying to fit a tumble dryer in to any of those properties isn't happening.
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