Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

13 Jan 2010
Ah apologise that my bad on the Child care, meant as in CSA Child Maintenance. Me and Ex split up end last year and now I have to pay the £1k to her for next 16yrs (or more if wage increases) hence why it is % of salary.

The work from home is possible sometimes but I train staff etc and that so much easier in person so at moment I am getting 2 days a month at home only but yeah that saves £40 on what fuel would be otherwise. It the other reason my mileage higher still as I need to travel to see my children once in week and every weekend and then because I don't see them much take them out and travel more (which ex and CSA don't care about so that I have to find out my pocket, either by cutting my food expenses or asking work if I can do another day or two at home to reduce the fuel as a one off).

It a mess and really hard to balance so this all now is the tipping point in that I haven't gamed in 2 months now cause of this and the cost associated with doing so. I don't qualify for support because they don't take fuel expense or car expense as essential or into account. Yet on top of what I give my ex, her house paid for, she on working benefit, just signed up with PIP and getting all the extra grants meaning she has about £1k a month disposable without working at all!

I am genuinely at point wondering if I should sell up if my parents would let me move back in at 33 because it closer to work and can save for a few more years to try and get back on the property ladder and I haven't lived at home since I moved out at 15 and got my first mortgage/property at 19.

Genuine question.

If she gets all that. Would it be financially better to not work?

If you have to sell up?
27 Nov 2004
North Beds
Homeowners financially are a very different set of people from the average. Disposable incomes are much higher. It’s a risk for sure but energy bills are a much smaller portion of income compared to most.

Obviously it'd be a better comparison to see what the average homeowner earns vs non-homeowner, but in lieu of having that data, given that from a quick google 65% of the UK are homeowners, being a homeowner IS average (more people do than don't)...
23 May 2006
How many of you guys think you might genuinely turn off the heating this winter?

Obviously it saves a hell of a lot of cash. But comes with misery and bad health.

When does it become better to spend 6 months in somewhere cheap and hot?
Absolutely not.... we are trying to fix a black mould issue as it is (will find out this winter if successful) but if we turn off the heating there is no way it will work. I do plan to lower it by a few degrees when we are at home.

I am lucky, it is not about costs for us as i am fortunate to be locked in on 2019 prices till April next year for leccy and September 2021 prices till september 2023 with gas.... but am planning on lowering out energy use a little as a (trying to be) responsible citizen.

your final point howver......... if i was retired i would absolutely go abroad for the winter - wife permitting... Not sure how long is allowed these days, not sure 6 months would be permitted on a uk passport (but that is another thread rant ;) ) but 4 months over the coldest part of the year - hell yeah, am sure Tenerife would be great from start of November till the end of Feb.
Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
Child Maintenance payments seem to be the killer for a lot of people who are struggling at the moment. That's a significant portion of your salary out of the door immediately.
9 Mar 2003
Wow... I was looking Ioniqs a couple of years ago and the same ones were £15k. I sold my Zoe 2 years ago for £15k, looks like it would be worth about £18k now :(

Didn't realise even the "cheaper" ones had increased in price so much, fair enough :s

Yup, used EV prices are utterly ridiculous, per the title of the thread.

I was patiently waiting for used Model 3s to drop in price and they didn’t move for a year and then started creeping up.

In the end I just ended up buying a new one which was within a rounding error of a 2 year old used one with 30k on the clock. It was delivered in 6 weeks as well.

I can now sell it for the same amount I paid for it (not that I would!). Crazy times.
29 Jul 2010
Ah apologise that my bad on the Child care, meant as in CSA Child Maintenance. Me and Ex split up end last year and now I have to pay the £1k to her for next 16yrs (or more if wage increases) hence why it is % of salary.

If you don't mind me asking, how many children is that for? I assume the 18% of gross is because of multiple children? Is it X% for the first etc...

My partners son has split from his partner, 2 kids, and I think they'd rather sort it out amicably rather than through the CSA.
18 Oct 2012
Genuine question.

If she gets all that. Would it be financially better to not work?

If you have to sell up?
No because I would be homeless (unless I gave up work, sold house and parents are willing to take me in). I wouldn't easily get housing as a single male capable of working and likely end up in a shelter as there is very little to no support to do such.
23 May 2006
Yup, used EV prices are utterly ridiculous, per the title of the thread.

I was patiently waiting for used Model 3s to drop in price and they didn’t move for a year and then started creeping up.

In the end I just ended up buying a new one which was within a rounding error of a 2 year old used one with 30k on the clock. It was delivered in 6 weeks as well.

I can now sell it for the same amount I paid for it (not that I would!). Crazy times.
i am fed up with the prices as well....... i would love to buy an EV and was expecting now some of the older E-Niro vehicles to be getting into my price range but its so bonkers i would be better off buying new (but i cant bring myself to pay north of £40k on a familiy SUV......... )

it stinks, you look abroad and you can get basic but decent new EVs for £10K...
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