Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

9 Jul 2003
Something has to give right? It is unsustainable, even with government intervention.
Energy sellers need to be under some form of global regulation really but how do you do that? Currently we have organisations like OPEC restricting supply to keep prices high rather than giving any thought to the problems they cause. Western countries could threaten to stop paying such high prices but its an empty threat as without oil/gas our economy grinds to a halt.

Hopefully this will really accelerate energy production from alternative sources but it takes time.
29 Jan 2008
France this, France that. That’s all I ever see on Social Media :rolleyes:
Problem is they have fixed energy because they own EDF who supplies most of their energy through Nuclear power.
They are loosing billions this year (approx €50bn) and it can’t be sustained.

Come back in a couple of years when France taxes are increased to cover their energy crisis.

It's going to be interesting to see what happens at the other parts of these firms, trading units of companies like this will have had bumper profits unconnected with the retail side of things but politically, especially when state-owned, then paying people a bonus in proportion to the p&l attributed to them/their desk could be a political nightmare in this sort of climate.

30-something Trader at XYZ earns £XX million bonus while energy prices carry on rising, or even better 30-something Trader at XYZ paid £X million bonus takes XYZ to court, claims he's owed £XX million.
18 Jan 2012
Peloponnese, Greece
Greek gov has just announced the domestic electricity rates here in Greece from the end of September - .... 0.70 to 0.80 euros per kwh. That equates to about 63p to 73p per kwh in the UK...


for reference, the average monthly income here is about 900 euros per month.
8 Mar 2005
London, UK
Energy sellers need to be under some form of global regulation really but how do you do that? Currently we have organisations like OPEC restricting supply to keep prices high rather than giving any thought to the problems they cause. Western countries could threaten to stop paying such high prices but its an empty threat as without oil/gas our economy grinds to a halt.

Hopefully this will really accelerate energy production from alternative sources but it takes time.
I suspect economies will grind to a halt regardless with the operating costs. Such short-term short sightedness.
18 Oct 2002
7th Level of Hell...
Little timmy can kiss my ass

Username checks out :cry:
Yet it varies between suppliers, tariffs and regions. Surely the suppliers or OFGEM can conjure a formula to fairly incorporate it into the tariffs unit cost charge.

Eh maybe not. *grump*

The SC should be the same for everyone. Is the SC the same throughout the country of using the same supplier and tariff? If not, why not?
31 Jul 2009
Behind You
Prepayment meters need to either be re-worked or go altogether. It is absolutely not OK that those most vulnerable to the cost of energy are paying more than anyone else.
The people responsible for these decisions have never had to go to a home where someone has basically died without anyone noticing and been left there for weeks/months.
25 Mar 2004
I would read it as 'Most people just won't be able to afford to have anything' and put any mistakes down to the usual auto correct. It's not difficult.

Now it's been edited it makes more sense. I genuinely read that pre-edit and had no idea what it was saying.

I assume the £6k is in relation to the "average" expected bill, which I would counter has no meaning for a lot of people (except for making great headlines for the papers), and does not necessarily reflect their own usage. Higher costs will also self-regulate and force people to consider using less.

SC charge is a bit of the bill, but for most people it's going to be the smallest part in a month. Unit costs are where most people will trip up, especially those who don't have a handle on what they're actually using.

Cap prices:
Electric Daily standing charge: £0.45
Gas Daily standing charge: £0.27

For a 4 week month, that is £0.72 per day * 28 days = £20.16

That is a monthly bill of £20~ for dual fuel cap customers even if using 0 units. It's high but it's not impossible to cover.

Over £6k, the country will breakdown. Most people just won't be able to afford to have anything on other than a light bulb and one shower a day.

I think you're over-estimating the cost of a lightbulb and a shower here.

Reasonable LED bulb is 5-10W. 0.24kwh in a day even if left on all day. Even at £1/kwh of electric you could power a light for £0.24 in day, for 24 hours a day.

Even a high powered Electric shower, 10kw, at full pelt for 5 minutes a day is 10 * (5 / 60) = 0.83kwh of electric.
23 May 2006
The difference is very small and reflects cost of supply for distance and location.
Choose to live in the middle of no where and you’ll pay more.
it's not really choose to, I mean I go where the work is..... I am not that bothered, it isn't a hill I am gonna die on but imo public services such as phone,leccy, gas, water should probably the same for all of us (with variation between different companies as that is the competition) . it's not like people in a city have to pay more for fruit and veg which may be grown locally to villagers in the farm which is supplying Tesco's etc.

it's not even like I get to pay less for my tin pot internet connection compared to friends who get the max their line can take.

like I said, I am not gonna argue over it, I have way bigger issues.

I don't mind paying a SC. it pays for the infrastructure and in theory covers some of the green energy encouragement. I must admit I dont like the fact we are punished for the businesses who went bust. like I said yesterday, they are privatised, as a customer the only advantage for them to be privatised is that I shouldn't get to pay for their inept management if they go bust.... of course if that was the case then customers would all have to make sure they had no credit in the energy companies and always operate on paying in arrears..

also if there was no SC for 6 months of the year my energy company would be paying me , it is one way of making me contribute all year round.
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