Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

25 Mar 2004
I don't mind paying a SC. it pays for the infrastructure and in theory covers some of the green energy encouragement. I must admit I dont like the fact we are punished for the businesses who went bust. like I said yesterday, they are privatised, as a customer the only advantage for them to be privatised is that I shouldn't get to pay for their inept management if they go bust.... of course if that was the case then customers would all have to make sure they had no credit in the energy companies and always operate on paying in arrears..

Standing charge at the current prices are a bit of a scam really, but it's not the crux of the issue at hand.

I'd like to see them lowered whilst unit rates are high though, they can always up them later when unit costs come back down to a more sensible figure.
13 Jan 2010
The 'Shire'
it's not even like I get to pay less for my tin pot internet connection compared to friends who get the max their line can take.

****** hate that, I pay £23 a month for 34mb and a friend pays less for 200mb and is about 700 yards away, a guy 2 miles away gets 1 gig for £50, with these energy prices I'll have to pick and choose what games to download rather than try them all!

Virgin Media are coming to my area soon.... 5 years I've had that same message!
22 Nov 2005
Prepayment meters need to either be re-worked or go altogether. It is absolutely not OK that those most vulnerable to the cost of energy are paying more than anyone else.
The people responsible for these decisions have never had to go to a home where someone has basically died without anyone noticing and been left there for weeks/months.
I get a text message or a letter every month "we see that you didn't top up for awhile, if everything is okay just ignore this letter"

sometimes I haven't topped up for half a year and probably you'd expect the person to have died or something...

if energy goes up much more though I'll be topping up daily it seems since the max you can put on a key in one go is only 45quid, you can top the key up multiple times but it's a ball ache asking a shop to do it.

I asked for a credit meter, passed the credit check, prooved I have no money on the meter and still waiting... they said I was a "priority" because I said I have the autism.... and topping up a key etc causes me anxiety, it doesn't really it's just a pain in the backside

They woman changed my account and flagged me as having dementia :rolleyes:

I'm guessing you'd expect that to make you uber high priority though cos they would probably forget to top up the key etc? never heard back in months... I need to chase it up but honestly can't be bothered, I should just pay someone to rig the meter

I never run out of electric but they don't seem to know that, no one ever checked up on me so they probably just send the texts for "legal purposes" to cover their own backsides or something
23 May 2006
dunno if this is an octopus publicity stunt or if this really is the effect a wind turbine can have, but if it is, nimby moaners really need to be ignored and get more of these up asap

PS word of warning... the source is right down there with the mail and telegraph

31 Jul 2009
Behind You
I get a text message or a letter every month "we see that you didn't top up for awhile, if everything is okay just ignore this letter"

sometimes I haven't topped up for half a year and probably you'd expect the person to have died or something...

if energy goes up much more though I'll be topping up daily it seems since the max you can put on a key in one go is only 45quid, you can top the key up multiple times but it's a ball ache asking a shop to do it.
You should ask when you top it up as sometimes the person on the till may not know (not their fault) for instance I've bought leccy for other people before and found the SSE prepay takes £99
Also when a customer has additional needs the energy company has a variety of options to help them like moving the meter to be more accessible if they struggle
If they have certain things like stair lift, hoist, medical equipment etc they simply shouldn't be on a prepay full stop as thats neither practical/safe and the provider should be taking steps to help that customer onto a credit meter (smart or old style) at no charge.. there is a load of information on this sort of thing at places like CAB
12 Feb 2009
The SC differs between supplier, between supplier tariffs and in each region. It's a scam.

Why are regions different if you're on the same supplier and tariff?... Why would one region be less than another?

The differences in SC are small and not a scam. Costs vary from region to region since the population density and infrastructure can be very different from region to region.
You sure sunshine? It accounts for 100s of pounds a year before you have even used a single unit of either energy type.
Good luck receiving energy without cables and gas pipes. :)
12 Feb 2009
it's not really choose to, I mean I go where the work is..... I am not that bothered, it isn't a hill I am gonna die on but imo public services such as phone,leccy, gas, water should probably the same for all of us (with variation between different companies as that is the competition) . it's not like people in a city have to pay more for fruit and veg which may be grown locally to villagers in the farm which is supplying Tesco's etc.

Water has a far bigger range of costs, but the "power SC whiners" are happy with that as it's generally in their favour. Also the water variations are on the unit cost, so are very large for big users.
If everything as spread evenly the chances are most would be paying more.
18 Oct 2002
7th Level of Hell...
The difference is very small and reflects cost of supply for distance and location.
Choose to live in the middle of no where and you’ll pay more.

About as fair as having to pay for credit balances for customers who's supplier went bust by everyone including those that didn't?

Any other company you have money with, you generally lose it.

Surely, if the SC difference is that small, it can be shared just as equally?
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