Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

21 Oct 2012
London/S Korea

Europe is expected to have warmer than average temperatures over most of the northern and north-central parts of the continent. A warmer signal is present over the central area but is not particularly strong.
La Niña doesn’t always result in lower temperatures, usually more rain than anything else. Also it’s 3 La Niñas in a row and the 3rd usually is milder than the others. With the last couple of years being very warm winters it doesn’t seem to suggest a cold winter is coming but who knows.
17 Apr 2009
What about a UK national tariff anyone household can go on? You pay under the market rate for the first X amount of units, the market rate for the next X amount of units, and double the market cap for all units above that. The poor get cheaper electric, it would encourage people to reduce usage, and best of all, the highest users/rich support the less well off. Obviously there would need to be some investigation and work done by the electric companies to figure out the exact prices/number of units. It seems a sensible, more affordable and a better long term solution, than simply printing money to throw at energy companies.

If only life were so clear cut.

Sadly the reality isn't that poor = low use and rich = high use. The more you're at home, the more likely you are to have big energy bills. The more people that are at home, the more likely you are to have big energy bills.

Also, tiered pricing would have to be mandatory to work. If it's optional, why would a household with high energy use join the tariff?

Dress it up whatever way you like, the concept is still the same. I get that there's a romantic notion of ensuring people who are wasteful subsidise those who are frugal. There's probably a mental image in there of some middle-aged couple chilling in a hot tub. But the reality is that said couple would simply turn the tub off, or install their own generation and/or a battery. The bulk of those who would be paying more are families, pensioners, the disabled. All so that someone who lives alone and works long hours (but not from home) can have a nice subsidy on their bill.

Sorry, but the idea is trash.
27 Feb 2015
Work from home?
Have young kids who are at home all day?
Drive an electric car?
Have electric storage heaters?
Have old, inefficient appliances, and unable to replace them (due to, for example, not having the money, or renting)?

Then look forward to even higher energy bills than forecast! Because apparently it's unfair that you pay the same unit rate as someone whose life circumstances mean they are hardly at home!

Let's reduce the bills of those who are about to be paying £150/month by increasing the bills further for people who are about the be paying £600+ per month. Stellar idea. What could possibly go wrong there?

Consider two customers. One uses 100kWh of electricity per month. By the time the price cap goes up, they will be paying an extra ~£40/month for electricity vs 18 months ago. Now consider someone who uses 600kWh per month. The cost of their usage will be up ~£240/month. Do you really think that £240/month increase isn't already an incentive toward cutting usage? Chuck gas in on top, and many are going to be struggling to pay what will amount to a £600+ per month bill. But apparently that isn't enough of a problem already, and this person's bill needs to be higher so that the first person's bill can be lower?
What are you doing to use 600 kwh a month?

There is EV tariffs for EV owners which are very favourable and wouldnt be affected by this.
13 Jan 2010
Any bets on what tories are going to do?

I think they'll pull something out of the bag for domestic. Less likely corporate/SME.

But I'm not sure how they'll get the cash? Will it be borrowing? Or more tax for the energy producers?

Maybe it'll be another 400. It won't be enough whatever it is. And no doubt some will go on a bigger debt pile.

Not really anywhere left to pillage
14 Aug 2006
Land of Dragons
Any bets on what tories are going to do?

I think they'll pull something out of the bag for domestic. Less likely corporate/SME.

But I'm not sure how they'll get the cash? Will it be borrowing? Or more tax for the energy producers?

Maybe it'll be another 400. It won't be enough whatever it is. And no doubt some will go on a bigger debt pile.

Not really anywhere left to pillage
The 400 is for the October rise in cost, they might well do the same again for the January increase with more help for pensioners (voters)

This is not going to fix the issue though, just kicking it down the road.
14 Jan 2018
The 400 is for the October rise in cost, they might well do the same again for the January increase with more help for pensioners (voters)

This is not going to fix the issue though, just kicking it down the road.
The 400 was for when the October rise was *only* going to put it at £2800 average, now its going to be a lot higher.
21 Oct 2012
London/S Korea
Any bets on what tories are going to do?

I think they'll pull something out of the bag for domestic. Less likely corporate/SME.

But I'm not sure how they'll get the cash? Will it be borrowing? Or more tax for the energy producers?

Maybe it'll be another 400. It won't be enough whatever it is. And no doubt some will go on a bigger debt pile.

Not really anywhere left to pillage
The 400 was for when the October rise was *only* going to put it at £2800 average, now its going to be a lot higher.
Probably do a bigger amount for Jan to get everyone through the winter.
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