Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

25 Mar 2004
I've tried but Eon seem unable or unwilling to do this. I've emailed them again refusing their suggested DD amount, waiting to see if I get a response.

They mention it on their own website, everyone calls it different things, but for EON you want to be on the "Variable DD" rather than "Fixed Monthly DD".


I keep skimming posts but have seen fish mentioned then the next post is about airfryers.... Can't help but laugh and see a solution there.

Fish Fingers? :)
15 Sep 2008
They mention it on their own website, everyone calls it different things, but for EON you want to be on the "Variable DD" rather than "Fixed Monthly DD".


Ah, they make it sound so easy. Once you're logged in to your account there's no where to change it from fixed to variable, I think it must be done when you change tariff or bank. I could call them but I'd rather bang my head on the table and be clinically brain dead for 30 minutes as the result would be the same.
Man of Honour
9 Jan 2010
My tariff didn't double so why has my DD doubled and they still think I'll owe them £200 by the end of this fix even with £420 credit + the governments' £400
They won't be holding onto the £400 from the Gov, they are going to pay it into your bank at £66 a month for 6 months
25 Mar 2004
Ah, they make it sound so easy. Once you're logged in to your account there's no where to change it from fixed to variable, I think it must be done when you change tariff or bank. I could call them but I'd rather bang my head on the table and be clinically brain dead for 30 minutes as the result would be the same.

Yes you would need to contact them but you said you already are?
29 Jan 2022
Yes true, however that is knocked off your bill first if your DD doesn't cover it (British Gas, unsure about others). So if they're saying I'll owe them money if I reduce my DD then I'd assume they think my DD WON'T cover it so I'd NOT get the £66 in my account but knocked off my bill, at least that's how I think it works. But who knows what their estimating process includes or doesn't!

British Gas said:
For Direct Debit customers, we’ll then send the discount straight to your bank each month – like a refund – once your Direct Debit has gone through.

For example:
If your Direct Debit is £100 a month, you’d pay that as normal. Then a few days later, £67 will paid in to your bank account. If your Direct Debit is less than £67 a month, say £50 for example, £50 will be refunded to your bank account and the remaining £17 will be applied as credit to your energy account.

For Cash/Cheque customers, your discount will be applied to your energy account balance each month.
18 Oct 2012
No I read they'll keep the 400 with suppliers.
Nothing seen on that. All the providers so far have stated you pay your normal DD and then they will refund you the £66 a few days after your payment. I still can't find anything suggesting otherwise tbh.

Current assumed info by suppliers, E.On say this
We'll be paying the money differently, depending on how you pay for your fuel now:

  • Fixed Direct Debit customers will receive the money automatically as a deduction to their monthly Direct Debit.
  • Pay on receipt of bill customers and regular cash payment customers will see the money automatically applied as a credit to their energy accounts in the first week of each month. This will show as a credit in the payments section of their monthly bill.
  • Smart prepayment customers will see the money credited directly to their meters as a top up in the first week of each month.
  • Traditional prepayment customers will be provided with vouchers in the first week of each month. It's likely these will only be redeemable at the Post Office, not at all top-up locations.

British Gas say the normal DD comes out and they refund the difference so it depends but at no point does the supplier get the £400 as a lump from the government and they withhold it from you. Tbh I would rather it was a top up of credit on my account rather than a refund to me so if that is how it works I will likely up my DD by the £66 to keep the same amount flowing in as such.
6 Oct 2004
repost cap estimate breakdown


Pretty close to my January calculation, but April for me is coming out at 22p for gas and 86 for electric . The predictions change on a daily basis though so we both might be way off!!

Just put in my request to go on Octopus tracker for gas - if the October prices are bad then I expect they will pull it ASAP, and if not then I can always go back on the variable. Compared to the cap rates I worked out it will cost me ~£20/month more October - January, then save ~£40/month January - April, and then ~£60/month after that!

Obviously the above is heavily dependent on what the caps come out as, and what the weather does, but considering we generally have the coldest period from January-March, it definitely looks worth doing
15 Feb 2003
Curious if anyone else got the British Gas 'exclusive' electricity offer? It was an email with a fixed plan offer about double it's current variable rate. £100 penalty for switching to another provider within the term.

My mum received the offer by email. Less than 24 hours later, when she clicked to take up the offer it said it has no-longer available.

I found that a bit strange.
22 Dec 2006
Around Town
From BG​

The Energy Bills Support Scheme (EBSS)​

The EBSS is part of the government’s wider support to help households with the cost of living. It’s open to all domestic households who use electricity.​

How much will I get?​

Every household will get £400, paid over six months starting from October 2022. So you’ll get the following each month:​

October 2022
November 2022
December 2022
January 2023
February 2023
March 2023

If your electricity bills are less than £66/£67 a month, you’ll still get the same amount. You can carry on using the discount to pay for your electricity after March 2023 (until all the £400 is used up)​
18 Oct 2002
7th Level of Hell...
Yowzers, Eon:N renewal time is now available for my household and the best fixed for a year is Next Online v19 - Monthly - £255.22p, up from £93. Do you commit or place faith that the government will support households on the variable cap in the coming weeks / months?

TypeUnit RateStanding Charge

Therein lies my issue with the SC.

I am with Eon Next and fixed a few weeks ago. My unit rate is lower but the SC is significantly lower here and that just take the ****.

Elec SC: 49.65p (54% more)
Gas SC: 27.22 (same)

So I pay £5.32/month more in standing charges than another area served by the same supplier - nearly £65/year extra... Seems fair :mad:
7 Apr 2008
Lorville - Hurston
From BG​

The Energy Bills Support Scheme (EBSS)​

The EBSS is part of the government’s wider support to help households with the cost of living. It’s open to all domestic households who use electricity.​

How much will I get?​

Every household will get £400, paid over six months starting from October 2022. So you’ll get the following each month:​
October 2022
November 2022
December 2022
January 2023
February 2023
March 2023
If your electricity bills are less than £66/£67 a month, you’ll still get the same amount. You can carry on using the discount to pay for your electricity after March 2023 (until all the £400 is used up)​
15 Sep 2008
Therein lies my issue with the SC.

I am with Eon Next and fixed a few weeks ago. My unit rate is lower but the SC is significantly lower here and that just take the ****.

Elec SC: 49.65p (54% more)
Gas SC: 27.22 (same)

So I pay £5.32/month more in standing charges than another area served by the same supplier - nearly £65/year extra... Seems fair :mad:

Indeed. The same company Eon and my SC is 63.75p per day.

I may pay a lower kWh rate and it's purely based on when I fixed a contract? It's scandalous that the public are all paying different amounts when it's the same energy, there's no competition in the market any more and no excuses either.
31 May 2005
actual and estimate two different things you might find :cool:

Sorry that was my actual usage last year not estimate
At average current price cap prices that's £2,797/annum. An 82% increase is expected from 1 October giving £5,090 p.a.

If you take account of the £400 from the government that's £4,690 p.a. or £391/month.

£239/month doesn't look like it's going to be anywhere near enough unless you have significant credit and/or make significant cutbacks.

We are currently £849 in credit , I put estimate in error that was our actual usage from last year sorry

I now need to decided if to fix or go variable :(
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