Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

18 Oct 2012
So if I look through my months since April to now I averaged £100 for gas and electric whilst cutting usage by about 2/3rds on both and I can't see myself being able to reduce further tbh.

Taking the October expected unit cost puts that monthly up to about £165 average meaning with the £66 from gov I will be about the same as I am paying now. If we assume 23% increase on that January then it goes up to around £202. This of course assuming no usage increase however since didn't have heating on last Winter I am not expecting to this Winter.

I still need to find the increase out my take home for the January + period but I should at least be okay till then which is good to know. My figures for annual usage now are looking to be

2318kWh in electric for 12 months approx.
2922kWh in gas for 12 months approx.

This using the reduced figures I have been getting between April to August and dividing up to average for the other months. So yeah it has taken the need to reduce my usage by 2/3rds to hit the same figure but possible at least. If had usage as previous to April this year then yeah £495 & £606 would be months costs respective.
16 Jun 2005
In the middle
Working out my own usage, this doesn't seem as bad as I feared? I'm working that out to £483/month without cutting back on usage and without factoring in load shifting to the Octopus Go cheap period.

I wonder how far I can get that down? £350?
That's still hideous though, compared to just a year ago. Vast swathes of people just won't be able to afford it.
4 Dec 2002
North Lincolnshire
Absolute most gas I have ever used in a month was 1,400kwh.
So at the new October rate that's about £200. Then about £110 worth of electric so this winter my worst bill should be no more than about £310.
Take off the £67 or what ever it is as well and it's really not that bad.

Similar position here. Just had a look at my entire of 2021 usage which is still similar now. Was on a fixed term deal that was good vs now on variable due to affording fixing due to waiting for the market to hopefully calm down again. Projected costs of my 2 bed detached bungalow with just me in it are from an average of £80 per month to £201 on the same usage. This is a yearly figure flattened over the 12 months for simplicity. The £67 payment will help indeed to soften the blow on the winter months which I've also calculated around the £300 mark using those figures.
30 Nov 2005
Applying those rates to my last monthly bill would change it from £150.48 to £250.69. Based on 423kWh elec and 8kWh gas in 30 days. Christ.

Ok based in Jan 2021 usage I am over £700 a month, yikes l

700kw x .54 = £378 + sc
2500kw x .14 = £350 + sc

Looks like the heating won't be on this year.

Vs July

July total: £134.55 732.30 kWh
£111.30. going to £215.8
399.71 kWh

£23.25 going to £48
332.59 kWh
13 Jan 2010
It's going to be really difficult in large parts of Europe where the temps really can plummet over the winter.

Even Scotland.

If I was on the cap. And I was not changing my house set up. From. Last year I think I'd be hitting 400 a month in mid winter.

I'm hitting 80ish now!
1 Mar 2010
LNG shipment from Australia ... thanks truss (if its for us)
should arrive on August 22. Attalos, an LNG carrier with a capacity of 174,000 cubic meters, is currently carrying this Australian LNG. It recovered the cargo in Malaysian waters, after a transfer from the LNG carrier Patris.
that's enough to warm 17 million UK homes, two-thirds of the nation’s total, for a winter’s day, so if we extract 50% from own waters, just need 5 ships a week


How have you calculated the unit prices. I assume there are meant to be based on the same % increase over current cap rates but the math doesn't work?

For instance
October increase 84% = 52.14p
January increase 23% = 64.13p
its the auxilione data the +84% = 3634/1971 oct/apr caps
+23% =4409/3634 jan/oct cap
the 23% again in April from the 70p/eunit, making total killer rise of 126% from Apr cap.
13 Aug 2021
Pretty much confirmed the October price cap



I was spot on with the prediction
So that means ours could be going up by 100% as Octopus are only charging us 26.4p on a variable rate at the moment.

2022, the year the fun ended. Already in process of returning/selling my tickets for the home Anfield games and won't be buying any in the second half of the sale. 15 years of 19 credits each year down the pan just so I can boil the bloody kettle.
Well at least I won't be cold travelling to the game and when watching it............oh I will just be cold sat in a dark room at home doing bugger all. :cry:
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