Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

10 Jan 2012
Sitting at home in the winter with nothing on is going to be fun.
How come? do you have no insulation? are you an old age pensioner? do you have a medical condition that requires you to keep warm?

Suck it up and put on more cloths if you are healthy.
This is a "gaming" forum also, surely your PC acts as a space heater, I know mine does haha nice and toasty under my desk ;p
16 Jun 2005
In the middle
How come? do you have no insulation? are you an old age pensioner? do you have a medical condition that requires you to keep warm?

Suck it up and put on more cloths if you are healthy.
This is a "gaming" forum also, surely your PC acts as a space heater, I know mine does haha nice and toasty under my desk ;p
I think he's been lulled into that false sense of security over the last few years of being able to afford to put the heating on, watch a bit of telly, boil the kettle, that sort of thing. Doing that now will mean not eating for some people.
24 Oct 2014
South coast
Rob Look at the eberspacher d4, you can run them really cheaply 4kw air heater, like the lorry drivers use, I've used mine in the shed/workshop for over 10years
never use more that 100Lt a year, they run happily on heating oil.
12v or 24v you will need a power supply, of use a solar panel and battery.
Quite an up front capital cost for eberspacher d4 though. £999 was the cheapest I saw.
10 Jan 2012
I think he's been lulled into that false sense of security over the last few years of being able to afford to put the heating on, watch a bit of telly, boil the kettle, that sort of thing. Doing that now will mean not eating for some people.
Oh yeah ofcourse, people thought it was bad in April there was plenty of deaths/suicides then, going to be an massive amount more before December come.

My main critisim is the heating arguement from people who have the means to keep the heating on, but just moan about the cost. My heart goes out those who NEED the heating on for whatever reason and just cannot afford it. Those with the means should just put layers on and toughen up or turn the setting down.

I've been in some houses in the winter time when its like a sauna inside the house, can barely breath.
30 Nov 2005
I think he's been lulled into that false sense of security over the last few years of being able to afford to put the heating on, watch a bit of telly, boil the kettle, that sort of thing. Doing that now will mean not eating for some people.
No more than aware just saying it's going to be crap cutting back im a relatively high user.

Jan 21 700kw electric, 2500kw gas. If it use that much this year it's £800 for Jan
1 Mar 2010
extinction rebellion protests probably representative of what to expect for high energy bills - effigies of Truss?
new Scottish energy 100bn loan proposal energy -so, cap it now, and everyone pays back the loan over the next 20 years - they're worried about no pays , and, trying the political angle to see if sturgeon will give it traction.
(meanwhile germans are forcing majority of people on fixed gas contracts to use less government is imposing an additional charge on them to ensure consumption is reduced )

pv flats bbc click had an item a few months back rollable pv panels that could be incorporated in blinds for flats, translucent I thought;
I still don't think tax payer should subsidise domestic panels though when centralised generation will provide - economies of scale/long term reliability+maintenance/storage
17 Oct 2002
Panting like a fiend
Has anyone looked at wind turbines? had quick look average wind speed 7.9 knots in UK (9mph) for 2021 and below generates 4kwh at 15mph for compact (ish) ones

Seems a lot cheaper than solar and even today what feels calm wind at 9mph.

My chimney stack is doing nothing may aswell have a massive turbine on it! Second thought 1 meter turbine would look horrible on roof and hurricanes would be fun.
One of the problems with them is that they tend not to work so well in "built up" areas and I believe it's much harder to model the wind speed than the solar capacity, as with solar you're looking at a small handful of very standard factors (size of installation, direction, angle, shade and capacity of panels) you can get a good idea of what it'll produce anywhere in the UK. With wind power things like the height of your house, what the surroundings are like, and even "does the neighbour have one" all affect efficiency (apparently the disturbance in the airflow from one can affect another). So the average might be 7.9 but what it is in your street might be different depending on which end of the street you're on and may even vary by house unpredictably (to get an idea of how much you'd get you'd need very localised data).

There is also the fact that wind turbines are mechanical, that means potentially a lot more maintenance than a solar system that is basically static.
14 Aug 2006
Land of Dragons
Quite an up front capital cost for eberspacher d4 though. £999 was the cheapest I saw.
Look on ebay I have had most of mine from there, around the 200quid mark for used.
I have 4 of them in use, never a problem with them....Chinese versions are a lot cheaper
but poorly built and unreliable, compared to the Eberspachers.

Most Ambulances have eberspacher air heaters fitted as standard, as its a fit and forget product, they just keep on working.
One of mine is over 15years old, still works, never had to do anything to it ever, just feed it fuel.
16 Jun 2005
In the middle
I remember that night watching that building on TV. That was the one from 18xx something. Was a furniture shop handed through many generations? Yet destroyed in one night. Yet the authorities just watched for 4 days letting it unfold into carnage.
The police would be even more ineffective now if mass rioting broke out. They just wouldn't be able to cope.
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