Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

9 Aug 2013
S. Wales
Lol the April predicted cap is just hilarious
How Truss thinks her penny on the pound tax cut will help a 40K income household is beyond me.
yeah this is bonkers, even with suspension of green levies, few hundred quid a year it will make sod all difference, she need to wake up, its looking more likely we going to have maggie part 2 for those old enough to remember that, then we had poll tax riots this time will be energy riots
13 Jan 2010
If there is going to be a cap added, I'd say it would be around here at this new one.

It's high enough to put people off being wasteful, but not high enough to make it totally unaffordable.

Targeted help could be given to those most in need somehow at the new cap, those who really couldn't afford it.

As someone without solar but able to pay for it.. I think 2k I wouldn't be in a rush to get it.
3k I would.

But 3k is a hell Of a lot and will grind people into debt.
To be of any use 2-2.5k probably
25 Mar 2004
As someone without solar but able to pay for it.. I think 2k I wouldn't be in a rush to get it.
3k I would.

But 3k is a hell Of a lot and will grind people into debt.
To be of any use 2-2.5k probably

You're golden with your current prices paid per kwh anyway really, I think that will also cloud your judgement in respect to solar install for yourself.

If you install solar now your operational payback is based know 22p/kwh until September 24, whereas for me and many others, it's very soon £0.52.

In your shoes I probably wouldn't rush to get solar either.
13 Jan 2010
You're golden with your current prices paid per kwh anyway really, I think that will also cloud your judgement in respect to solar install for yourself.

If you install solar now your operational payback is based know 22p/kwh until September 24, whereas for me and many others, it's very soon £0.52.

In your shoes I probably wouldn't rush to get solar either.

It might be 52p. But if government cap at 2k it throws everything out the window.

They need to say what they are doing. People need to plan. Its abhorrent using it to score points.
I just hope people remember this and they get crucified at the next election.
25 Mar 2004
It might be 52p. But if government cap at 2k it throws everything out the window.

They need to say what they are doing. People need to plan. Its abhorrent using it to score points.
I just hope people remember this and they get crucified at the next election.

At £2k we'd be back at current, £0.28 per kwh, at those prices I think the maths can still work out.

If we cap at £0.28/kwh then it will be that price for a very, very long time to make up for real costs being higher.

I place very low odds on them capping at £2k average spend.

I'd place higher odds on them capping more like here.

Alternatively there is no capping at all.
9 Mar 2003
I really wouldn’t start dreaming about them capping the cap, aka the labour plan.

They’ll be some extra targeted support for those on very low incomes and perhaps some debt relief for others but that will be it.

The money involved at capping at £2k for a few months is eye watering and a sticking plaster at best. This is going to go on for years.

The TLDR is lube up…
13 Jan 2010
At £2k we'd be back at current, £0.28 per kwh, at those prices I think the maths can still work out.

If we cap at £0.28/kwh then it will be that price for a very, very long time to make up for real costs being higher.

I place very low odds on them capping at £2k average spend.

I'd place higher odds on them capping more like here.

Alternatively there is no capping at all.
No point capping at 3.5k.
But yes at that absolutely solar is a no brainer if your in a house for 10 years. And you can.
13 Jan 2010
I really wouldn’t start dreaming about them capping the cap, aka the labour plan.

They’ll be some extra targeted support for those on very low incomes and perhaps some debt relief for others but that will be it.

The money involved at capping at £2k for a few months is eye watering and a sticking plaster at best. This is going to go on for years.

The TLDR is lube up…

Surely they are going to lose the next election if they don't do something untory?

Because if there isn't anymore help there won't be many tories left in the country. They'll have all converted. To... The left!
4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
Actually for us I do wonder if we don't need a battery.
We are both WFH and have no kids. I can (and do) put dishwasher, tumble, washing machine on at any point via the delay timers.

The big caveat for us is.

We are on a fixed 22p a unit charge until September 24.
This is getting close to our planned move time.

So we are technically the ideal candidate for just panels and no battery. But that energy fix And moving is the block.

But its all about the moving really. 5 years is not worth it for most. 10 is different. But not much in it

Agree as your fixed its completely different picture.
If you had not of been I would have suggested getting a quick solar quote (costs you nothing bar maybe 30 mins of time if they want to physically visit to quote) so you would know your suitability.
You would be able to use a good percentage of a decent system with both WFH and as such a simple solar setup (plus probably solar diverter) might pay back far faster than you would expect at current pricing.
9 Mar 2003
Surely they are going to lose the next election if they don't do something untory?

Because if there isn't anymore help there won't be many tories left in the country. They'll have all converted. To... The left!
They are probably going to lose it anyway and they know it…

It’s just one else made crisis after another. Just look at what Truss said about Macron yesterday… they just can’t help themselves.
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
Surely they are going to lose the next election if they don't do something untory?

Because if there isn't anymore help there won't be many tories left in the country. They'll have all converted. To... The left!
My prediction is that they will lose the next election regardless of what they do between then and now, then we'll see what Labour can do with the country. For better or worse, might put some of those friends of mine who think everything will be rainbows and balloons under Labour in their place though
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