Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

9 Aug 2013
S. Wales
I recommend getting a heated electric throw for work and electric blanket for your bed.

Way cheaper to run than heating the whole house, especially if working at home.
octopus are giving them out for the needy, im trying to get one but my gawd you have to answer hundreds of questions been at it nearly an hr already, mind you i could have a meal by time a page loads on application form,lol
25 Mar 2004
Yes in combination with other things I can see a higher utility bill being an issue.

The mortgage cost increases will hit when fixes start expiring, and a lot of people would be over-leveraged with huge mortgages because debt was cheap.

Other stuff like food and petrol will impact as well.

The situation we're in is a tough one, but people will need to adjust, and hopefully gov will step in and actually do something to cap pricing, whether it's £2K or £3.5K, either is better than doing nothing and sleep-walking into £5k+ early next year.

Personally speaking I don't really have a lot of faith that gov will solve this by the way, but pigs can fly.
18 Sep 2009
2k 3.5k 10k

All the difference is where the "normal"* point that unaffordability crosses income.
* I mean ignoring outliers like overly thrifty, and overly heavy spenders vs their income level.

I mean £3.5k is still "only" £300 a month. We are just used to energy being cheap.
An extra £2.5k for many is still the equivalent of a summer holiday, or a 3090Ti for example.

I would actually say a good proportion with (painful) adjustment would afford it.
For me its not this in isolation thats the issue, I am sure many could adjust to it, but that its alongside inflation in food, likely mortgages etc
We were talking elsewhere but I think my food shop for example has probably risen by around £2.5k a year as well compared to pre pandemic.

This reads extremely out of touch.
26 Dec 2020
Going to have to give up gaming - it costs too much to run a graphics card.
There was a discussion a while back when some people were annoyed about how dare someone suggest "people will look at electricity usage before buying a 4090/80 cause of high costs to run".

I am thinking about selling my 3090 but don't know what to replace it with.
1 Mar 2010
Octopus really are a decent one. I'm not sure how they do it!
the energy companies had pursuaded (the partisan) ofgen it was beneficial to do so LOL - the market is as open as we say it is

SLC 22B: Market Wide Derogation for Fixed Retention Tariffs​

From 14 April 2022, SLC 22B will require domestic suppliers to make all their tariffs available to new and existing customers. Ofgem has introduced this measure as a short-term intervention to address risks to consumers from ongoing wholesale market volatility.
On 11 March we issued a consultation seeking views on granting a market-wide derogation to all licensed domestic suppliers from SLC 22B for the purpose of allowing them to continue offering – or offer new – Fixed Retention Tariffs to their Existing Customers only.

This document describes our decision to introduce a market-wide derogation from SLC 22B for Fixed Retention Tariffs. This will take effect from the date of, and subject to the terms of, the attached Directions

SLC 22B provides for Ofgem to exempt from this policy measure any tariffs which do not affect the risks we are concerned about and can otherwise be seen as being beneficial to customers. Our ongoing engagement with suppliers revealed that many were intending to submit requests for a derogation from SLC 22B for the purpose of being able to continue offering fixed tariffs to Existing Customers. Further to this, we published a consultation3 on 11 March 2022 to seek views on issuing a market-wide derogation from SLC 22B (Requirement to offer all tariffs to new and Existing Customers) to all licensed domestic electricity and gas suppliers, for the purpose of allowing them to continue offering – or offer new – Fixed Retention Tariffs to their Existing Customers only. In the consultation, we stated that we do not consider that these tariffs affect the risks we are concerned about in relation to market stability,and consider they can have wider benefits to consumers. Furthermore, we considered that this approach would allow for a more efficient and transparent process for all concerned.
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