Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Because, for low usage households, it represents a significant proportion of the bill.

At the start of the year, my total bill (gas and elec) was £33/month. The SC element represented around 12.5% of that bill (£4.20)

Now my standing charge is £25/month and represents 25% of my bill. ¼ of my bill is standing charges.

By the same calculation, that would represent around 8% of your bill so perhaps this might help you realise why low users are particularly aggrieved by it.

I could boohoo your annoyance at the large increase in your bill - you should reduce your usage then as it's your fault your bill is so high but I don't as I realise some households use that amount (bigger house, less efficient house, more occupants etc).

It is correct that the increase is on units. It would be hard to justify another large increase in SC given supply costs haven't risen much

Just because something seems trivial to you doesn't mean it's not trivial to someone else.
Turns out the use more pay more model already exists in Europe, Both Spain and France have such tariffs. Dont know about other countries.

If we fully utilised the benefits of smart meters here then we would see the same benefits.

France adjusts the SC based on usage, Spain adjusts the unit rate.
I am curious those who decided to hate Labour for life from 1979, if will forgive Tories for this assuming Truss does nothing or very little.

I've lived under 4 governments - 2 Labour and 2 Tory. The pendulum swings back and forth. I'll call it now - the conservatives are finished at the next election even without the current crisis. You can see it beginning already with the scandals and infighting. And to be fair its probably time to give Labour a crack of the whip. The real problem to me is, what will the country be like in 2 years time? This whole situation worries me far more than Covid ever did.
The real problem to me is, what will the country be like in 2 years time? This whole situation worries me far more than Covid ever did.

The country has the potential to being extremely broken by then.

We will have a PM who is extreme right wing with no solid policies or plans as she governs using populism and what is trending on Twitter on that day whilst destroying any kind of international credibility with her ill-thought out statements which she then blames on the press misrepresenting her.

Because of this leadership attitude and the CoL crisis, the population are at risk of becoming more insular in their views and actions as the "survival instinct" kicks in. They will forgo any kind of empathy to others out-with their family unit resulting in a decline in social cohesion - every person for themselves attitude.
I've lived under 4 governments - 2 Labour and 2 Tory. The pendulum swings back and forth. I'll call it now - the conservatives are finished at the next election even without the current crisis. You can see it beginning already with the scandals and infighting. And to be fair its probably time to give Labour a crack of the whip. The real problem to me is, what will the country be like in 2 years time? This whole situation worries me far more than Covid ever did.
2 years BoE forecast inflation will be back to 2% and will already start falling next year (probably peak at the end of this year or start of next). Once that happens the economy will pick up again as it’s expected the recession will be a shorter inflation driven one. I think everyone knows this is not the fault of the government despite the attempts to pin it on them by the opposition. Every single country is going through this and many have even higher bills like Germany which doesn’t even have a cap!
Typical government stupidity by the sounds of things. Effectively giving people cash directly but not fixing the underlying issue. This makes people more dependent on future handouts. Instead they should be honest and say we will all have to take some pain for a number of years and over 5 to 10 years rapidly build more renewables and nuclear.

Did anything ever happen about energy sharing deals in Africa? There were plans to build some massive solar plants and share the energy with the host country and pipe the remainder to Europe.
2 years BoE forecast inflation will be back to 2% and will already start falling next year (probably peak at the end of this year or start of next). Once that happens the economy will pick up again as it’s expected the recession will be a shorter inflation driven one. I think everyone knows this is not the fault of the government despite the attempts to pin it on them by the opposition. Every single country is going through this and many have even higher bills like Germany which doesn’t even have a cap!
The crisis itself is not their fault although we should all have been much tougher on Putin in the past and the government really should have investigated Russian interference rather than sweeping it under the carpet. They are rather too pally with and take money from Russian oligarchs, they should never have allowed themselves to become corrupted.

However, putting up high trade barriers between us and the EU and huge amounts of red tape through their crazed interpretation of their precious Brexit and waiting much longer to act on the energy crisis vs our European neighbours (i.e. letting it turn into a full blown crisis before acting, just as they did with the pandemic) is very much their fault (a previous Tory government also got rid of our gas storage facilities in a shortsighted cost cutting measure and the Tories in general have been terribly slow in terms of transitioning us to clean energy and insulating our homes because they obviously don't believe in it for ideological reasons). We have the highest inflation in the G7 by the way.
2 years BoE forecast inflation will be back to 2%
Inflation has never been 2%. It's always been much higher, it's just that the increased prices over the last few months have been too high for even the average idiot to have not noticed. The central banks couldn't have continued to lie about it.

Also I predict inflation will not peak until around late 2024. Expect caps of around £15k at the peak before falling and resting to the new normal of around £8k.
Typical government stupidity by the sounds of things. Effectively giving people cash directly but not fixing the underlying issue. This makes people more dependent on future handouts. Instead they should be honest and say we will all have to take some pain for a number of years and over 5 to 10 years rapidly build more renewables and nuclear.

Did anything ever happen about energy sharing deals in Africa? There were plans to build some massive solar plants and share the energy with the host country and pipe the remainder to Europe.
It’s going to take a while to get ourselves off gas. This a problem faced by countries all over the world.

The crisis itself is not their fault although we should all have been much tougher on Putin in the past and the government really should have investigated Russian interference rather than sweeping it under the carpet. They are rather too pally with and take money from Russian oligarchs, they should never have allowed themselves to become corrupted.

However, putting up high trade barriers between us and the EU and huge amounts of red tape through their crazed interpretation of their precious Brexit and waiting much longer to act on the energy crisis vs our European neighbours (i.e. letting it turn into a full blown crisis before acting, just as they did with the pandemic) is very much their fault (a previous Tory government also got rid of our gas storage facilities in a shortsighted cost cutting measure and the Tories in general have been terribly slow in terms of transitioning us to clean energy and insulating our homes because they obviously don't believe in it for ideological reasons). We have the highest inflation in the G7 by the way.
There was a majority vote to do this so what can they do? Labour have the same challenge. Anyway this is going to take the thread off topic.

The gas storage issue would not exist if we were not in a situation where Russia invaded Ukraine, no one could have foreseen this, or the next major thing that comes along. This was all happening because we are reducing gas consumption to eventually stop.
The country has the potential to being extremely broken by then.

We will have a PM who is extreme right wing with no solid policies or plans as she governs using populism and what is trending on Twitter on that day whilst destroying any kind of international credibility with her ill-thought out statements which she then blames on the press misrepresenting her.

Because of this leadership attitude and the CoL crisis, the population are at risk of becoming more insular in their views and actions as the "survival instinct" kicks in. They will forgo any kind of empathy to others out-with their family unit resulting in a decline in social cohesion - every person for themselves attitude.
You people are going to be begging for Boris to come back.

All the hysteria over partygate looks positively quaint now lol
Because, for low usage households, it represents a significant proportion of the bill.

At the start of the year, my total bill (gas and elec) was £33/month. The SC element represented around 12.5% of that bill (£4.20)

Now my standing charge is £25/month and represents 25% of my bill. ¼ of my bill is standing charges.

By the same calculation, that would represent around 8% of your bill so perhaps this might help you realise why low users are particularly aggrieved by it.

I could boohoo your annoyance at the large increase in your bill - you should reduce your usage then as it's your fault your bill is so high but I don't as I realise some households use that amount (bigger house, less efficient house, more occupants etc).

It is correct that the increase is on units. It would be hard to justify another large increase in SC given supply costs haven't risen much

Just because something seems trivial to you doesn't mean it's not trivial to someone else.
I never mentioned my bill, I’m on about average people where the cost of energy is the issue. I use about 5kWh a day at the moment. Ironically it’s trivial to me the unit rate increase but it’s not trivial to the average house. I’m looking beyond myself and worrying about those who need heating like the elderly who are going to stuggle to keep warm. Not how much it costs to use a PC 10hours a day.

Again you are quoting monthly costs which make no sense as I don’t know your tarrif. How many units do you use a day ?

There is one standing charge a day. Units have gone up more than that per unit and there’s always going to be more than 1kWh used per day…
It’s going to take a while to get ourselves off gas. This a problem faced by countries all over the world.

There was a majority vote to do this so what can they do? Labour have the same challenge. Anyway this is going to take the thread off topic.
They could have investigated Russian interference but they didn't want to because of their links to Russian oligarchs. They also could have given us a much softer Brexit. After all, they promised us full access to the single market.

On energy as with the pandemic I want them to act when there is a problem to nip it in the bud rather than playing a strange game of wait and see and hoping the problem disappears by itself. That's not too much to ask, surely?
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