Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

I hate nimbyism but bugger that. I don't want that in my backyard so would not force it in anyone elses either. it risks knackering water tables and within months of trialing it in the UK there were earthquakes. we are where we are though not investing enough in renewables. we could be net zero already in terms of energy generation the tech is already here.

No kind of energy production is without its risks or costs but the risk of earthquakes was massively over stated by lobbying groups who wished to stop fracking at all costs. If I recall correctly, the tremours caused by fracking were incredibly minor i.e. could be picked up on seismographs but otherwise not noticable. As for ground water I don't rightly know the risks but I suspect they are managable and they have to be weighted up again people literally freezing to death in their homes or at least the complete economic devastation of millions of people. To put it bluntly, poverty kills and I don't want to even imagine where we're heading right now.

we are not so as a country gonna have to pay the price but I believe with the right investment renewables, and storage can still get us out of this mess. ( nuclear is still needed however at least for now unfortunately you can't knock up a good nuclear power station in a few months.... as shown by hinkley point

also need to uncouple gas from renewable prices as well to really see the benefit of going renewable.... if that means paying a huge premium for what gas we do need so be it if the renewable stuff costs peanuts.... and show that in the breakdown on people's bills so that they can see where the cost of their bill is really coming from

A quick check right now suggests that at this moment 60% of the countries electricity production is via gas. Come winter not only will demand go up for electricity but people will, of course, need gas to heat their homes. No way can we ramp up production in renewables over a reasonable timescale to avoid what's coming. Long term, yes, but it strikes me that the only way to shore up our energy production to the degree that is necessary, in the timescale necessary, is to massively increase our natural gas production. I agree with you about decoupling the price of renewables from gas however.

Perversely, come winter, if nothing changes - cities are going to burn in this country.
Problem is even fracking takes some time
We don't have the expertise to do it so it needs time, and IMO by the time any decent amount was being generated we could have achieved the same elsewhere.

We should max doing things we have expertise in, that deliver benefits fastest. On shore wind, off shore wind (although again a lot are not domestic experts), solar.
We should put government backing to the RR nukes. Which if I am right are basically an evolution of ship based tech into a land based design. Mini nukes that can be built with significantly less issues (suitable sites etc) than larger plants.
Would a move to a 4 day working week help much?

It would lower demand, but we'd lose some productivity. Although I don't know about you guys, I think I'd be more productive on a 4 day working week if I knew I was getting a 3 day weekend out of the deal! :)
Would a move to a 4 day working week help much?

It would lower demand, but we'd lose some productivity. Although I don't know about you guys, I think I'd be more productive on a 4 day working week if I knew I was getting a 3 day weekend out of the deal! :)

I would have to be more productive! How would I get 1 days worth of work down from 5 if I weren't! :D
Standing charges used to be half my bill... and that was using a pc 10hours a day.

they probably still are even.
I'm guessing you don't live alone so "I'm alright jack, fraction of my bill"
No I’m not alright Jack. Just SC has increased 20p a day per fuel ish. We are talking about £150 a year. Yesterdays rise has ultimately taken us from £1200 to £3500. Mainly due to unit charges !

Standing charge is not the main issue and I don’t understand why people go on about it so much.
Too lazy to reboot it all the time lol.

I imagine gaming on a steam deck will be far more energy efficient than a pc now
For my older games and indie titles, I do play them on the steam deck. Plugged into the 28" monitor via the JSAUX dock, everything plays great at 1080, 1440. Modern AAA titles at that res won't play well, but I don't play them anyway. The reason I moved to playing on the deck wasn't due to electricity costs on the main PC though, but because the steam deck is so quiet.
Think the government will get scared. They don't care for the poor but as businesses and their core votes lose more and more they will have to act.

If they do not they will be unelectable for multiple terms.

If it gets as bad as it could (no more help) people will be wanting truss' head on a stick.
And I mean literally. People will be losing family to this. It doesn't get more serious.

Most of the time people forget past government ills. But this? I think this could haunt the tories for years and years.
I am curious those who decided to hate Labour for life from 1979, if will forgive Tories for this assuming Truss does nothing or very little.
Hibernate is pretty quick to wake up if you have a decent system. Attached USB drives do slow it down though as it has to wake them up.
Yep boots quicker than normal boot here, and shut down in 2-3 seconds.

Was pretty amazed how well it works since I started using it, I did have to disable power up for keyboard and mouse as otherwise on hibernate it just instantly powered up again but that was the only niggle I have had.
So we should have just let putin do whatever he likes right?
think we should go further against Putins friendship group - china/India

standing charge 101
standing has vat when it represents a non-consumption related mandatory charge, it has the the SOLR charges included & distribution (which is consumption related too)
- OFGEN have previously discussed both these controversial aspects
with standing charge the net price per unit is greater for lower users where it represents a higher proportion of bill
No I’m not alright Jack. Just SC has increased 20p a day per fuel ish. We are talking about £150 a year. Yesterdays rise has ultimately taken us from £1200 to £3500. Mainly due to unit charges !

Standing charge is not the main issue and I don’t understand why people go on about it so much.

Because, for low usage households, it represents a significant proportion of the bill.

At the start of the year, my total bill (gas and elec) was £33/month. The SC element represented around 12.5% of that bill (£4.20)

Now my standing charge is £25/month and represents 25% of my bill. ¼ of my bill is standing charges.

By the same calculation, that would represent around 8% of your bill so perhaps this might help you realise why low users are particularly aggrieved by it.

I could boohoo your annoyance at the large increase in your bill - you should reduce your usage then as it's your fault your bill is so high but I don't as I realise some households use that amount (bigger house, less efficient house, more occupants etc).

It is correct that the increase is on units. It would be hard to justify another large increase in SC given supply costs haven't risen much

Just because something seems trivial to you doesn't mean it's not trivial to someone else.
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