Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

That's because the energy produced is proportional to the cube of the windspeed. An average of 15mph produces far more than 13mph. When it's a still day it seems really bad (5%), but they're rare.

Today in particular has has very low windspeeds of 3-5mph, but if you look over the next week ( it averages over 15mph. The average year round for the wind farm off of Brighton is 20mph.

That's pretty ****ing reliable.


As an example, if 3mph produces 9 points of power (3*3) and that's 4% of the max capacity, 15mph wouldn't produce 5x as much, it would produce 225 points (15*15) or 25x as much. 100% capacity. 15mph isn't really windy, it is classed as a gentle to moderate breeze.
we need nuclear (for medium term at least) but wind I think needs to be our main workhorse. storage needs to improve , hopefully cars with V2G will be 1 way. make them actually do something for the 90% of time not driven. but there is a renewable that is totally predictable we don't use much of at moment.... tidal .
realistically I wonder how many onshore wind turbines could be erected in 12 months if all the companies with the gear really put their minds to it?
we need nuclear (for medium term at least) but wind I think needs to be our main workhorse. storage needs to improve , hopefully cars with V2G will be 1 way. make them actually do something for the 90% of time not driven. but there is a renewable that is totally predictable we don't use much of at moment.... tidal .
realistically I wonder how many onshore wind turbines could be erected in 12 months if all the companies with the gear really put their minds to it?

We're adding a good amount of storage all the time with solar installs as well.

I'm hoping that Octopus can come up with a decent Solar storage based tariff sometime, Go is EV focused.

I'd sign up to let them use my battery for grid storage for a reasonable discount on my energy costs drawn from the grid for example.
Apparently it would take 10 years to break even and start gaining from a solar panel lol
You have to calculate your own pay pack period. I would guess that for many people on new rates, it’ll be more like 5 years at this point.
i havent had a tv licence for yrs, told them dont watch live tv, updated it last yr. i wont be paying the british bias corporation for nuffin :D
They do speech lessons on the bbc.
I’m thoroughly entertained by all this. The UK is getting exactly what it deserves for it’s selfish neoliberal government that it’s populace keep voting for. The countries sinking is utterly delicious and I’m enjoying watching all the centrist liberals and right wingers pain on social media as they realise the actually wealthy are so insulated from any harm.
Our current government’s energy strategy is just a piece of ****. I work in the industry and meet a lot of people, sit in a lot of seminars etc and I’ve never heard one of these groups agree with what the government has proposed I.e., long term addition of nuclear power. Every one of these groups advocated improving the building refs to limit heat loss. Simple as that. The uk’s problems can be summarised into two parts: energy waste and heat loss.
We're adding a good amount of storage all the time with solar installs as well.

I'm hoping that Octopus can come up with a decent Solar storage based tariff sometime, Go is EV focused.

I'd sign up to let them use my battery for grid storage for a reasonable discount on my energy costs drawn from the grid for example.
solar is great, as you know I am already on that train and the on shore wind farm near my parents is already in the process of getting a giant solar array built at its base .... but the problem with solar is it does not do much from October to March (or November to Feb if we are optimistic)
solar is great, as you know I am already on that train and the on shore wind farm near my parents is already in the process of getting a giant solar array built at its base .... but the problem with solar is it does not do much from October to March

No but I'm talking about them using the batteries in a similar way to the V2G system you talked about.

We are adding a lot of battery storage all the time, new EV's and home batteries.

Just no tariffs out there that offer any benefit for those with solar battery storage.
I do wonder if we perhaps use a little too much energy at home. I've just been taking a look and my average gas / electric usage over the last 12 months was 17 kwh / 115 kwh respectively. My home is an average side, has basic isolation and I'm never really cold and whilst the new cap(s) aren't ideal they shouldn't cause issues - I'm keen to understand how so many are using very large amounts of gas and electic.
More bad news - the gas wholesale price is still going up !!
The January and April increases are going to destroy most households and businesses. By April, the unit prices could be double the cost of this recent October increase.
Those figures don't make sense to me. Do you mean 17000 kwh of gas?

Missing something there.

My average usage for the year will be around 6000 kwh of gas and 5500 kwh of electric.
Sorry those figures are average per month.
E.g during winter months:
Gas 20 NOV 2021 - 24 JAN 2022 52.47 kWh We charged your account £17.74
No but I'm talking about them using the batteries in a similar way to the V2G system you talked about.

We are adding a lot of battery storage all the time, new EV's and home batteries.

Just no tariffs out there that offer any benefit for those with solar battery storage.
AHH yes of course. pre coffee sorry I totally read your post wrong.. DOH!
I've said it before in this thread and I'm going to say it again - Fracking!
I hate nimbyism but bugger that. I don't want that in my backyard so would not force it in anyone elses either. it risks knackering water tables and within months of trialing it in the UK there were earthquakes. we are where we are though not investing enough in renewables. we could be net zero already in terms of energy generation the tech is already here.
we are not so as a country gonna have to pay the price but I believe with the right investment renewables, and storage can still get us out of this mess. ( nuclear is still needed however at least for now unfortunately you can't knock up a good nuclear power station in a few months.... as shown by hinkley point

also need to uncouple gas from renewable prices as well to really see the benefit of going renewable.... if that means paying a huge premium for what gas we do need so be it if the renewable stuff costs peanuts.... and show that in the breakdown on people's bills so that they can see where the cost of their bill is really coming from
Sorry those figures are average per month.
E.g during winter months:
Gas 20 NOV 2021 - 24 JAN 2022 52.47 kWh We charged your account £17.74

That sounds like it's basically nothing to me? are you sure that is based on actual reads and not estimates?

Get a whole year of usage, of actual reads if you can. So sum of total usage figures from one year to the next, will give you a better/more easily forecast rate.
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