Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

I am.
Took 3 years in October and
My fix ends on September 2024.

E: 22p unit 23p standing
G: 5p unit 24p standing?

Its saving me 1000s. 100s per month from October

I think from October it's saving me 300 a month over winter. Maybe 400 after January And probably 200 over next summer.

Our summer bill on that tariff is 85 a month ish
Which company are you with? I am with Octopus but wasn't aware of them doing 3 year fixes (I admit I didn't look that hard).
How many in this thread are still on a fixed price contract?

I know someone who took out a 3 year contract in Sep 2021 so they are sitting pretty through all this!
I'm about to go on a fix as I transition to Octopus GO. That said, I'm waiting on Octopus' new rates for SVR and the daily rate on GO before I decide whether to stay on GO or head back to SVR.
I am.
Took 3 years in October and
My fix ends on September 2024.

E: 22p unit 23p standing
G: 5p unit 24p standing?

Its saving me 1000s. 100s per month from October

I think from October it's saving me 300 a month over winter. Maybe 400 after January And probably 200 over next summer.

Our summer bill on that tariff is 85 a month ish
You jammy dodger! :D
Which company are you with? I am with Octopus but wasn't aware of them doing 3 year fixes (I admit I didn't look that hard).

Scottish Power. They certainly don't do them any more.

This was way before the war.
It was when the first suppliers crumbled. I switched because I was with green and thought they were going to crumble. They did a week later. My switch completed after I became a shell energy customer. But the fix held.
How many in this thread are still on a fixed price contract?

I know someone who took out a 3 year contract in Sep 2021 so they are sitting pretty through all this!
It hasn’t made sense for me to fix over the last year. Was paying £57/month, now £95/m but even about a year ago they wanted me to fix at £200/month. It will probably get to that level but didn’t seem an advantage to fix at a certain DD level.
I sat down yesterday and did the maths for my household. From October our bills will go from £111 a month to ~£195. We have a well insulated home and work from home a lot, so our heating is on all the time over the winter.

Given the £66 a month grant from the government we’re looking at an additional £18 a month for gas & electric. God knows what will happen after December, probably £300-£350 a month.

We do pretty ok for ourselves, but god knows how families with kids etc are going to be affording it, especially as a lot of people live pay check to pay check.
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So we should have just let putin do whatever he likes right?
Not at all but what have we actually done? We have plunged Europe into a continent wide recession. It was a knee jerk reaction that has hurt us just as much if not more than Russia. It would have been better to sit back and make a bit of a plan so that in the meantime we can make provisions not to cause vast swaths of the population to take on huge amounts of debt.
I fixed my Go yesterday at 40.13/7.5p for 12 months.
I'm waiting for them to get their arse in gear and decide if I need a new smart meter or not. The current one is SMETS1 but they must be thinking they can use this one for half hourly readings. If not, I'll then have to wait for a SMETS2 to get installed. Hoping it doesn't take too long and push me into much higher rates.
I'm waiting for them to get their arse in gear and decide if I need a new smart meter or not. The current one is SMETS1 but they must be thinking they can use this one for half hourly readings. If not, I'll then have to wait for a SMETS2 to get installed. Hoping it doesn't take too long and push me into much higher rates.
S1 Meter here too, apparently no one can get them to work lol and noones willing to install a S2 for me :(
I'm waiting for them to get their arse in gear and decide if I need a new smart meter or not. The current one is SMETS1 but they must be thinking they can use this one for half hourly readings. If not, I'll then have to wait for a SMETS2 to get installed. Hoping it doesn't take too long and push me into much higher rates.
S1 Meter here too, apparently no one can get them to work lol and noones willing to install a S2 for me :(
Going from S1 to S2 you usually need to pay.
It is jonney. I never thought it would go any higher than where we are at now which is well over double what I was paying a couple of years ago. Come October it will be closer to FIVE times what I was paying before!

I have already made changes to habits and will hopefully cut down usage to close to half what I had before.

You can start capping fps in games which will seriously cut down power draw of the pc while gaming. I doubt I will be gaming as much in the next 6 months anyway, no must play games on the horizon.
I think I'm gunna game more on my steam deck this coming winter.
I think I'm gunna game more on my steam deck this coming winter.

Sold mine for a fat juicy profit unfortunately. The profit of that alone will more than pay for a year or two of gaming I would imagine. Not that I game much these days.

Switch FTW!

Mine is gathering so much dust. Bloody Nintendo take ages to release games. Last one I played was the new Metroid.
Which company are you with? I am with Octopus but wasn't aware of them doing 3 year fixes (I admit I didn't look that hard).
When I checked Octopus late Sept early Oct 2021 was 12 month fixes only. My previous fixed ended first week of October which is why I was looking.

I have personally never been on or offered a multi year fix from Octopus, they seem allergic to them.
You people are going to be begging for Boris to come back.

All the hysteria over partygate looks positively quaint now lol
never.... Boris is a proven liar (way beyond partygate), is lazy, corrupt, hypocritical and inept

just because whoever comes in many be a disaster does not mean Boris should have stayed .. of course he will try to use what comes next as leverage and will say he would have done so much better..... much like Boris was never anti EU and even wrote an article about why we should remain in the EU..... the good of the country is not what drives him, it is what benefits him most

truss will be a disaster I am sure of it (I want to be wrong).... but I don't want BoJo back

at this point I do not care what colour pants they wear, I want a cabinet who are competent and want to put country before self interests.... I am not sure any qualify on those 2 (not unreasonable imo) core qualities.
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