Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

When I checked Octopus late Sept early Oct 2021 was 12 month fixes only. My previous fixed ended first week of October which is why I was looking.

I have personally never been on or offered a multi year fix from Octopus, they seem allergic to them.
I am on an octopus 2 year fix for gas.... ends..... october 2023 I think. it seems for ever ago that I was weighing up if paying a little more per kWh for gas (4.95p kWh 26.6 SC) was worth it or not... so glad I did
The base price has increased by 860% according to Bloomberg. The graph is very scary, going almost vertical. The winter is going to be tough in Europe too.
Yeah but that isn't the price their people pay. The UK chart looks the same BTW.
Octopus have updated their customer Balance Forecast tool to include the new price cap. Despite having a healthy credit balance I'm going to have to more than double my DD to keep from going overdrawn this winter :eek:

Yeah but that isn't the price their people pay. The UK chart looks the same BTW.
No but it does directly drive the price. Germany’s is higher as a base price hence they are also paying more for electric. However that’s always been the case. UK wholsesale electric price was around £225/megawatt hour in July. Germany was €315/megawatt hour!
Also I predict inflation will not peak until around late 2024. Expect caps of around £15k at the peak before falling and resting to the new normal of around £8k.

Dont be silly. You really expect caps to quadruple from the Oct cap and then sit at double the Oct cap as a new normal?

Step away from the hallucinogens.

You people are going to be begging for Boris to come back.

Why would anyone wish a feckless, self entitled, narcissistic, lying toad back in?

I never mentioned my bill, I’m on about average people where the cost of energy is the issue. I use about 5kWh a day at the moment.

That wasn't very clear in your post as the way it.was written could be read as your bill was rising to £3,500:

Yesterdays rise has ultimately taken us from £1200 to £3500. Mainly due to unit charges !

Again you are quoting monthly costs which make no sense as I don’t know your tarrif. How many units do you use a day ?

Tariff - Eon Next Online v17

Unit price - 50.71p per kWh
Standing charge -49.65p per day

Unit price - 12.86p per kWh
Standing charge - 27.22p per day

Annual usage
Electricity - 1,052 kWh
Gas - 4,042 kWh.

Lol I have gone from £250 pm £780 in credit and set to be £600 in credit at the end of the year to a predicted £1100 in arrears.


Recommend direct debit it's now £350pm
I sat down yesterday and did the maths for my household. From October our bills will go from £111 a month to ~£195. We have a well insulated home and work from home a lot, so our heating is on all the time over the winter.

Given the £66 a month grant from the government we’re looking at an additional £18 a month for gas & electric. God knows what will happen after December, probably £300-£350 a month.

We do pretty ok for ourselves, but god knows how families with kids etc are going to be affording it, especially as a lot of people live pay check to pay check.

If you have a well insulated home why is your heating on all the time over winter? Even on the coldest days, our 2 bed flat only needs the heating to come on in the morning and again in the afternoon for a bit to maintain a comfortable temperature, even when we were WFH last winter.
I have reduced the electric usage down to just over 10kw a day for the last week, for 6 person 4 bed house don't know if that's high or not but don't think I can get it any lower
I have reduced the electric usage down to just over 10kw a day for the last week, for 6 person 4 bed house don't know if that's high or not but don't think I can get it any lower

Mines around 10-12Kwh per day for a 3 person 4 bed house, so with 3 extra people that really isn't bad at all (compared to me atleast :P )
Absurd to suggest people cut down further. Got a new A rated gas boiler and TRV's on the rads. We already have LED or CFL bulbs in all the sockets. We stopped using the home cinema amp months ago. Towels are getting dried outside rather than use the tumble dryer (just have to put up with them being rock hard). New PC with a bigger PSU to run an I9 and RTX GPU on hold, make do with the old 450w potato. Share bathwater with the wife (not at the same time!) to cut down on hot water costs. Use the carpet sweeper instead of the Henry when possible. Use the hand lawn mower rather than the electric one. However come the winter, the dryer will have to be used otherwise damp washing hanging around the house with some rooms not getting heated is just going to encourage ceiling mould.

I'm afraid to say if this is the cost of sanctions on Russia and/or appeasing the zero emissions lobby, then maybe it's time to scrap the former and as for the latter, stick two fingers up to Greta & Co, start digging our coal out of the ground again and burning (as cleanly as possible) in the power stations.

So far as support is concerned, firmly in favour of taking the whole lot back into public ownership and putting on a strictly not for profit basis. And while the vulnerable and less well off need to be protected, just because the rest of us can afford to pay a bit more doesn't mean to say we should be presented with these outrageous price rises. If it does keep going up I don't see why all my spare cash and savings should go on buying an essential life commodity i.e. energy.
That is extremely low.

is it? We average 11kw a day (family of four, large house) and have only just started discussing reducing our consumption. My pc is running most days, so I don't think it's going to be much of a struggle dropping to 10kw. Kids xbox is on a lot, TVs on etc etc Maybe some households have appliances which skew the numbers (aircon units, hot tubs, old electric showers)

We also run an electric car, on charge days my consumption is around 45kw
is it? We average 11kw a day (family of four, large house) and have only just started discussing reducing our consumption. My pc is running most days, so I don't think it's going to be much of a struggle dropping to 10kw. Kids xbox is on a lot, TVs on etc etc

We also run an electric car, on charge days my consumption is around 45kw
He said 3kWh and edited it :)
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