Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

I seen a few news sites saying an average 3 bedroom household bill will be around 5k and this may increase to 7.5k or sometng later in the year or next year.

How are they working out these very high costs?

Eaample here

Liz Truss is giving every household a free hot tub in January :p

The predictions for next year are very scary, hopefully it will kick the government into action.
I seen a few news sites saying an average household bill will be around 5.5k and this may increase to 7.5k+ or sometng later in the year or next year.

How are they working out these very high costs?

Like this

It does seem quite high. Even the October cap of £3549 suggests a daily usage of 18-19kWh if it’s electric only, more if you start factoring gas into that. I use about a third of that in my house at the moment, understandably that will go up a bit more in the winter but definitely not by much.
How are they working out these very high costs? -
If we keep the CAP, the electric is 70p then 90p /unit in january/April no wizardry.
the concept of a CAP does not exist in DE , maybe they bought their energy further in advance , rather than last minute12months as the cap permits, need some blue-sky thinking by the conservatives (&labour)

On top of the poor help for UK households have to remember we also start from being poorer than EU counterparts - double whammy.
those 45K middle income are 9% poorer than de/fr, poorer families 20% less - that's inequality.


Indeed as someone whom is 33 and wants my children to have a planet to live on that isn't destroyed then going green

Unsurprisingly those of us that will be around a bit longer aren’t in any great hurry to further **** our futures through yet more of the selfish short term thinking that got us into this mess
As said - and your eco credentials are ? no flights. no vehicle use ... saving the planet starts at home.
It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.
It does seem quite high. Even the October cap of £3549 suggests a daily usage of 18-19kWh if it’s electric only, more if you start factoring gas into that. I use about a third of that in my house at the moment, understandably that will go up a bit more in the winter but definitely not by much.
The cap is based on a daily average of 7.95 kW-h and 32.88 kW-h of gas.

If you electric only that will be higher, but the cap isn't based on electric only users. Basicly they are even more shafted if they don't have a good ground souced heat pump and good insulation.
Indeed as someone whom is 33 and wants my children to have a planet to live on that isn't destroyed then going green, renewable and sustainable as a species is imprant.

This goes from energy to construction to population support and wildlife protection.

In an ideal world, unfortunately, to go green costs a hell of a lot more and unfortunately there are a hell of a lot more poor people who can't achieve those goals.
Then we get into education etc.

Only the government and the manufacturers and distributors can alter those costs.

Money makes everything tick and going green is only available to the few due to this.
How many in this thread are still on a fixed price contract?

I know someone who took out a 3 year contract in Sep 2021 so they are sitting pretty through all this!

I'd love to know the thought process of that person, he had the foresight of Nostradamus. I like to think i have pretty good foresight, but i would have bulked at the thought of locking myself into higher traff prices than i was paying at the time back in Sep 2021. He must have had pretty solid intelligence something like this was going to happen.
I'd love to know the thought process of that person, he had the foresight of Nostradamus. I like to think i have pretty good foresight, but i would have bulked at the thought of locking myself into higher traff prices than i was paying at the time back in Sep 2021. He must have had pretty solid intelligence something like this was going to happen.
From memory November 2021 was when I first heard mumblings in mainstream news about potential significant increases in energy costs.
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