Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Every generation should be better off than the last. We are, as a species wealthier than ever. We have better technology, food, knowledge and healthcare than ever. The issue is that humans have fundamentally not got any better. Society has told everyone that they are the only person that matters and that taking from others to line your own pockets is the name of the game.

This isn't some mis-sold dream that was never attainable, its a calculated filtering of wealth to a small set of people instead of the masses. Its OK though because in 50 years or so everything will be such a mess that people will have bigger issues than the price of energy.
Every generation should be better off than the last. We are, as a species wealthier than ever. We have better technology, food, knowledge and healthcare than ever. The issue is that humans have fundamentally not got any better. Society has told everyone that they are the only person that matters and that taking from others to line your own pockets is the name of the game.

This isn't some mis-sold dream that was never attainable, its a calculated filtering of wealth to a small set of people instead of the masses. Its OK though because in 50 years or so everything will be such a mess that people will have bigger issues than the price of energy.
50 years? Some real optimism there my friend.
Despite not having an EV, I’ve been told I can sign up to Octopus Go. Are there any gotchas I should watch out for?
just make sure you can push enough energy into offpeak to be worth it.. also ask about Go Faster... same price as Go but you can start your cheap 4hrs from 9:30pm or you can opt for 5hrs and pay a little more for the off peak energy (same for on peak).

its not advertised as it is a beta tariff.
Because I asked them and they said no, you're right of course but a consistent approach would be better.
just guessing and not making a statement but maybe it is less about black and white EV or not EV owner (although those rules are easy to police) but perhaps they look at people outside of that group and look at their energy use over the last period of time and see if they are capable of pushing their energy use to off peak? and then making a more personalised decision.

I mean i cant see why octopus would care if you own an EV or not so long as you are able and prepared to minimise on peak use vs peak.

when i signed up afaik there was no prerequisite to having to own an EV...
just guessing and not making a statement but maybe it is less about black and white EV or not EV owner (although those rules are easy to police) but perhaps they look at people outside of that group and look at their energy use over the last period of time and see if they are capable of pushing their energy use to off peak? and then making a more personalised decision.

I mean i cant see why octopus would care if you own an EV or not so long as you are able and prepared to minimise on peak use vs peak.

when i signed up afaik there was no prerequisite to having to own an EV...

What was the benefit to you over signing to Go rather than Agile? Or even staying on the capped rate? Has it worked out that much cheaper for you?
agile i am just nervous of so i stayed away after reading some horror stories from the states. the octopus version has the ceiling so does seem much better... but mostly it is me being lazy. my solar inverter and battery controls are in the attic so i cant easily charge and discharge the battery when i want to, so chances are i would be very inefficient and not make the most of it and whilst over all this summer i would likely have done well out of it (last 3 months i have been a net producer of energy and only net 800kwh down so far this entire year - and that is with a lot of bitcoin mining - i only stopped in the intense heat the last few months.). with Go faster i just run the house off solar and battery and then import from the grid in the cheap period, no hassle and the only time i need to go in the attic is on the winter/summer time clock change (my solar inverter really is archaic when it comes to intelligent controls.

but i am not looking to make money, i am just looking to save money where i can and be as green as i can and go faster works well for me. Also i have been on it for 18 months now and so my prices are far lower than anything you can get today. I am stuffed next autumn with everyone else but for now, so long as octopus do not go under i should be able to weather this winter...... there is a chance we could even be a 2 EV family by then, which will save even more.
@Bluecube If you can move most of your usage to the Go cheap rate, Take the deal now while you can, you're not tied in to that rate you can leave anytime with no penalty.

I am on GO and use it to minimise my cost, most on here can only dream of paying as little as I do for electric, but you have to change your usage pattern.
Anyone with British Gas on a Variable Direct Debit rather than standard fixed?

I don't see anywhere online to change it, guess live chat or phone call?


Just waited in the live chat and asked to change from Fixed to Variable, waited a bit and they said it was done.
Just had octopus dude knock at the door, took my email address and said he would send me any deal offers.

Im currently with scottish power. Didnt give any details other then email address.

Can you imagine how much abuse and probably tears/breakdowns they are getting?
indeed there is no excuse to take it out on the call centre staff... but people are (quite understandably) in full on panic mode .

but hey, lets have a go at the company bosses for letting their staff have a drink and a sausage roll in their team meeting to try to wind down on a friday afternoon. (not aimed at people here btw)
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