Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

If this crisis can actually make a difference to our long term energy and environment responsibilities it will be worth it.

Especially if we hold out do not accept Russian resources while this regime is in power.
never let a crisis go to waste, the corrupt idiots who govern us though i fear when things in Ukraine cool down will suck all the Russian gas they can get their hands on and call it a day.
Sounds like my mum's house to be fair - huge old victorian/Georgian (not sure which) house near Carlisle with no central heating - only an Aga in the basement kitchen and log burner in one living room

I love it, but my partner and kids are always cold :s

On the flip side, she's probably going to be less affected than the rest of us!

Victorian house you mean like it was built in 1880's ?
never let a crisis go to waste, the corrupt idiots who govern us though i fear when things in Ukraine cool down will suck all the Russian gas they can get their hands on and call it a day.

Europe buying Russian gas, etc. is largely funding their war efforts :s sadly we are incapable apparently in this day and age of mobilising task forces, etc. and going to the short term costs of a better long term position moving away from the dependency and offsetting the costs involved.
Europe buying Russian gas, etc. is largely funding their war efforts :s sadly we are incapable apparently in this day and age of mobilising task forces, etc. and going to the short term costs of a better long term position moving away from the dependency and offsetting the costs involved.

Dont know if Europe still buys Russian gas, i heard the pipes run at their 20% capacity. On the other hand i am seeing a lot of LNG ships off the coast of Athens, American LNG perhaps?
Those Watts gotta go somewhere! ;)

Sounds like my mum's house to be fair - huge old victorian/Georgian (not sure which) house near Carlisle with no central heating - only an Aga in the basement kitchen and log burner in one living room

I love it, but my partner and kids are always cold :s

On the flip side, she's probably going to be less affected than the rest of us!
Yes the house I grew up in had no central heating, just a Rayburn in the kitchen and an open fire in living room. Nothing in the bedrooms or the bathroom which was downstairs next to the front door. In the winter the window would freeze on the inside, :cry:.

We just used a portable gas fire in there and I've actually bought one of those this week and we are going to try and just use this for heating in the living room and bathroom.

We never have heating on in the bedrooms even before all these high costs, probably just used to it from growing up and being cold.
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Thats deffo it then and it does sound like its broken. Yep isolate the mains and ideally get it replaced. Once you have mains isolated you can unscrew it and take a look, its an unusual thing to be wrong.
A basic immersion switch is cheap. If your ok with electrics just get a replacement and swap it over, just make note of and understand the wires before you disconnect.


Edit its worth a look as resistance is unusual, it could be obvious internally something is wrong, such as a piece of insulation stripped has fallen stopping the switch working, or a pinched wire but its most likely its a dodgy switch and it may always have been broken.

For posterity :D
insulation is not gonna save the day, buildings here are insulated as well, and i dont think all UK homes are built equal.
I feel fortunate that i'm in a new build. With all the doors and windows closed on the coldest day the lowest i saw the thermostat was 14C. Cold, but not uncomfortably so and not freezing
Our house is freezing in the winter (gaps in the patio door at the bottom where the cowboys put the patio doors in) gaps all over the place raised it with the landlord and they couldn’t give a damn, last few winters we just sit under blankets at night lol as the missus hates having the heating on at night as it gives her a headache, maybe she’s been preparing me for this all along and I should be greatful.

Also during the pandemic they got someone to come quote for loft installation as ours is compressed well below the required level but nothing was ever done!
TV' do not generate heat, or rather enough to notice

As others have said, if it's a plasma screen then oh yes they do! My 50" Kuro gives out plenty of heat, noticeable when walking past it. Inquisitively I looked at the power specification for it and it's 436W when on although I think I'll plug it on a meter to test that!
Got some really thick jumpers, including a The Sweater Shop one which is about 28 years old. As TSS clothing was made in Leicester in two factories - sweatshirts and t-shirts in one and sweaters in another. From time to time, they had seconds sales in their factories. Most had stitching which was a little skewed or missing. Remember seeing a t-shirt saying he Sweat hop. Some were demo lines which didn't make the final cut to the shops.

In the past, I wore this sweater when its very cold or I'm ill.
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