Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

That's a tricky call and for me would depend on which of these you have, solar/battery storage/ev and what your split is between on and off peak use.

I can't see the current go tariff being available by the end of Jan so if the bulk of your use is on the night rate I'd probably renew and guarantee a bulk of my use is at 7.5ppkWh for another 7 months after Jan.
I have Solar and an EV (Tesla). Currently considering battery. In the summer, the Solar pretty much covers my daytime use. Night time I try and move washing, dishwasher, etc to off peak where practical.

I also WFH so there’s always usually someone home.
My standard draw at the moment is about 200-250w with a fridge and seperate freezer but most of thats coming from my PC and 2 monitors. If i turn the PC off which is rarely then its down to 30-50ish watts however i think i'll need to start turning my PC off overnight when my fixed price ends on 29th Sept
My standard draw at the moment is about 200-250w with a fridge and seperate freezer but most of thats coming from my PC and 2 monitors. If i turn the PC off which is rarely then its down to 30-50ish watts however i think i'll need to start turning my PC off overnight when my fixed price ends on 29th Sept

I don't understand why you/others leave your PC on overnight?

Some of these price hikes are good in that they're actually making people think about and realise the energy they've been wasting for years.
Today I had a day off work and have spent it running around the house with a meter, trying to work out what the hell is drawing a constant 350W at idle.

TV and AV gear when off: 2W
Workshop: 30W
Router and switchgear: 12W
Various chargers and wall warts: 0.5W here and there

Can't work it out. Going to kill the power to different sections of the house to try and narrow it down once the mrs has finished work and I can turn things like the broadband off.
Do you have anything in the way of ponds, or lighting in relatively unused/hard to check areas?
We've got lights in the loft that have in the past ended up left on for weeks at a time because someone went up and didn't turn them off (and at the time they were the only traditional bulbs left in the house so ~180 watts across 3 fittings).

Also exercise equipment, I think I mentioned it in this thread earlier but our treatdmill was drawing a silly amount when in standby, if you've got some older electrical exercise equipment that does similar it may add up.
I don't understand why you/others leave your PC on overnight?

Some of these price hikes are good in that they're actually making people think about and realise the energy they've been wasting for years.
In my case it used to be because I was up and down at irregular times and my machine was usually doing something overnight (downloading updates, acting as a file/media server for the rest of the house), I turned off our Lounge PC that was the main file server the other week and it's only turned on when it's needed now, and my machine is now off when I go to bed.
In my case it used to be because I was up and down at irregular times and my machine was usually doing something overnight (downloading updates, acting as a file/media server for the rest of the house), I turned off our Lounge PC that was the main file server the other week and it's only turned on when it's needed now, and my machine is now off when I go to bed.

Look into a small NAS for that role instead. My Synology is on all the time but only draws 20 watts or less sat there, can do background stuff, has built in support for scheduled boot/shutdown as well.

Don't regret it vs having to keep a full PC running :)
I used to leave it on all night to sometimes for weeks on end.

Now I turn it off even if I'm only away from it for a short time.

I now also make sure none of my stuff is on standby. Its scary how much stuff uses ion standby especially when you realise how much stuff you've got.

Using costs for stuff on standby I found online I'm about £400 a year
Will be interesting to see what the bills are for our salon business. Currently ticking along at £400pm and built up £1350 credit, but the 12 month fix ends in November. Going to be painful especially as people will be cutting back so business will slow down at the same time as bills shoot up.

Is that both gas and electric?
Bulb have an EV tariff that you don't need a EV, I'd be looking there first as you are already with Bulb, could just be a quick swap for you.
@Ron-ski is with bulb on the EV tariff
I've switched to Bulb, but haven't change to the EV tariff yet, will need to get my smart meters sorted out as they've stopped working. Apparently it can be quite problematic getting switched to the EV tariff as well
It’s definitely helped unplugging all the standby devices and limiting the use of the more power hungry appliances. Together it all adds up. The cost on our smart meter is down a fair bit. We’ve stocked up on warmer clothes and blankets and we don’t use much gas in the winter anyway, it’s a pretty well insulated house. Don’t think our bill is going to go up much at all, actually it might even go down.
Bulb have an EV tariff that you don't need a EV, I'd be looking there first as you are already with Bulb, could just be a quick swap for you.
@Ron-ski is with bulb on the EV tariff
Bulb is 33p day and 9.3p night so could be good but it's still variable so that defeats the point.

I think the Octopus Go one is fixed for a year, or am I wrong on that? Looking back it doesn't say, but I thought I saw somewhere it said it was a fix.
Cooling on this scale has not been seen in modern satellite records, so this is a significant event.

Are you worried a bad winter will be upon us in a few weeks?

You already posted this exact link in this thread this morning, why are you spamming it again?
Cooling on this scale has not been seen in modern satellite records, so this is a significant event.

Are you worried a bad winter will be upon us in a few weeks?
No I'm not worried and your link doesn't worry me either. Not sure why you are trying to stoke panic really. Nobody can forsee the future, nobody knows what the weather will be like in a couple of months time either.
I am worried that IF we have a beast from the east kind of winter we are screwed........ but i am not worried about long range forcasts....... they cant even get the weather right on a 10 day forecast so see no point in fear mongering now when some people are already at the end of their tether.

Indeed some of the news today has been positive..... Germany have stated their stores are almost full and they are in better shape than 1st feared and i believe the cost of gas has dropped slightly today.
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