Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Backups and VMs. Not shutting down the VMs after a day's work is laziness, and I could set the backups to shut down the computer.

My PC when idling is only around 20W :cool:

That's pretty good, my PC would be more like 100W or so and it would also be kind of more annoying to have it on, NAS is quiet and sits out of the way, and the drives are quiet as they are elsewhere :)
we don't know what the government is going to do yet, people on this forum are (generally) above average intelligence and awareness, so we are making changes and trying to do whatever we can to mitigate as much as possible, but there is an entire country that for the most part simply cannot pay the proposed charges, I darent speak with my mother about this, my aging grandma lives with her and they have been known to have the heating on in May/June before. they must be absolutely bricking it if they haven't buried their heads in the sand about this.
I know our government is inept at the best of times, but the amount of noise surrounding this issue leads me to believe that something will be done, do we really think they are going to leave us all to cope with this alone ?

I personally run my own business and the thought of paying 10 - 12x my current rates for energy don't bear worth thinking about, and I am definitely on the lower end of the scale in terms of energy use (~12kwh per day), I would imagine most businesses are using far more than me and I just don't see the government hanging everyone out to dry.

also in terms of people now fixing at 65 - 75p for electricity, I did the maths and based on current predictions of 80% in oct, then 52% in jan, then 23% in april, then a possible 11% decrease in Jul, we wouldn't save a great deal. so I'm unsure if fixing now is the best idea.

had I managed to get in on the ~53p fix then it would have been a (slightly) different story.

I'm glad you have faith in that cess pit we call a government

I can't see them doing bugger all to be honest
just check the girlfriends energy bills and shell has her daily standing charge at 32.03p for gas and 55.69p for electricity. Shirley this is wrong?

currently on hold on the live chat.
we don't know what the government is going to do yet, people on this forum are (generally) above average intelligence and awareness, so we are making changes and trying to do whatever we can to mitigate as much as possible, but there is an entire country that for the most part simply cannot pay the proposed charges, I darent speak with my mother about this, my aging grandma lives with her and they have been known to have the heating on in May/June before. they must be absolutely bricking it if they haven't buried their heads in the sand about this.
I know our government is inept at the best of times, but the amount of noise surrounding this issue leads me to believe that something will be done, do we really think they are going to leave us all to cope with this alone ?

I personally run my own business and the thought of paying 10 - 12x my current rates for energy don't bear worth thinking about, and I am definitely on the lower end of the scale in terms of energy use (~12kwh per day), I would imagine most businesses are using far more than me and I just don't see the government hanging everyone out to dry.

also in terms of people now fixing at 65 - 75p for electricity, I did the maths and based on current predictions of 80% in oct, then 52% in jan, then 23% in april, then a possible 11% decrease in Jul, we wouldn't save a great deal. so I'm unsure if fixing now is the best idea.

had I managed to get in on the ~53p fix then it would have been a (slightly) different story.

Don't forget old people cannot feel the heat the same. They'll get colder quick even in days like this at the moment. What's hot to you/me will feel quite cool to them. Their circulation is down quite a lot. So imagine October, Halloween nights that could be cold or frosty, what's comfortable to you will feel very cold for them. I always used to be puzzled as a young teenager seeing my Gran wearing cardigans in the height of summer. Only if it was nearing 28 - 30C she'd take her cardigan off.
Don't forget old people cannot feel the heat the same. They'll get colder quick even in days like this at the moment. What's hot to you/me will feel quite cool to them. Their circulation is down quite a lot. So imagine October, Halloween nights that could be cold or frosty, what's comfortable to you will feel very cold for them. I always used to be puzzled as a young teenager seeing my Gran wearing cardigans in the height of summer. Only if it was nearing 28 - 30C she'd take her cardigan off.
I think she's on blood thinners as well which exacerbates the problem.
No definitely don't have faith, but the level and scale that this impacts has to affect their decision, if for no other reason than the next general election.

Well, if they say what turns out to be true of a year of no growth. If people are still hurting, businesses lost all through 2023 going into 2024, the Tories are toast.
Just realised I put my PC to sleep when I don't use, instead of turning it off, all and every day. Been doing it for years so was just habit...

Does sleep use a lot of power? I always thought the power needed to turn it off then back on again was more that it would cost to just keep it in sleep mode.

Have things changed now and should I be turning it off instead?
Just realised I put my PC to sleep when I don't use, instead of turning it off, all and every day. Been doing it for years so was just habit...

Does sleep use a lot of power? I always thought the power needed to turn it off then back on again was more that it would cost to just keep it in sleep mode.

Have things changed now and should I be turning it off instead?
I know that HDD spike in power on boot up but I don't know if it is to an extent that it would be worth just leaving the PC in sleep mode.

As for the amount of power used, it depends on what system you have.

Admittedly I alternate between levaing it in sleep and shutting down (depending on what I have open).
Don't forget old people cannot feel the heat the same. They'll get colder quick even in days like this at the moment. What's hot to you/me will feel quite cool to them. Their circulation is down quite a lot. So imagine October, Halloween nights that could be cold or frosty, what's comfortable to you will feel very cold for them. I always used to be puzzled as a young teenager seeing my Gran wearing cardigans in the height of summer. Only if it was nearing 28 - 30C she'd take her cardigan off.

Definitely vouch for the older generation feeling the cold. I was red hot earlier today, but my Mums hands were like ice blocks, it was 23/24 degrees!

Step Dad suffers from Raynauds and is on blood thinners for Atrial Fibrillation, and to top it off also suffers from paper thin skin, so he gets cold very easily.
I was informed we currently use £11,000 a day currently for electric and it's rising to £33,000 .

It's a major manufacturing site
My next door neighbour just closed his successful butchers shop as it was costing too much in electric as well as food costs.

I dread to thing of what the bill out our place is as we do lots of welding, juice sucking vampire machines.
Just realised I put my PC to sleep when I don't use, instead of turning it off, all and every day. Been doing it for years so was just habit...

Does sleep use a lot of power? I always thought the power needed to turn it off then back on again was more that it would cost to just keep it in sleep mode.

Have things changed now and should I be turning it off instead?
My PC uses about 100W at idle, last I looked think it was running about 15W on sleep. Think sleep is just powering the RAM isn’t it? So whatever power it needs to hold the current contents (and power the LEDs) :D
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