Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

I used to leave it on all night to sometimes for weeks on end.

Now I turn it off even if I'm only away from it for a short time.

I now also make sure none of my stuff is on standby. Its scary how much stuff uses ion standby especially when you realise how much stuff you've got.

Using costs for stuff on standby I found online I'm about £400 a year
Same here I am thinking about MASTERPLUG Timer maybe this will help a little.
It’s definitely helped unplugging all the standby devices and limiting the use of the more power hungry appliances. Together it all adds up. The cost on our smart meter is down a fair bit. We’ve stocked up on warmer clothes and blankets and we don’t use much gas in the winter anyway, it’s a pretty well insulated house. Don’t think our bill is going to go up much at all, actually it might even go down.
Prices are going up 80%. So unless you cut usage to almost zero how will your bill go down?
Prices are going up 80%. So unless you cut usage to almost zero how will your bill go down?

Hot tub switched off among other things. We've also fixed at only double our previous tariff, so it shouldn't go up much, if at all from our previous bill. Plus pretty much everything is off now other than the odd device here and there.
Hot tub switched off among other things. We've also fixed at only double our previous tariff, so it shouldn't go up much, if at all from our previous bill. Plus pretty much everything is off now other than the odd device here and there.
Makes less sense if you've fixed at double previous tariff tbh.

But on another subject, local garden centre just opened a hot tub section. Gonna be hit hard I reckon.
I don't understand why you/others leave your PC on overnight?

Some of these price hikes are good in that they're actually making people think about and realise the energy they've been wasting for years.

Im typically a light user and to be honest i only started leaving it on during Covid, i think it was in part to me streaming from my PC and watching things before i goto sleep so it became habit. With the increase in costs coming up leaving it on overnight will equate to upto 2kwh of elec per night which is about £30 a month so im going to get into the routine of shutting it down again.
we don't know what the government is going to do yet, people on this forum are (generally) above average intelligence and awareness, so we are making changes and trying to do whatever we can to mitigate as much as possible, but there is an entire country that for the most part simply cannot pay the proposed charges, I darent speak with my mother about this, my aging grandma lives with her and they have been known to have the heating on in May/June before. they must be absolutely bricking it if they haven't buried their heads in the sand about this.
I know our government is inept at the best of times, but the amount of noise surrounding this issue leads me to believe that something will be done, do we really think they are going to leave us all to cope with this alone ?

I personally run my own business and the thought of paying 10 - 12x my current rates for energy don't bear worth thinking about, and I am definitely on the lower end of the scale in terms of energy use (~12kwh per day), I would imagine most businesses are using far more than me and I just don't see the government hanging everyone out to dry.

also in terms of people now fixing at 65 - 75p for electricity, I did the maths and based on current predictions of 80% in oct, then 52% in jan, then 23% in april, then a possible 11% decrease in Jul, we wouldn't save a great deal. so I'm unsure if fixing now is the best idea.

had I managed to get in on the ~53p fix then it would have been a (slightly) different story.
Im typically a light user and to be honest i only started leaving it on during Covid, i think it was in part to me streaming from my PC and watching things before i goto sleep so it became habit. With the increase in costs coming up leaving it on overnight will equate to upto 2kwh of elec per night which is about £30 a month so im going to get into the routine of shutting it down again.

Hibernate mode I use, can change power button action to do it.

Boots up pretty quick and everything is still loaded/there.
I just don't see the government hanging everyone out to dry.
Thing is, there are plenty of people who can pay, so it wont affect everyone.

It looks likely that the government are going to let a lot of companies fail. You need a lot of failed businesses as this will contribute towards demand destruction and job losses and thus a drop in inflation. It's actually a brilliant way of controlling inflation without the Bank of England having to put interest rates up too high.

At the moment, there is still a lot of covid money in circulation, so putting prices up is a great way of relieving people of that cash that actually wasn't free afterall. A few more months is all it will take and things really pick up speed.
Do you have anything in the way of ponds, or lighting in relatively unused/hard to check areas?
We've got lights in the loft that have in the past ended up left on for weeks at a time because someone went up and didn't turn them off (and at the time they were the only traditional bulbs left in the house so ~180 watts across 3 fittings).

Also exercise equipment, I think I mentioned it in this thread earlier but our treatdmill was drawing a silly amount when in standby, if you've got some older electrical exercise equipment that does similar it may add up.
Nope. Not that I know of anyway.
I just killed the fridge and it dropped the consumption by 30W. It's a 5-year-old Bosch so should be pretty efficient.
I've had my recent E.ON bill. £40 for electric and £10 for gas. I've not had the heating on (gas) over the last 2 months apart from showers and cooking, barley had the lights on too. PC will be using most of that i'd assume.

I'm only ever at home 2/3 days at a time as I work away most of the week. Does that sound about right to you guys?
Makes less sense if you've fixed at double previous tariff tbh.

Not if you over halve your energy use ;)

Hot tub off, air con off, all devices off standby, gym climate control off, my wife no longer leaving everything on. We haven’t even had a full month of reduced usage and the smart meter says we’ve only used £70 gas/electric this month, that’s with heavy air con in early august. Way down from the £150+ a month we were paying. We’re all but paying for a fridge/freezer and the standing charge now.

More than anything I just want to see what our minimum bill can be, especially now we’re running more than one home. Once I get the next couple of months bills then I’ll have a better idea.
I don't understand why you/others leave your PC on overnight?

Some of these price hikes are good in that they're actually making people think about and realise the energy they've been wasting for years.
Backups and VMs. Not shutting down the VMs after a day's work is laziness, and I could set the backups to shut down the computer.

Look into a small NAS for that role instead. My Synology is on all the time but only draws 20 watts or less sat there, can do background stuff, has built in support for scheduled boot/shutdown as well.
My PC when idling is only around 20W :cool:
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