Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Also this is like some Orwellian nightmare parody **** to see energy bills as a prize for a spin the wheel, what next ? Free school meals for a month ?
indeed. it crossed my mind too. i saw a program once about some of the most distateful programs in our history, and one of the "contenders" was back in the 60s i presume (it was black and white iirc) was a gameshow where people went on to tell their sob story about why their life was rubbish (inc poorly children etc).... and the person who was voted to be the worst off got a cash price, complete with cheers and paraded infront of the cameras.

edit........ just for reference it was called Strike it rich.

Obviously the wheel is not that bad......... but i was reminded of that when i watched that youtube link earlier.
she isnt 100% wrong tho.......... i mean yes her suggestions were miniscule and wont help.... but at the same time i see so much waste it is bordering on criminal... and my parents are as bad as any.

so YES god knows we (as a country) need government to help but at the same time people do need to take responsibility as well.......... it would be quite galling to give handouts but then still to have some people (not all of course) still carry on wasting energy like it is going out of fashion.

i am really tight with energy use.... but that said at the moment i am still mining from time to time... but that will have to stop once i am no longer generating my own power.
Edwina Curry would make a better PM than Truss - she know how to put Martin Lewis back in his box
and the basic point that people still need to reduce their consumption stands.

to wit - The Germans have imposed a levvy on those with fixed rate tarifs to ensure they have incentive to reduce consumption,

The proposal to avoid blackouts by paying people on smart meters NOT to use energy at peak times is interesting

Even if people reduce their consumption this wont do anything! it's the standing charge that's why her Edwina Curry point was moot because the bill will still be over £3000 even with the gas and electric off. Also this will massively affect the economy like a domino affect pubs close, insurance is cancelled people providing insurance (brokers) loose business they have to close. so putting stupid toil foil or wearing a jumper wont do jack.
Even if people reduce their consumption this wont do anything! it's the standing charge that's why her Edwina Curry point was moot because the bill will still be over £3000 even with the gas and electric off. Also this will massively affect the economy like a domino affect pubs close, insurance is cancelled people providing insurance (brokers) loose business they have to close. so putting stupid toil foil or wearing a jumper wont do jack.
Either your trolling or don't understand the bigger issue here.

if companies have bigger bills on energy, they will close, in turn this will affect other businesses so curry saying put toil foil behind a radiator isn't going to save a business is it?
She was referring to the public not businesses - the standing charge is a lot less than £3k lol
Spare us the ‘poor’ victimhood and division of the left.. magic grandpa is gone and there was never a magic money tree..
Funny how the governments in western europe which are likely socialist by your standards havent collapsed after "spending everyone else's money". Enjoy your NI and corp tax cuts funded by the magic money tree (yes tax cuts are a form of budget deficit).
She was referring to the public not businesses - the standing charge is a lot less than £3k lol

So what if your a business working from home?

and secondly the standing charge makes up most of the increase, so if you use 0 Gas or electric you will still get a massive standing charge. Which is what lewis stated ages ago.
Easy to solve, just allow people on more expensive fixes to drop back to SVR if they cap prices, or cap the fixes at the same prices.

Fixing is always a risk, but I disagree with the idea of punishing those who did it, and rewarding those who didn't. Should be equally applied.
Thats the case for some anyway I think, I know on Octopus there is no exit fee.

If they do a freeze that lasts at least a year I will probably keep my Agile due to the lower SC, but quit the gas tracker and go back to the cap.
Even if people reduce their consumption this wont do anything! it's the standing charge that's why her Edwina Curry point was moot because the bill will still be over £3000 even with the gas and electric off. Also this will massively affect the economy like a domino affect pubs close, insurance is cancelled people providing insurance (brokers) loose business they have to close. so putting stupid toil foil or wearing a jumper wont do jack.
Standing charge is tiny, lol
I know there are issues (people who need high energy use machines like dialysis etc) but I agree.

If you want to mine crypto, or you have a hot tub, heated pool etc etc. Crack on. But you'll be subsidising everyone else.

Income tax generally seems to be regarded as a good system. I think same Principles can apply elsewhere.
It also drives down energy use. Which is important as climate becomes a bigger issue
It's also a proven model, european countries use a pay more if you use more billing system.
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