Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

From what I have read the majority of the bill was not for lost balances but the compensation for the suppliers to take over supply to customers at a loss.

Eg look at Bulb now where the cost of another supplier taking them on is billions, and rising, thats not lost balances, thats compensation for being forced to sell at a loss.
We would just have had more nationalised debt.
Yeah but nationalised debt is usually recovered via general taxation which is a fairer recovery mechanism than via SC. Although I think in this case the government are recovering bulbs losses on the SC.
she isnt 100% wrong tho.......... i mean yes her suggestions were miniscule and wont help.... but at the same time i see so much waste it is bordering on criminal... and my parents are as bad as any.

so YES god knows we (as a country) need government to help but at the same time people do need to take responsibility as well.......... it would be quite galling to give handouts but then still to have some people (not all of course) still carry on wasting energy like it is going out of fashion.

i am really tight with energy use.... but that said at the moment i am still mining from time to time... but that will have to stop once i am no longer generating my own power.
Yeah they both right in different ways.
Immense hatred flowing... It beggars belief it really does.
This the same woman, Edwina Currie who lives in a big fancy house with a Tesla car, a career politician with no business experience or life, who was a councillor then Junior Minister then became a Member of Parliament who will never have money issues. That says it's not a catastrophe? Not for her it ain't. Oh and the same woman that knocked the backside out of the egg sales about salmonella? Speaking of her catastrophe? Who also had an affair with John Major.

Funny how it's the same ilk that preaches to others it not being a catastrophe who's living a privileged lifestyle. Yet other people suffer because of their decisions and fatal mistakes yet we're told to suck it up? Those same people?.
This the same woman, Edwina Currie who lives in a big fancy house with a Tesla car, a career politician with no business experience or life, who was a councillor then Junior Minister then became a Member of Parliament who will never have money issues. That says it's not a catastrophe? Not for her it ain't. Oh and the same woman that knocked the backside out of the egg sales about salmonella? Speaking of her catastrophe? Who also had an affair with John Major.

Funny how it's the same ilk that preaches to others it not being a catastrophe who's living a privileged lifestyle. Yet other people suffer because of their decisions and fatal mistakes yet we're told to suck it up? Those same people?.
she was right about the chicken stock tho wasn't she?.... and iirc feeding practices of chickens to help stop the spread, along with the lion stamp to show salmonella free come out of it didnt it after vaccinating them?

(it was a long time ago so i apologise i i am miss remembering)
This the same woman, Edwina Currie who lives in a big fancy house with a Tesla car, a career politician with no business experience or life, who was a councillor then Junior Minister then became a Member of Parliament who will never have money issues. That says it's not a catastrophe? Not for her it ain't. Oh and the same woman that knocked the backside out of the egg sales about salmonella? Speaking of her catastrophe? Who also had an affair with John Major.

Funny how it's the same ilk that preaches to others it not being a catastrophe who's living a privileged lifestyle. Yet other people suffer because of their decisions and fatal mistakes yet we're told to suck it up? Those same people?.
So if someone off Benefits Street told you to put foil behind your radiator you’d listen?
Been away for a few days and noticed the house generally users about 3.5kwh per day at idle. Not sure if that's good or bad.

Mine averaged 2kWh or so whilst I was away, I couldn't reduce that any further without totally turning off my broadband, security cameras and wifi networks. Those are valuable for piece of mind whilst away
She has a point about street lights and such, but those arent our decisions they are on the LA's and government to issue guidance.

She has zero point and is condescending ***** Does she really think people need to be told to put on a jumper if cold, Tin foil behind a radiator does jack **** apart from heat the room up quicker and does next to naff all on heat retention or does she want us to coat the walls in the stuff as well ?
Does she really think people need to be told to put on a jumper if cold,
Sadly yes some do. One of my old house mates i had a huge barney with...... She put the thermostat of the heating up, whilst wearing next to nowt, and then opening a window because she was too hot. As god is my witness this was the tip of the iceberg of her wastefulness and imo she isnt a rarity. When i told her to put more clothes on she said (roughly) how dare i tell her what clothes she should wear.
she also said the cold air in the house was hurting her lungs (the thermostat was set to 20 degrees - sometimes 22. It was only me paying the energy bills and i thought that was more than fair but that was not good enough for her)
Sadly yes some do. One of my old house mates i had a huge barney with...... She put the thermostat of the heating up, whilst wearing next to nowt, and then opening a window because she was too hot. As god is my witness this was the tip of the iceberg of her wastefulness and imo she isnt a rarity. When i told her to put more clothes on she said (roughly) how dare i tell her what clothes she should wear.
She is fully entitled to hand over all of her money to energy companies. But that is just a single example the vast majority will not be like that. Certainly not this winter anyway.

Only a small amount of consumption will be able to be cut by the vast majority. That will be the reality.
She has zero point and is condescending ***** Does she really think people need to be told to put on a jumper if cold, Tin foil behind a radiator does jack **** apart from heat the room up quicker and does next to naff all on heat retention or does she want us to coat the walls in the stuff as well ?
Well I have family members and friends who heat their homes to t-shirt temperature, so seems some need to be told.

But I get your point, she is trying to make this seem like an individual problem rather than a country wide crisis.
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