Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Could be disproportionate against single person households though.
It would be, per person is a horrible way to do it.

If we assume 1.0 as base value applied to one room properties.
Then add a .1 multiplier for every extra bedroom.
Add a further .5 if children or elderly.
Add full exemption to expensive units if medical exemption.

I could imagine someone like our government doing it per person though, wouldnt be the first time singletons get stood on and then packed student houses mining rigs running 24/7 on cheap units.
Also bear in mind more adults usually (I know not always) also means more income.

My sister with 4 in her house uses less than me.

House size is ok, as long as they dont go overboard, they might do something silly like assuming a house needs 3x the energy of a flat and then not considering the likely increased household income as well, the multiplier needs to be very small. I think the most simple way to go is just a X amount of units cheaper, an exemption group, and some COL provided to people means tested with children, disabled, etc.

Maybe this is why we have no use more pay more tariffs here as I guess people in big houses would think they unfair.
Heating a house uses roughly the same energy if two people live there or one.

Watching TV uses the same energy if one person is watching it or five kids.

That's why I had opted for a house size proxy.

Probably easiest thing is just to give every house the same allowance. Most houses are within a fairly small size range really, its only the very large houses that would then be struggling under that system. I go back to an allowance of about 9-12,000 kWh a year as being appropriate.
Hmm true, not a very good metric then

Let's use number of windows, that was always popular back in the day to calculate tax.

There are approaching 28 million households in the UK, how long do the government have to get a plan in place?
which is always the bloody problem with this government...... its less about how much time they have now which really cheeses me of............ it is the amount of time they have had and seemingly done bugger all about it.
@Surveyor there's already loads of data around (I went for a buildings insurance quote the other day and when I put my address in the quote tool already knew the build date and number of bedrooms & other rooms in the house), and I reckon google AI could probably make some size estimates pretty quickly by making measurements off its satellite images.

But, regardless, its probably easier just to do a single basic allowance per house and set it at c.9-12000 kWh a year. That is enough to heat most normal sized houses in winter to a reasonable level where you will be fairly comfortable. £600 a year would be the price I would say is reasonable for that consumption level, then it ramps up higher above that.
Thats roughly what it used to be before, im just using it as a baseline. Remember we're talking about a base level of usage for a fixed price - then usage above that ramps up significantly and so can subsidise the base level.
Well I hope that's the out come it would be amazing, I would go on a spending spree with the money I would be saving
@Surveyor there's already loads of data around (I went for a buildings insurance quote the other day and when I put my address in the quote tool already knew the build date and number of bedrooms & other rooms in the house), and I reckon google AI could probably make some size estimates pretty quickly by making measurements off its satellite images.
Single storey, two storey, three storey? Blocks of flats? Extra allowance if you have a double integral garage? Etc.
Back in the bad old 1970's which everybody says were horrible, we put foil behind radiators, often under the wallpaper so it was not an eyesore. Nothing is ever new.

The house has all that in the 90s. Attic is fully insulated as well. It would be nice if these people told us things we haven't done. I cannot get the walls of the house insulated with that foam as it's a timber framed house. As they said it would damage the walls internally.
Why don’t we de-link the cost of any energy generation that isn’t derived from gas and subsidise the gas generators wholesale costs for gas. High gas prices are forcing up electric prices because of our high gas turbine usage for electricity generation. Simple and direct I think?
Why don’t we de-link the cost of any energy generation that isn’t derived from gas and subsidise the gas generators wholesale costs for gas. High gas prices are forcing up electric prices because of our high gas turbine usage for electricity generation. Simple and direct I think?
Why are they linked in the first place?
I bet all the "we should only charge so much then hammer everyone above it" are exactly the sorts who say we shouldn't need heating in the UK etc

I would suggest we add another criteria where its a single person residence and that is a male between 20-67 that any allowance is multiplied by 0.33
That way we can avoid giving them too many units as they wont need them living in the cold and dark only eating tinned beans.
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