Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Yeah but nationalised debt is usually recovered via general taxation which is a fairer recovery mechanism than via SC. Although I think in this case the government are recovering bulbs losses on the SC.

If there is one thing I would give advice on, its never mention tax and fair in the same sentence, because its nothing but opinion.
For those people who don't have gas heating then the allowance could be 9000 kWh of electricity.

Or as I said, council tax bands to proxy for property size. ie band A allowance 6000 kWh, band B 8000, band C 10000 etc.
What about people like my parents with ancient old house with old Central heating that's really inefficient can't afford new system, can't have cavity insulation. I imagine a lot are in that same boat.
Just allocate X amount of kWh per person per house hold.
indeed..... sometimes perfect is the enemy of the good and if they tried to be too accurate it could end up costing a fortune to implement, thus making the whole exercise futile.

so imo doing the above with 2 tiers 1 for pure electric and one for mixed energy, and then with a system implace for those who need extra help to apply for it makes sense.

am sure it isnt perfect and some will have a load of "but what about X Y Z" but those people are already facing a problem as £400 is not going to cut it for them anyway. it utterly stinks how crap and wasteful our housing is in the uk.... some of that falls on owners, but government have to take a large amount of the blame (and that covers the red team as well as blue).

any newbuild from the last 30 years there is no excuse for them not being properly insulated in the walls and ceiling..... the construction quality stinks (i almost bought one before seeing sense and improving what i had).

older properties will sometimes need individual attention, but Cameron and his cut the green crap just needs a massive kick in the nuts. He should be looking at what is happening now and be ashamed but i bet he does not give a monkies.
Had a smart meter installed on the gas and electric today. I wonder how long it will be before the remote smart meter goes in the bin.....

Probably after this Friday's late night gaming session:D
Put an ad up for a lodger "One room available, must bring electric allowance"
not sure if serious but i was forced to rent out a room in my home for almost 5 years.... it was that or downsize, my choice and i wasnt bitter making it as i wanted to keep a larger home.

Small flats will probably do ok out of it as they use a lot less energy on average anyway
How? The now people the more electric you use.
Heating a house uses roughly the same energy if two people live there or one.

Watching TV uses the same energy if one person is watching it or five kids.

That's why I had opted for a house size proxy.

Probably easiest thing is just to give every house the same allowance. Most houses are within a fairly small size range really, its only the very large houses that would then be struggling under that system. I go back to an allowance of about 9-12,000 kWh a year as being appropriate, either electricity only or split 75/25 gas/electricity.
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