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You just broke his stick.

If you follow it back to the actual question, you'll see he didn't at all since it wasn't a loaded question, it was in context of Tombstone saying he didn't go for change for change sake.

May I ask a question, did you vote for Brexit? Or for conservatives the last round of elections?

If yes to Brexit then where was your detailed plan then? Because we all know there isn’t one.

I’m genuinely curious, I’m not assuming you voted either way, I just want to know if you hold the same views on this subject too.
If you follow it back to the actual question, you'll see he didn't at all since it wasn't a loaded question, it was in context of Tombstone saying he didn't go for change for change sake.

I simply answered their questions, if there is the need to load the question to make a point then there isnt much I can do about that. All I can do is give an honest answer to a question asked of me. A logic that many a politician could do with learning :)
Thats not a valid analogy. A broken graphics card does not function at all, so it would quite obviously need replacing. The government, indeed any government , is not completely broken. There are some things that every government, be they Labour or Conservative, do right and well and things that they do wrongly and badly. So comparing any government to an item which simply does not work at all, is not a valid analogy.

Okay try this then. You have a GTX 3090 which is fine for desktop use but several times a day the screen goes blank and you have to reboot your PC. Then when you want to game, its fine for a few minutes and then starts screaming and over heats and crashes to desktop.

But why change to another brand which may end up not being faster cause your current one is working (sort of)
Thats not a valid analogy. A broken graphics card does not function at all, so it would quite obviously need replacing.

Depends what you mean by broken I guess - could just be artifacting all over the place and crashing your system constantly. Technically it still "works", but it's not exactly ideal!

The government, indeed any government , is not completely broken.

I think that's very much a matter of opinion ;)

If it's not a Labour government, it's broken and needs fixing is the thought process here.

Labour, Conservative, Lib Dem, whatever, same ****, different coloured tie. Ultimately it's the system which is broken, but the current lot certainly seem to be surpassing even my low expectations!
May I ask a question, did you vote for Brexit? Or for conservatives the last round of elections?
I didnt vote for Brexit and I didnt vote Conservatives in the last elections

I simply answered their questions, if there is the need to load the question to make a point then there isnt much I can do about that. All I can do is give an honest answer to a question asked of me. A logic that many a politician could do with learning :)

This you?

Was sat on the fence, whilst weighing up the pros and cons. Now I am firmly voting for Leave and no amount of posturing or stay-talk will change my mind at this point.
This you?

Yup thats me. In the end though I didnt vote for Brexit. Like many I chopped and changed my mind throughout the buildup. But ultimately I didnt vote for Brexit. Not entirely sure how to prove that though, if you have any ideas on how I can remove any doubt from you and give you 100% proof , I am fully open to them. If there isnt a way I can categorically prove it to you then I'm afraid all you will have to do is trust that I am telling the truth. In almost all things in life I am intensely truthful, usually to my detriment.
Yup thats me. In the end though I didnt vote for Brexit. Like many I chopped and changed my mind throughout the buildup. But ultimately I didnt vote for Brexit. Not entirely sure how to prove that though, if you have any ideas on how I can remove any doubt from you and give you 100% proof , I am fully open to them. If there isnt a way I can categorically prove it to you then I'm afraid all you will have to do is trust that I am telling the truth. In almost all things in life I am intensely truthful, usually to my detriment.

That’s Fair enough mate.
I should be able to renew my tarriffs this weekend as the fixed ends at start of May... I won't be renewing as it will be a lot higher but at least I can see what they will charge me albeit that will likely change come April Cap increase
It will be interesting to see how the prices play out through this year. At what point they peak. It’s clear they are not sustainable at the moment.

Well I wouldn't be too sure about that. There are no reasons why the standard of living of the western world can't be reduced to 3rd world status. It's what the elite wants.
workhouse for the poor
less taxes for the rich
and getting rid of those pesky journo's that uncover all the elites dirty Russian money........................

And slaves. Why do people think the elite get to keep their standard of living? They'll do anything to protect that, make no mistake. If that means people work harder and longer for less, so be it.
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