Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Whilst this cap is good for us consumers, surely the concern is how the gov are going to make up the difference? We'll have to pay for it one way or another...
It's a good price point for a cap I feel.

I do not agree with
-lowering taxes (benefits rich most)
-method of cap (benefits rich/high users) most
-cap is being paid for by us effectively.

So its 2 years? This seems redundant? If prices are still high then it has to continue surely?
Whilst this cap is good for us consumers, surely the concern is how the gov are going to make up the difference? We'll have to pay for it one way or another...

This is what I hate. Would rather just have a tough couple of years then be better for it later. This will be paying back for decades more than likely. Add to that furlough which cost 70b it really isn't looking good.

In this day and age basic amenities should be supplied by state owned methods. They thought Privatisation would lead to competition but it is basically like mafia owned families creaming all the money for themselves.

Surely if it is going to cost us 150+ billion just buy it out and nationalise the lot.
It's a good price point for a cap I feel.

I do not agree with
-lowering taxes (benefits rich most)
-method of cap (benefits rich/high users) most
-cap is being paid for by us effectively.

So its 2 years? This seems redundant? If prices are still high then it has to continue surely?
They'll be out of government in 2 years.

The Tories are currently going "scorched earth" because they know Labour will inherit the mess in 2024.
It's a good price point for a cap I feel.

I do not agree with
-lowering taxes (benefits rich most)
-method of cap (benefits rich/high users) most
-cap is being paid for by us effectively.

So its 2 years? This seems redundant? If prices are still high then it has to continue surely?

Hopefully prices will drop within that 2 years and there might be some competitive deals below the cap again.
They need to stop with this typical house price rubbish.
What are the rates?

I don't buy petrol at a typical vehicle owner of £3000 per year, why is gas and electric done this way.

The non-PC answer is that basically it's because a huge portion of the population is too thick to work it if they were given actual useful figures
Seems like the useful info will appear here when known:

"15. Those on fixes, can either stay on them, or can leave and switch to the new state subsidised tariffs with no exit penalties."

I assume the suppliers are on board with this?
So it's going up, so much for, we are going to freeze it BS that was rumoured.
And no, the £400 help doesn't mean it's equals the same as it does now, well it does but then it doesn't as it's going up over £500 so it's not really help then is it.
Help would be reducing the current bills, not reducing something that is going up again.
So it's going up, so much for, we are going to freeze it BS that was rumoured.
And no, the £400 help doesn't mean it's equals the same as it does now, well it does but then it doesn't as it's going up over £500 so it's not really help then is it.
Help would be reducing the current bills, not reducing something that is going up again.

To be fair, it is frozen well below the £3.5k it was due to hit in 3 weeks time. Yes it's still significantly higher than this time last year, but the lower the cap, the longer (& more) we end up having to pay back
Worked out my electricity is about 3000 units a year (roughly)
And the 400 will cover 1800 units (@22p)

I have no idea how much gas I use unfortunately.

Nor do I know what my unit prices translate to in the ridiculous "typical use" is figure
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