Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

What luxuries though. I don't have any and internet is not a luxury, I work from home twice a week and so needed for work. I have sim only mobile on a 4yr old handset to save costs.

So my outgoings:
  • Mortgage
  • council tax
  • gas
  • electric
  • water
  • car insurance
  • car tax
  • fuel
  • basic food shop
  • child maintenance
  • internet
  • mobile phone
I am on a good wage, single owner of property and those are my total outgoings with a clapped out old car I brought for £1500 and nothing else as luxuries on a monthly basis. I have already cut off to try and make my life viable and enjoy going out with my children on the weekends. I have to rent out my spare room to my best mate to help cover bills to live because of the cost increase has far outstripped the pay rises over the last 5yrs. But for what I have cut out, well:
  • Audible
  • Spotify
  • Disney
  • Netflix
  • Prime
  • getting new mobile contracts
  • motorcycle - process of being sold to cover further costs, take away insurance cost, fuel cost, tax cost, mot cost and general maintenance
  • Sky
  • TV Licence
  • Beer sub
  • Going out to restaurants
  • Any take away at all
And yet I will still struggle with these rise in costs come April. You're an a**hat to just call people out like that tbh.
Why waste your time replying to that guy?!?! He was well out of order.
There is no doubt that living alone is a lot more difficult than being with a woman. Most couples will be on 60k+ between them easily whereas that is a top wage for someone single. Also living costs do not double with more than one person in the house.

My boss was in a similar situation. On a lot more money but is divorced with child costs. He was living with his mother at one point and he was in his 50's. Ironically if he wasn't chasing career he would have been in a better situation financially and mentally.
Why waste your time replying to that guy?!?! He was well out of order.

Just felt like putting into some perspective in the thread on just how much has been cut to make living viable at moment and not everyone can just job hope. I am working as a Structural BIM tech at a good company on a decent wage. My best mate and his misses are on less than me but for me to have the same monthly income I would need to be earning £62k a year! and they are on more like a third each.

So you consider that if you are a couple then you are so significantly better off even at close to minimum wage compared to someone on £35k plus single. Things have gone up so much as well that actually the rent coming in from best mate is starting to get closer to breaking even to where I would be at living alone because of gas/electric/water and no council tax discount then. Not that it is a huge discount. 25% rather than 50% is always daft in my view. So yeah. I am only about £150 a month better off than being alone which considering the amount paid is pretty made to show just how much the additional costs are.

Edit: just cause was mentioned above, if a couple earns 30k each then that take home is around £3.8k a month. A single person needs to be on 68k then to have the same take home because of course the tax brackets etc.
Say that to most the country on minimum wage/unemployed/disabled/sick/elderly. Its not easy as just get a new job there are only a finite number of opportunities, greedy companies and individual circumstances. What a horrible thing to say to the many people who are going to have to choose between being warm and eating or have neither.

Ignore him, he's a low effort troll, just look at his posting history. He's a wannabe @dLockers except dL is occasionally quite funny and entertaining.
What luxuries though. I don't have any and internet is not a luxury, I work from home twice a week and so needed for work. I have sim only mobile on a 4yr old handset to save costs.

So my outgoings:
  • Mortgage
  • council tax
  • gas
  • electric
  • water
  • car insurance
  • car tax
  • fuel
  • basic food shop
  • child maintenance
  • internet
  • mobile phone
I am on a good wage, single owner of property and those are my total outgoings with a clapped out old car I brought for £1500 and nothing else as luxuries on a monthly basis. I have already cut off to try and make my life viable and enjoy going out with my children on the weekends. I have to rent out my spare room to my best mate to help cover bills to live because of the cost increase has far outstripped the pay rises over the last 5yrs. But for what I have cut out, well:
  • Audible
  • Spotify
  • Disney
  • Netflix
  • Prime
  • getting new mobile contracts
  • motorcycle - process of being sold to cover further costs, take away insurance cost, fuel cost, tax cost, mot cost and general maintenance
  • Sky
  • TV Licence
  • Beer sub
  • Going out to restaurants
  • Any take away at all
And yet I will still struggle with these rise in costs come April. You're an a**hat to just call people out like that tbh.

You work from. Home but have a car?

Cant you get back together with the missus? Bit extreme. But would save costs.
You work from. Home but have a car?

Cant you get back together with the missus? Bit extreme. But would save costs.

I work home two days week and travel 100 miles a day to the office the other three days (compromising the travel at moment cause fuel costs). And nope, she cheated on me during the pregnancy of our second child. Not happening that but does mean it is costing me £500 a month giving her monies and she has about double my disposable income but that just not going to be a thing.

I also need the car to go pick my children up at weekends because she decided to move 30 miles away and doesn't have a licence so yeah would still need a car even if worked from home full time.
I work home two days week and travel 100 miles a day to the office the other three days (compromising the travel at moment cause fuel costs). And nope, she cheated on me during the pregnancy of our second child. Not happening that but does mean it is costing me £500 a month giving her monies and she has about double my disposable income but that just not going to be a thing.

I also need the car to go pick my children up at weekends because she decided to move 30 miles away and doesn't have a licence so yeah would still need a car even if worked from home full time.

Don't feed the troll
i think Sky are about to take a serious Hit in the coming months as I can see many people viewing them as the first service to drop when they start reviewing monthly bills.

i don’t see how sky can survive with their current business model

Agree. These are the big easy wins people can make.
TV licence
1 steaming service

I've done it a long time ago (never had sky) but yeah I think these luxury media and things like meals out, cinema are going to be what takes the biggest hit from people's cost cutting.

Sky can be ridiculous costs per year!
I work home two days week and travel 100 miles a day to the office the other three days (compromising the travel at moment cause fuel costs). And nope, she cheated on me during the pregnancy of our second child. Not happening that but does mean it is costing me £500 a month giving her monies and she has about double my disposable income but that just not going to be a thing.

Not criticising you specifically but a lot of people do this and fail to account for where they are spending money.. for instance i noticed you ordered a £850 monitor a few days ago..?
Not criticising you specifically but a lot of people do this and fail to account for where they are spending money.. for instance i noticed you ordered a £850 monitor a few days ago..?

That was for work and since cancelled too ;) but thanks for noticing me haha.

Oh just cause feeling chatty today, had actually got it down to £750 and had a perspective buyer for my current older monitor (by best mate/house mate) for £200 meaning it was £550 all in for a new work/gaming monitor. Not got space or financials for separate monitors so always only buy on deal when price good relative. Same reason currently have a £400 TV rather than a £3k one or anything at moment.

Tbh I should be good in 3-6 months. Just finished clearing a chunk of debt and that, the problem is what I have finally paid off working second job, freelance work and such has just left me breaking even again with these outgoing rises hence cutting everything else out to then be able to get things like monitor for work/gaming.
I guess living with someone probably won't change things like electric and heatinguch which at the moment would be a big saving.

Two incomes makes a big difference in bills right?
You split the standing charge, can cook together, living in the same space that you're heating already .

Probably one of the bigger benefits of being a 2+ bill paying household
What luxuries though. I don't have any and internet is not a luxury, I work from home twice a week and so needed for work. I have sim only mobile on a 4yr old handset to save costs.

So my outgoings:
  • Mortgage
  • council tax
  • gas
  • electric
  • water
  • car insurance
  • car tax
  • fuel
  • basic food shop
  • child maintenance
  • internet
  • mobile phone
Water meter may save you money depending on how many people live in your house hold.

for 1-2 people often it can be your water bill cut in half, and if they can't fit a water meter they will give you a lower bill anyway.

if it's more expensive you can go back to unmetered billing as long as it's within 2 years ;)
Water meter may save you money depending on how many people live in your house hold.

for 1-2 people often it can be your water bill cut in half, and if they can't fit a water meter they will give you a lower bill anyway.

if it's more expensive you can go back to unmetered billing as long as it's within 2 years ;)

Water meter has saved us a ridiculous amount of money!
Cut the bill by over half
Might even be cut by 2/3
Water meter may save you money depending on how many people live in your house hold.

for 1-2 people often it can be your water bill cut in half, and if they can't fit a water meter they will give you a lower bill anyway.

if it's more expensive you can go back to unmetered billing as long as it's within 2 years ;)

Thanks, it is a new build 6yr old so has a water meter and I get actual readings for my bill. There 3 adults full time (although I am out house at least 3 times a week overnight with my children and staying at my parents once a week as they enjoy the company) and then his two children every weekend for two nights. We do have a pond but they paid and look after the fish and I have only ever topped water up once in 3 year so that isn't huge. No other pets. My water bill DD is £44 a month with that usage. Not sure how good/cost on that tbh.
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