Energy Suppliers

Mail arrived from Scottish power rate new rate from 1/10/21.

Standing charge per day 28.12p
Night rate 12.487p
Day rate 28.267p

In need of an Octopus referral cheers.
My current variable tariff is below, wondering how it compares to others here.

Standing charge - 26.10p
Unit rate - 18.077p

I think I'll be looking at comparison sites later today.
My Igloo and I can give a referral code if you need one, £25 each single or £50 if you take dual fuel. It's coming out cheaper than Octopus for me.

Electricity unit rate (inc. VAT)
Electricity standing charge (inc. VAT)
For any of those old GNE (Green Network Energy) customers that were moved to EDF, they should double check that the tariff they were given at the beginning of their contract is the same one that GNE told EDF they were on, especially if they cancelled their Direct Debit after GNE went into Administration.

There was quite a bit of difference in tariff cost for me and I'm presently going through the complaint system before taking my issues to the regulator.
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