I've included a battery for that very reason, and you need to spend time looking at where you can optimise power usage. The fact you've said you have decent sized array and know you can't use it all means you could/would be better off having a battery installed over the longer term. Battery helps in summer not just winter, as you can discharge after sun down, and dump what is left into your car (for EV owners) or force export if you have anything remaining for those 5.5p's that all add up.
We were also discussing the cost vs payback, but ignored the option to take the expensive parts with you if you moved, or sell them on if the new owner wasn't willing to pay a fair price. As I have already said, and as 413x said the cost/outlay wasn't the issue, it was justifying it on a pure financial basis, and again as I also highlighted a few £K on a £200k+ house is a rounding error when selling it. I think for some reason people need to find a payback time, rather than looking at QoL/QoS, and what solar offers to the future not just the bank balance. Spending £5k+ on a solar/battery setup when you have a household income of £70-80K+ should be a total no brainer, but for some reason whacking a few options on a new car, buying a new over priced sofa, or things that literally become almost totally worthless as soon as you have them take priority.