Fair enough.
What about the in-debit customers they got as that's money they wouldn't have received? By "in-debit" I refer to customers who pay monthly but have usedore than they have paid but this balances out with lower Summer usage i.e not people "in debt"
Without being anti-government, they really don't care that much given that any increase to them can be claimed as expenses so it has no effect on them
It's not a bailout, their operational costs have increased because they have to honour the credit from the new customers dumped in their lap.
Fair enough.
What about the in-debit customers they got as that's money they wouldn't have received? By "in-debit" I refer to customers who pay monthly but have usedore than they have paid but this balances out with lower Summer usage i.e not people "in debt"
Have the government given any acknowledgement whatsoever about this whole issue and the potential for what's going to happen next winter? It looks like they are doing nothing and letting it happen, or have a missed something?
Without being anti-government, they really don't care that much given that any increase to them can be claimed as expenses so it has no effect on them