Morning all, I’ve been on Octopus Super Helpful Green fixed 24 for a couple of years and since adding solar panels & batteries a few months ago added Outgoing Octopus (15p) for export. The fixed rate Super Helpful Green tariff for my leccy import comes to an end first week of august. We work from home and so the 10 solar panel plus batteries cover our leccy for the day and evening generally with a small export in the summer. so Agile doesn't really seem to stack up for us.
With autumn and winter coming I don’t expect solar to be enough so I signed up for Octopus Go through the website. The idea will be to charge EV/Batteries etc during the night to take us through the day, any surplus from a sunny day then gets sold back to Octopus. I've checked the rates and signed up on the Octopus site, the tariff change request seems to register as it hits my account and the progress bar switched to ‘checking we can do half hour poll of your meter’ (they can). After a day or so progress seems to then reset and although through email the customer services initially said they can see the request when I asked for progress they just tell me the tariff I'm already on and if I want to change to go to the website. The link they send me just seems to just give me an option to change to flexible octopus or a fixed rate 12m at a pants rate.
I'm struggling to get any confirmation the change of tariff is underway or an eta. Before i resort to twitter or god forbid trying to get through on the phone has anyone have any experience with this or pointers? I’ve set the process running twice now and it just seems to vanish (or should I just chill, it will magically happen at some point )!
With autumn and winter coming I don’t expect solar to be enough so I signed up for Octopus Go through the website. The idea will be to charge EV/Batteries etc during the night to take us through the day, any surplus from a sunny day then gets sold back to Octopus. I've checked the rates and signed up on the Octopus site, the tariff change request seems to register as it hits my account and the progress bar switched to ‘checking we can do half hour poll of your meter’ (they can). After a day or so progress seems to then reset and although through email the customer services initially said they can see the request when I asked for progress they just tell me the tariff I'm already on and if I want to change to go to the website. The link they send me just seems to just give me an option to change to flexible octopus or a fixed rate 12m at a pants rate.
I'm struggling to get any confirmation the change of tariff is underway or an eta. Before i resort to twitter or god forbid trying to get through on the phone has anyone have any experience with this or pointers? I’ve set the process running twice now and it just seems to vanish (or should I just chill, it will magically happen at some point )!
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