Have you ever been involved in product development? doesn't sound like it.
Yes, they've had a product out for several years but it's only recently they've decided to really push it.
Yes, they could have thrown hundreds of thousands at it and launched it complete. Would it have been ready to compete with Steam at the time they wanted it to? No. Would it have guaranteed a return on investment? maybe but it's a big gamble.
By doing it the way they are they have proven it's a viable product already and worthy of further investment. It's getting a lot of attention, fans and critics are saying what is missing and they are actively working on it.
I do find this butthurt from the steam fans towards Epic rather funny The only valid point against it is the exclusive direction they've gone.
Excuses, excuses. If they want to convince people to use their store voluntarily instead of forcing them by bribing devs, they could have at least made sure it had the absolute basic functionality like offline mode, but they didn't even do that. Yes they are still actively developing it, offline mode was just added, but as a whole Epic store simply offers no added value to customers whatsoever. Maybe in a few years it will, boo hoo. But right now, epic exclusivity means paying more for getting less in exchange.
And yes the exclusivity is the one point of contention people have with them, so you and I actually agree.