Yeah because developers are flocking to Epic store out of choice and not because of massive stacks of cash being thrown at them. What a tool...
He's like a dumb streamer thot - "I'm not a dirty camwhore, I'm a GAMER"
Thats kind of an admittance the so called competition is not for consumers, he is indeed a tool.
Spoke about this to a friend today, steam has apparently stagnated but the only things I can think off missing from steam probably are.
Game recordings.
Proper skinning, including scalable skinning to 4k resolution.
Better alert system in the launcher for sales. (right now is just a big on/off switch which if turned on spams all sorts of crap at you).
Proper 2FA that doesnt use SMS.
I have no issue with 1st party exclusives so e.g. microsoft games not been on PS4, and vice versa, the practice I dont like is bribing publishers for 3rd party exclusives, and that has been dwindling on the consoles. So this move from epic has set the industry backwards. Their launcher in itself is not competitive, it missing many gaming related features.
In addition the 30% fee from steam is the industry standard, nintendo, sony and MS do the same on their platforms and in addition epic havent even proved its excessive because for the lower fee the quality of their service is lower, no cloud saves etc. Its been subsidised from massive fortnite profits. Would they be releasing a launcher with this smaller cut if they didnt have fortnite money? most probably not.
Origin and uplay launched by publishers with large gaming libraries, GOG only had the witcher games, but their launcher was special, they wanted to show a DRM less model can exist, they are not hostile to steam and other competitors.
If it doesnt already show yes I really dislike epic right now and dont like what they doing.
Also consider sony and MS charge for online gaming, so they get more revenue per consumer than steam.