Sorry but unless you are a young child (in which case your parents should be keeping a closer eye on your online spending habits) I do not buy that. People need to take responsibility for what they buy. A £20 skin is a £20 skin regardless if you pay with cash, credit card or some form of point system where point are bought with money. A friend of mine used the same argument about why it is not his fault he has no money because contactless makes it too easy to spend money . Even if it is a deliberate ploy, it says something that an adult can be conned buy it imo
Where did I say I was conned? I made no such statement, you are just placing your biases into the situation.
I didnt have any problem spending money on the skins, battlepass and axes. I spent money because I wanted the items at the advertised amount of vbucks. But I bet if they advertised them at a GDP rate it would make spenders think twice.
Your friend sounds like he has money issues,but that's not really the point here.