Epic Games Store now open!

Sorry but unless you are a young child (in which case your parents should be keeping a closer eye on your online spending habits) I do not buy that. People need to take responsibility for what they buy. A £20 skin is a £20 skin regardless if you pay with cash, credit card or some form of point system where point are bought with money. A friend of mine used the same argument about why it is not his fault he has no money because contactless makes it too easy to spend money . Even if it is a deliberate ploy, it says something that an adult can be conned buy it imo

Where did I say I was conned? I made no such statement, you are just placing your biases into the situation.

I didnt have any problem spending money on the skins, battlepass and axes. I spent money because I wanted the items at the advertised amount of vbucks. But I bet if they advertised them at a GDP rate it would make spenders think twice.

Your friend sounds like he has money issues,but that's not really the point here.

Just the start hopefully. Good luck to any developer who goes to Epic.

This never happened, that post has been debunked.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I don't understand the butt hurt over the Epic launcher. It is just another competitor in the market place.

My kids choose to spend their pocket money on Fortnite, I am fine with that. They also sometimes spend it on Robux, it is their money. It has been a pretty valuable lesson for them.
Where did I say I was conned? I made no such statement, you are just placing your biases into the situation.

I didnt have any problem spending money on the skins, battlepass and axes. I spent money because I wanted the items at the advertised amount of vbucks. But I bet if they advertised them at a GDP rate it would make spenders think twice.

Your friend sounds like he has money issues,but that's not really the point here.

i could have worded it better, so i apologise if i annoyed you, it was not my intent. I still disagree with the notion that it is easy to forget what things cost if they are not in your normal currency, Anyone who does that are just burying their head in the sand at the cost <not saying that is you> however my reply did come across sounding more aimed at you than i meant, I should have been more clear it was more a general comment and not aimed specifically at you.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I don't understand the butt hurt over the Epic launcher. It is just another competitor in the market place.
I think the issue that some people have with Epic Store is not so much about the "competitions" it brings to Steam, but more about they are not competing on the store front and the quality of services and features, but rather they are throwing money around doing "money talks deals" and cutting off developers and publishers from Steam. The key difference between Epic Store and Steam is that the latter is already a fully developed, features completed platform, while the former is still a platform in its infancy that has many basic key/essential features missing- it's like moving from a full furnished home you have been in for years to a new place completely unfurnished. The situation of Steam and Epic store a bit like housing development trying to cut off the water, electricity and gas to your home, and forcing you to move to their new place that's unfurnished.

Yes whilst many people agreed and even Epic's CEO said developers would not go exclusive with Epic if Steam offered the same % cut as they do , but the fact is that Epic's CEO knew full well that Steam would not win against them in a money tossing contest, due to the simple fact that Steam doesn't have a giant Chinese enterprise backing them like they do with sugar daddy Tencent standing right behind them, and also the fact that Steam doesn't have something like Fortnite bringing them millions in revenue each year.

There are also people have issue with Epic store's pro-publisher and anti-consumer practice stance of deliberate non-inclusion of features user reviews, stripping the potential customers of games the chance of potentially avoiding stepping on a landmine. Also some don't trust their games to be safe in the hands of a company had history of banning peoples' accounts for no apparent reason.
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I think the issue that some people have with Epic Store is not so much about the "competitions" it brings to Steam, but more about they are not competing on the store front and the quality of services and features, but rather they are throwing money around doing "money talks deals" and cutting off developers and publishers from Steam. The key difference between Epic Store and Steam is that the latter is already a fully developed, features completed platform, while the former is still a platform in its infancy that has many basic key/essential features missing- it's like moving from a full furnished home you have been in for years to a new place completely unfurnished. The situation of Steam and Epic store a bit like housing development trying to cut off the water, electricity and gas to your home, and forcing you to move to their new place that's unfurnished.

Yes whilst many people agreed and even Epic's CEO said developers would not go exclusive with Epic if Steam offered the same % cut as they do , but the fact is that Epic's CEO knew full well that Steam would not win against them in a money tossing contest, due to the simple fact that Steam doesn't have a giant Chinese enterprise backing them like they do with sugar daddy Tencent standing right behind them, and also the fact that Steam doesn't have something like Fortnite bringing them millions in revenue each year.

There are also people have issue with Epic store's pro-publisher and anti-consumer practice stance of deliberate non-inclusion of features user reviews, stripping the potential customers of games the chance of potentially avoiding stepping on a landmine. Also some don't trust their games to be safe in the hands of a company had history of banning peoples' accounts for no apparent reason.

I do agree with a lot of the above, however the bit bolded (my emphasis) is the main reason i am not shedding a tear for Valve. Valve used to actually contribute to the PC games space that they profit from so much. The reason they DONT have games like fortenite bringing them millions of revenue each year is imo because they realised their almost monopoly on the PC game space, and the fact that some gamers will simply refuse to buy a game that is not on steam so they just sat back and let the money roll in...

I am not defending Epic, however people far more qualified than I have have suggested that exclusives is the ONLY way epic will be able to get a foothold in. Regardless of if this is true or not, if this means that valve are going to have to work for their supper like they used to, then I can live with epic splashing their cash a bit to encourage me to use their store.

I DO agree however that Epic also need to get a wiggle on and implement the features that steam have.
The reason they DONT have games like fortenite bringing them millions of revenue each year is imo because they realised their almost monopoly on the PC game space, and the fact that some gamers will simply refuse to buy a game that is not on steam so they just sat back and let the money roll in..
Fortnite gets most of its money from cosmetics right? I figure the Valve equivalent would be DOTA, CSGO and TF2 all being free to play and making money from cosmetics. Also they take a fee on all steam market transactions from not only their own games but other games that do cosmetics and cards and sell on their market.

Your point still stands though, they can just sit back and let the money roll in.
Fortnite gets most of its money from cosmetics right? I figure the Valve equivalent would be DOTA, CSGO and TF2 all being free to play and making money from cosmetics. Also they take a fee on all steam market transactions from not only their own games but other games that do cosmetics and cards and sell on their market.

Your point still stands though, they can just sit back and let the money roll in.
absolutely.... and all those games are from an era where valve were games makers (damn good ones too! imo) . it is amazing that those games have got the legs to keep on going as long as they have done but it is of no surprise to me that others are more popular now.

I just hope their 3 new VR titles they are working on now are decent and that maybe it will be the start of Valve becoming games makers again rather than just a store. They have some fantastic IP sitting gathering dust.
I do agree with a lot of the above, however the bit bolded (my emphasis) is the main reason i am not shedding a tear for Valve. Valve used to actually contribute to the PC games space that they profit from so much. The reason they DONT have games like fortenite bringing them millions of revenue each year is imo because they realised their almost monopoly on the PC game space, and the fact that some gamers will simply refuse to buy a game that is not on steam so they just sat back and let the money roll in...

I am not defending Epic, however people far more qualified than I have have suggested that exclusives is the ONLY way epic will be able to get a foothold in. Regardless of if this is true or not, if this means that valve are going to have to work for their supper like they used to, then I can live with epic splashing their cash a bit to encourage me to use their store.

I DO agree however that Epic also need to get a wiggle on and implement the features that steam have.

How do I put it?

Its like asda become the only place to buy bread because they paying all the suppliers to not stock any other shop, but because they know they the only company that sells bread they can supply it without any packaging so its loose, getting germs etc. and with 1 day use by date left, half stale etc.

thats how I compare it.

Epic on a gaming feature level is not even trying to compete with steam, its not even close, they using a brute force strategy to try and force gamers to use their platform. Thats my issue with them.

Valve whether they make their own games or not has no relevance whatsoever, you dont need to be a developer to provide a storefront. Steam contribute a lot, they revolutionised PC gaming, you may disregard a launcher and store as steam have made it, as a nothing but I most certainly do not. I think without steam PC gaming would be on its last legs limited to things like RTS and strategy, we would have no console ports, and no indie games.

You also talk as if its not ok for steam to make a profit but its absolutely fine for a publisher to make a profit, they both have their own justifications for making a profit. There is no proof that a 12% share is profitable by itself. The only indicator we have so far is that GOG have had to lay off staff and removing some pro consumer features of their store as its no longer viable at a lower profit share.
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I've said it before and I'll say it again. I don't understand the butt hurt over the Epic launcher. It is just another competitor in the market place.

Why do you keep posting the same old line without bothering to read or acknowledge any of the responses? People aren't bothered about the launcher, despite it being lack lustre and a bit ****, people are bothered about the shady practices of Epic and it's parent company.
How do I put it?

Its like asda become the only place to buy bread because they paying all the suppliers to not stock any other shop, but because they know they the only company that sells bread they can supply it without any packaging so its loose, getting germs etc. and with 1 day use by date left, half stale etc.

thats how I compare it.

I like this analogy.

To state my position in your analogy, I have that Asda that I get my bread from and then I have Sainsburys where I can get my steaks from and then I have Tesco where I can get my donuts and muffins from. They're all just different supermarkets for me.
To state my position in your analogy, I have that Asda that I get my bread from and then I have Sainsburys where I can get my steaks from and then I have Tesco where I can get my donuts and muffins from. They're all just different supermarkets for me.

I see... I'm not sure which shop is EGS in your analogy but let's say it's Sainsburys. So you get home from Sainsburys and eat your steak but then you get a call from your bank... it seems Sainsburys have been incredibly lax with their security and the card reader you just used at the tills in there was compromised completely... Ah well at least you got that Steak eh?

Then a few days later you call in at Asda on the way home (because it's much nearer and more convenient to where you live) to pick up a loaf and, wait what? Asda don't sell bread anymore because Sainsburys paid the granary a fortune in return for not providing any bread to any other stores...

That's fine, you can just switch all your shopping to Sainsburys, no problem... but now that Sainsburys is the only place you can shop they decide to jack up all the prices or force you to buy some kind of membership card to use their services and there's nothing you can do about it because Asda and Tesco closed down long ago
I see... I'm not sure which shop is EGS in your analogy but let's say it's Sainsburys. So you get home from Sainsburys and eat your steak but then you get a call from your bank... it seems Sainsburys have been incredibly lax with their security and the card reader you just used at the tills in there was compromised completely... Ah well at least you got that Steak eh?

Then a few days later you call in at Asda on the way home (because it's much nearer and more convenient to where you live) to pick up a loaf and, wait what? Asda don't sell bread anymore because Sainsburys paid the granary a fortune in return for not providing any bread to any other stores...

That's fine, you can just switch all your shopping to Sainsburys, no problem... but now that Sainsburys is the only place you can shop they decide to jack up all the prices or force you to buy some kind of membership card to use their services and there's nothing you can do about it because Asda and Tesco closed down long ago

Well, its not my analogy, its chrcoluks :)

I wouldnt get home from them, they all do home delivery. (Downloads)

Any of the supermarkets could have a security breach, so far to date, none of the supermarkets, have lost my details , having said that, the only purchase I have made from Asda (EGS) , was to buy a loaf of bread called Metro Exodus, and I didnt actually pay Asda (EGS) for it anyway because I paid for the bread round the corner (cdkeys) and just had Asda deliver it to me. Likewise the next loaf of bread I am buying from them (Borderlands 3) will also be bought around the corner. Which means that Asda (EGS) dont have my details to lose anyway.
Well, its not my analogy, its chrcoluks :)

I wouldnt get home from them, they all do home delivery. (Downloads)

Any of the supermarkets could have a security breach, so far to date, none of the supermarkets, have lost my details , having said that, the only purchase I have made from Asda (EGS) , was to buy a loaf of bread called Metro Exodus, and I didnt actually pay Asda (EGS) for it anyway because I paid for the bread round the corner (cdkeys) and just had Asda deliver it to me. Likewise the next loaf of bread I am buying from them (Borderlands 3) will also be bought around the corner. Which means that Asda (EGS) dont have my details to lose anyway.

What a fundamental lack of understanding of how an analogy works
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I don't understand the butt hurt over the Epic launcher. It is just another competitor in the market place.

The most annoying thing about posts like these is how god damn ignorant they are. You are in a literal thread where people explained the distaste for Epic Store (or, as you friendliry put it, butt hurt) dozens of times.

About Fortnite, what a wonderful phenomenon

I think the issue that some people have with Epic Store is not so much about the "competitions" it brings to Steam, but more about they are not competing on the store front and the quality of services and features, but rather they are throwing money around doing "money talks deals" and cutting off developers and publishers from Steam. The key difference between Epic Store and Steam is that the latter is already a fully developed, features completed platform, while the former is still a platform in its infancy that has many basic key/essential features missing- it's like moving from a full furnished home you have been in for years to a new place completely unfurnished. The situation of Steam and Epic store a bit like housing development trying to cut off the water, electricity and gas to your home, and forcing you to move to their new place that's unfurnished.

Yes whilst many people agreed and even Epic's CEO said developers would not go exclusive with Epic if Steam offered the same % cut as they do , but the fact is that Epic's CEO knew full well that Steam would not win against them in a money tossing contest, due to the simple fact that Steam doesn't have a giant Chinese enterprise backing them like they do with sugar daddy Tencent standing right behind them, and also the fact that Steam doesn't have something like Fortnite bringing them millions in revenue each year.

There are also people have issue with Epic store's pro-publisher and anti-consumer practice stance of deliberate non-inclusion of features user reviews, stripping the potential customers of games the chance of potentially avoiding stepping on a landmine. Also some don't trust their games to be safe in the hands of a company had history of banning peoples' accounts for no apparent reason.

Surely the issue here is the people taking the money from Epic rather than Epic offering it? I am seeing capitalism at work, people always have the right to vote with their wallets (and I hope they do). I would argue that not including reviews is multifold, it is most likely that it is on their roadmap. But also it lends itself to a reversion to reading reviews from alternative review sites, or discussion forums (such as this one). I put no more stock in Steam reviews than I do in Amazon product reviews. If you have a few trusted review sources, this will always be independent of the delivery platform.

I do agree with a lot of the above, however the bit bolded (my emphasis) is the main reason i am not shedding a tear for Valve. Valve used to actually contribute to the PC games space that they profit from so much. The reason they DONT have games like fortenite bringing them millions of revenue each year is imo because they realised their almost monopoly on the PC game space, and the fact that some gamers will simply refuse to buy a game that is not on steam so they just sat back and let the money roll in...

I am not defending Epic, however people far more qualified than I have have suggested that exclusives is the ONLY way epic will be able to get a foothold in. Regardless of if this is true or not, if this means that valve are going to have to work for their supper like they used to, then I can live with epic splashing their cash a bit to encourage me to use their store.

I DO agree however that Epic also need to get a wiggle on and implement the features that steam have.

I agree here, I (like many) have been extremely disappointed with the wasted potential titles that Valve themselves use to develop that built their Steam platform (HL, L4D, TFC etc.). With Steam printing Valve money they had no reason to remain competitive and squandered some amazing IP and talent.

Why do you keep posting the same old line without bothering to read or acknowledge any of the responses? People aren't bothered about the launcher, despite it being lack lustre and a bit ****, people are bothered about the shady practices of Epic and it's parent company.

The most annoying thing about posts like these is how god damn ignorant they are. You are in a literal thread where people explained the distaste for Epic Store (or, as you friendliry put it, butt hurt) dozens of times.

About Fortnite, what a wonderful phenomenon


Because most of the time it is a trash post with little to no context, relevance or basis in reality. With 27 pages to read, to pick out specific points, well - aint-nobody-got-time-for-dat.gif. Most importantly almost everything stated has about as much intelligence behind it as a Fox News report and based mostly on a hyperbolic reaction to their fanboy ego being hurt.

Epic is simply in the business of making money, Valve/Steam and the gaming production studios are in the business of making money. You get to vote with your wallets, so go do so. But going on some crusade is ridiculous and seems more centred on the next generation of gamers liking games like Fortnite and offending people in the process by purchase a dance move or skin. I am assuming you are also vegan and wear clothes that are not sourced from sweatshops?

If I was running Epic, I would do exactly the same thing they are doing. If I was running Steam, I would do the same thing and be figuring out how to stop the bleed. If I was running Valve I definitely would have released HL3 though!
I think the issue that some people have with Epic Store is not so much about the "competitions" it brings to Steam, but more about they are not competing on the store front and the quality of services and features, but rather they are throwing money around doing "money talks deals" and cutting off developers and publishers from Steam. The key difference between Epic Store and Steam is that the latter is already a fully developed, features completed platform, while the former is still a platform in its infancy that has many basic key/essential features missing- it's like moving from a full furnished home you have been in for years to a new place completely unfurnished. The situation of Steam and Epic store a bit like housing development trying to cut off the water, electricity and gas to your home, and forcing you to move to their new place that's unfurnished.

Yes whilst many people agreed and even Epic's CEO said developers would not go exclusive with Epic if Steam offered the same % cut as they do , but the fact is that Epic's CEO knew full well that Steam would not win against them in a money tossing contest, due to the simple fact that Steam doesn't have a giant Chinese enterprise backing them like they do with sugar daddy Tencent standing right behind them, and also the fact that Steam doesn't have something like Fortnite bringing them millions in revenue each year.

There are also people have issue with Epic store's pro-publisher and anti-consumer practice stance of deliberate non-inclusion of features user reviews, stripping the potential customers of games the chance of potentially avoiding stepping on a landmine. Also some don't trust their games to be safe in the hands of a company had history of banning peoples' accounts for no apparent reason.

How's that competing on Muh Features working out for the Game Industries Biggest Pander Bear?

Even when games were offered DRM Free on GOG people still decided to purchase on steam.
Even when games were offered DRM Free on GOG people still decided to purchase on steam.

Nail on head here... This is the problem. Steam is so entrenched in some peoples mindset for PC gaming. Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing people can debate, but the fact is it IS a thing and personally i cant think of any way to solve it other than splashing the cash for exclusives.

that said, and this is just my subjective view on where i draw the line..... BUT for me taking existing games that are on steam and getting them pulled - such as rocket league for example - is a step too far. much better to let that stay on steam - and if they want to give it away on epic store - but make RL2 or what ever to be an epic launcher exclusive. That is how i would do it personally.
Because most of the time it is a trash post with little to no context, relevance or basis in reality. With 27 pages to read, to pick out specific points, well - aint-nobody-got-time-for-dat.gif. Most importantly almost everything stated has about as much intelligence behind it as a Fox News report and based mostly on a hyperbolic reaction to their fanboy ego being hurt.
Could you sound anymore arrogant and obnoxious or is that the max you are capable of?
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