lol indeed, stupidity and arrogance personified.
lol indeed, stupidity and arrogance personified.
Umm, yes people are 'butthurt'..... And yes, its about the launcher.....
Try to think how much you care that they care, and that's how much they care that you don't care.
And its fine to criticise something without going out and producing something yourself, that's always such a ridiculous argument. You can be a film critic without making amazing films, you can criticise Tesco without going out and setting up a multi million pound grocery business.
You really need to brush up on your reading comprehension.
lol indeed, stupidity and arrogance personified.
Yes it's one thing I really miss playing mostly on PC now, my PlayStation trophies! I find they encourage you to play more of the game than I typically would, which can only be a good thing, getting your money's worth.
Agree , its just a little something for you to aim for and keep playing, it helps gets your moneys worth out of a game, I know some say, oh its just stupid, no need for them but I bet most like getting those little trinkets, I do. : - )
The best example of Achievements imo, are the ones in the Uplay games because many of those give you Uplay points which you can then use to get 20% off the price of the next game you buy. That's what I call useful achievements
Absolutely - what a great innovative idea to add to your launcher/platform to give it something that goes above and beyond what Steam were doing... it's almost as if it's... competition?! How long and how difficult would something like that be to implement? Not difficult at all... and then here we have Epic who can't even be bothered to implement achievements in any form
The best example of Achievements imo, are the ones in the Uplay games because many of those give you Uplay points which you can then use to get 20% off the price of the next game you buy. That's what I call useful achievements
Sign up for 2FA to get $10. What if you already have done?
Is that going to be US only?
This has worked on humble store before for giveaways, sign up for the newsletter to get the game, oh you're already signed up. Unsub, sign up again and here's the game. Don't think it lasted long tbh as I think I only had to do it the once.I suppose you could try turning 2FA off and then back on again during the sale if you don't get the dosh right off the bat.
That tweet is literally all we know. It would be a big kick to the nads of people who've already have 2FA/outside the US if they don't get the $10 too, but considering how they handled the price of Metro, I wouldn't put it past them.
I'd hope everyone was signed up for 2FA tbh, Epic is the only store where I've been 'forced' to use 2FA because of the amount of times I had people trying to get into my account. My junkmail was literally filled with notifications of sign in attempts.
Also free $10 credit.
See I've had a couple on Battlenet, Origin and uplay, loads off epic and zero from my steam accounts. None off GoG either.That's BattleNet for me, people spent years trying to get into my battlenet account