...that they can only afford due to Fortnite - Epic is literally losing money on every sale.
But yes, to convince people to get signed up, the free games and sales like this work like a charm.
I've been grabbing some of the free games, not installed a single one, the sale with £10 looked a good deal, looked over the selection, and my mind just says - I'll get it on Steam once at right price , or wait for a steam release as I do tend to use Big Picture remote play on my Android TV and its just easier for me if the game is already in my Steam library.
However the sale is fairly decent, can't deny that, and the free games, even though I'm on the fence still with Epics Tactics - have been a nice sweetener, but I'm still not using anything they offer, not that is terrible, its just for me Steam works a lot better for my gaming needs.