State of the western world 2018: if you object to someone potentially with a fully intact penis and testicles being involved in a supposedly women/ girls only organisation your the one in the wrong!
Its really quite simple there's two matters to consider
1) is a sex segregated space appropriate in the first place?
2) if the answer to (1) is yes then the sex segregation has to be based in some objective grounds rather then a personal subjective feeling otherwise the whole point of question 1 is rendered pointless.
There's a simple way to highlight the madness of the current situation......
Cis, hetero men should, enmasse, (self) identify as butch, lesbian, trans women who eschew surgery and any hormonal treatment and who want to retain their 'lady' penises and testicles whilst still seeking/ maintaining 'lesbian' relationships with (biological) women.
You can say goodbye to a significant part of the supposed 'gender pay gap' straight away. 'Female' sexual offending figures will shoot through the roof and as an added bonus we get to witness that delightful facial expression showing high levels of cognitive dissonance from 'progressives' when they get told by people like me (6'2, 220 pounds etc) that we are women and that they are the bigots if they object to that.
A version of this cognitive dissonance can be seen when a certain Canadian activist (wearing a ball gown) tells one such presumably 'progressive' person that they are a man.
You can see said presumably progressive person wants to scream out "don't be so ****ING ridiculous, you are clearly a woman" but can't because it would undermine a central pillar of their (inconsistent) ideology.