equality only goes one way?

I think we need to look to the stars. Aliens don't have genitals. Maybe in their past they had the same issues as we do now.
The answer is obviously everyone needs to remove their bits and pieces......maybe through evolution? Looking at mine I think it's already started :D
Why does the idea of an All Boy or an All Girl institution enrage the liberal elite ?

Because they are unable to conclude anything and have always got bogged down in the emotional aspect of not being heard whilst the world moves on. They are angry at people that don't embrace that there is 1 human type and whilst I am 100% for equality and freedom I appreciate we need laws and structure because, well, there is not 1 human type. If it were we'd all be liberals because we would all be homogenised. It angers liberals most when you don't have the time to endlessly debate and prefer to make your choice and move on. Liberal thinking has made some great influences on our world, but on some things, they are in the weeds.\

Facts will always outweigh opinion. If people are gay, want to dress as man/women or call themselves daisy when they were born Dave, all power to them. Many will change as they age, some most certainly won't and I still say all power to them. If I am confronted by a person who tells me they are a martian I move to facts outweigh opinion. I won't ever seek to belittle or embarrass, but if they get angry I don't call them Zodmachine 7 because that's who they identify as and I mistakenly call them mr or mrs, I won't be losing sleep. It's the same as I don't feel sorry for a Dr in Australia who got annoyed that an airline attendant called her Miss. I get her point, but I also know most people are indifferent to her emotions because, well, that's life and she should accept it and not make it a man/woman thing...as all the male Mr's...I mean Doctors confirmed.
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Back when I was in scouts it was a well known fact that the boys in the mixed troop were a "bunch of gays" - therefore the prevailing schoolboy wisdom at the time was that if you weren't "a gay" you'd join one of the troops that only let in boys! :D

That makes absolutely no sense, logically. :p
<SNIP> It's the same as I don't feel sorry for a Dr in Australia who got annoyed that an airline attendant called her Miss. I get her point, but I also know most people are indifferent to her emotions because, well, that's life and she should accept it and not make it a man/woman thing...as all the male Mr's...I mean Doctors confirmed.

It's a nice historical quirk surgeons in the UK revert to being Mr. Mrs. or Miss after qualification, maybe the flight attendant was trying to ingratiate himself by assuming she was better qualified than she actually was? ;) Hierarchical titles and the correct means of address is something we were taught in school I'd wager it's not on the curriculum these days. I know how to correctly address a High Court judge, or a Princess, but my maths is appalling.... :)
My niece went to a gymnastics class run by a trans woman. She was called Ann-Marie, but we all called her Man-Marie..*snigger*.

She looked like the type of bloke that would run a scrap yard, but with a wig.
See my earlier post, what’s the need for male only sessions, you don’t need one just because women have one

Why do women need one?

Re the girl guides issue i do find this very strange. A man who says he identifies as a woman, who has male anatomy, could sleep in the same room as a bunch of teenage or younger girls. Yes I find that disturbing. It will of course be rare, and probably self moderating because if the girls and/or parents have a problem with it then they'll find another group leaving the first group with no members.

I think the girl guide leaders are making a policy error here but are they constrained by human rights laws?
Why do women need one?

Re the girl guides issue i do find this very strange. A man who says he identifies as a woman, who has male anatomy, could sleep in the same room as a bunch of teenage or younger girls. Yes I find that disturbing. It will of course be rare, and probably self moderating because if the girls and/or parents have a problem with it then they'll find another group leaving the first group with no members.

I think the girl guide leaders are making a policy error here but are they constrained by human rights laws?

I cannot believe any fit parent could *NOT* have a problem with it!
What about people who identify as an attack helicopter?
Depends how that identity manifests... If they're identified by radar or IFF, effectively outing them, then direct fire toward whatever they're moving against, as they're likely on your side. If they identify themselves to you, effectively coming out, the first you'll know is when they're firing at you, so it's probably too late to care, anyway.

son and daughter do Beavers and Scouts.
Cubs, Scouts, Brownies, Girl Guides...... where did Beavers come from?
Are there any Otters, or is that a Sea Cadet thing?

but this is my point, people can't have it both ways
Is that not what we used to call spit-roasting?
Why do women need one?

Re the girl guides issue i do find this very strange. A man who says he identifies as a woman, who has male anatomy, could sleep in the same room as a bunch of teenage or younger girls. Yes I find that disturbing. It will of course be rare, and probably self moderating because if the girls and/or parents have a problem with it then they'll find another group leaving the first group with no members.

I think the girl guide leaders are making a policy error here but are they constrained by human rights laws?

But we have man-women who insist they are real women and kick off when people disagree. Problem is the people in charge keep listening to them and tailoring new rules to fit their make believe world where they just ignore biology.
That’s not an answer and again, the whole they have one so I want one thing is a stupid reason.

I’m not a woman so I can’t speak for them but I’m guessing they prefer it as it rules out most of the gym creeps.

what if i would prefer a male only Gym session so i'm not being ogled by these pervy women? surely i should get a male only session? or what if i'm gay and would prefer a gay only session? why not a furry only session? its discrimination plain and simple.

or put it simply why should a paying male member have access to less gym sessions than a female paying member?
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