erm... I think they've kicked me out of uni

He had a ponytail, so you left? Did you ask him what the class was, uni's are generally, pathetic, people not being registered onto courses they should be is ridiculously common, as is misreading a timetable.
Yes I left. He didnt want to chat, kept saying "sorry, sorry, sorry, I cant login to the intranet, cant help you".

Considering its a uni, and everything is on the intranet(including these days 98% of your course content) you should also realise that there will be a bulletin board somewhere, for one of your modules, subjects, actual course or more likely for the department your course is run by. I am certain your timetables ARE on that intranet and I'm certain 50 other people have asked about their timetable in those forums and your answer is right there.
I've browsed the forum, nothing relevant on there.

As for attendance, why would you bring up attendance as a reason for being thrown out, when you say you've received a note telling you to return something you stole. Its pretty simple, when accused of theft, AND not guilty, you go talk to the person who accused you, not post on an internet forum.
Do you want me to fly over to his house immediately? I don't know where he lives mate, I assume he's at home right now with his family or whatever.

Are you the guy who was asking why your friends wouldn't take you seriously in a recentish thread, when you started standing up for yourself a bit more they thought you were being rude, rather than doing whatever they say.

If that was you, and you still need an answer, re-read this thread.
Not me :)
Welcome to this choose-your-own adventure! You have been presented with a hadnful of mildly difficult, but not exactly complex challenges in your first few weeks at university. Do you:

  • Find a correct version of your timetable from a lecturer or another student.
  • Go to the departmental office and ask them why you've been told you're not listed as doing one of the modules you should be.
  • Respond to the email acusing you of theft, asking for proof.

I've replied to the email, and I'm just gonna go in tomorrow like normal. Luckily I've saved my timetable (at least the correct parts of it) on my phone beforehand.
a email calling you by name and the exact date and time and classroom that a harddrive went missing?

nah must be a mistake....
Talking to Student Services is indeed a massive challenge. Oh wait, what?

edit: If you did steal it then you're an absolute tit and GLHF getting a job. If not, you're lazy but been harshly treated, see the secretary or a random lecturer from your school and they should point you in the right direction.
This is exactly what I was expecting from an Asim thread.

So anyway today I'm trying to login and I can't access anything at all except my email. VPN, FTP, Student Portal, everything says my account is disabled.
"Dear Asim..." in the body of the email, not "Dear, Students.."

Honestly sounds like you were abusing the internet usage policy and were blocked from using that FTP, VPN etc. It wouldn't be surprising either.

Also the fact the IT dept knows your online, or at least ocuk handle suggests they might be breaching privacy, despite that what you may have been doing wasn't allowed.
Unless you signed a waiver that uni internet access is monitored, but as far as that could be seen as a bit much.
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I dunno how someone can be kicked out of Uni in their first year and also barely when the term started. You defo should have went to freshers week, that is basically when you do meet new friends AND you sort out your timetable. I have never had problems doing that before, and i am sure the majority of other people who have been to uni have not either.

As for the case of the hard drive whether you stole or not, i would suggest for you to either give it back or prove it wasnt you so that you can continue your year.
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