Escape from Tarkov

The purchasing page looks suspect as ****

Wouldn't be surprised if some people just don't bother. If this was on steam they could probably double the numbers with the amount of streamers putting the hours in.

Streamers jumped on this over last week due to enabling drops, as most streamers started saying it gave them legal viewbots as people left streams running afk. Now drops have ended the viewing numbers have more than halved.
Streamers jumped on this over last week due to enabling drops, as most streamers started saying it gave them legal viewbots as people left streams running afk. Now drops have ended the viewing numbers have more than halved.

I'm one of them, stream left running to get lootz...very rarely do I ever watch a live stream.

However it's done the trick, a lot of new players in game :)
Playing as a Scav should I be actively killing everything? I've tried being cautious and only targetting PMC but usually, by the time I have marked tham as players, I get killed.
Should I just be less cautious? I way too scared to start using my main character yet :)
Still getting a feel for finding my way around customs.

Im with you bro. Its only the last day or two that I have collected so much stuff from scav runs and a couple of looting this and that, that i just throw on armor and get a gun and think if i die, well that'll clear out some space. One thing for me imho, customs is a bugger. Running from one side of the map to the other is an exercise in rolling the dice. There are chokepoints everywhere, the bridge and other crossings, anywhere around the dorms, scav hotpoints at the gas station, someone camping the holes in the factory walls. First i'd know about it was silenced shots knocking me over. I got fed up of it so started doing loot runs on shoreline - and avoiding the shoreline. Much more success because you can run anywhere on the map. One thing I would say is dont cheap out on armor and ammo, have you seen the ammo charts? theres only one or two worthwhile types of round in each category, and you need to be punching through lvl 4 armor to stand a chance. Im loving the hunter with a scope for about 30-40k off flea, some M80 ammo, whatever armour you can afford (or better yet get your scav home with) and a helmet. Basically use scav runs to research the place, collect guns and armor, a bit of loot and cash in. Dont be afraid to run your PMC once you have loot points lined up and if you have success - Kerching! Youve just paid off your kit and its all profit from here in.
Boyceys top tip of the night, if you get the gun you've been after for ages and want to give it a try make sure of a couple of things:

1. Make sure you put more than 6 rounds into it
2. Don't take all your protective gear off
3. Make sure you insure your brand new gear
4. Double and triple check that you actually click the 'play offline' checkbox

My backside has never puckered up so fast as getting the 'matching players' screen and thinking 'that never comes up on offline moOH FFF'

Made it out with 2 scav kills and 1 player scav kill scurrying to the extract point

TrannyBill's top tip of the night, double check how many zeros you put on the asking price on the flea market. Easy way to lose out on 1.7 mill
my top tip of the're a pair of knobbers lol

hopefully see you both later :D
Anyone remember what the pre-drop value of full blue fuel containers was? I have 3 leftover and its gone from 30k to 50k over the last couple of days and wonder whether i should wait a bit longer.
Anyone remember what the pre-drop value of full blue fuel containers was? I have 3 leftover and its gone from 30k to 50k over the last couple of days and wonder whether i should wait a bit longer.

40k each when I got a drop of 5 the other day, holding on to them for the time being.
Is there any point in holding onto anything? Do they not wipe everything every so often, or do you get to keep some stuff?
Thinking of picking this up but have a question.

The more expensive versions of the game, can this be grinded or can it only be obtained from paying?

Everything in the expensive versions can be obtained in game, I only have the expensive version as my game time is limited and I don't have time to grind.
I'm not 100%, but think you can upgrade your stash size and what not via the new Hideout feature.

Yeah you can, up to level 4 stash. There is literally nothing you get in the top tier EOD edition that can't be obtained by "hours played" :D

In fact, the top level Kappa container that can only be quested for in game is bigger than the Gamma you get with EOD edition.
So I cracked and bought it since I've been contemplating for a while and a friend who is also quite new to it decided to show me what the game was like so we loaded in as SCAVs and got killed in some hangar despite me blasting someone point blank with a shotty, we then went to load in again but SCAV was locked off for about 16 minutes so I loaded in as my PMC. He killed a SCAV and told me to loot it and he'd cover me and didn't do a very good job so I got killed by another SCAV and then he told me that thats all my gear gone so I haven't got back to it. It feels like a game I want to like but that experience has properly put me off. Any tips/advice from experienced players?
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