Escape from Tarkov

looking for some people to do co-op with, just getting back into the game, trying to get the steep learning curve in better before the next wipe.

If there is any OCUK'ers stioll playing, let me know.

still a good few playing most nights - let me know your discord name and I'll add you to the discord channel that myself and others tend to play on.
Well, i've tried playing a bit and finding 10min+ matching times before i give up. Just got in to a game after 9.9 mins and it got a server connection error, had the option to reconnect and the same thing happened. How have they still not sorted the performance yet!
Firstly was that as a Scav or PMC? Scav timers are longer atm pretty much because people are spamming them to get gear at the start. Also check to make sure you are selected to use all servers rather than a few specific ones.

Thirdly, many games have server problems when they have a surge of players when new content is released.
That was PMC, its been horrendous since Thursday afternoon. I haven't changed the server options so they will be at default.

This has happened so many times now, every event / major patch. People have spent a lot of money on this game and they still don't seem to have invested in infrastructure.
I've not had any difficulties getting into games given the drama some were predicting. Thursday afternoon was rough but by night time, it was fine. I have all the EU servers selected in the launcher. Usually get in a game in about 1:30 to 2 minutes, Scav or PMC.
Games are fine for me all maps

@CliffyG - happens all the time at wipes etc - Like yourself, 1000's of players return at wipe as everyone starts from scratch again - Servers have been perfect for months now, just wipe/refresh brings 1000's of players back again to the game.
I had a little play tonight and I must say it was the smoothest the game has played in a long time. Might have just got lucky??
Games are fine for me all maps

@CliffyG - happens all the time at wipes etc - Like yourself, 1000's of players return at wipe as everyone starts from scratch again - Servers have been perfect for months now, just wipe/refresh brings 1000's of players back again to the game.

The problem with that is that everyone's experience is so bad that most people stop playing. The events that brought so many people to the game were ruined by the inability of many to play properly with countless disconnects, back-end errors and endless matching queues. If the experience was better more people would continue playing which is surely the aim of the developer rather than just selling as much as possible.
Game runs buttery smooth, zero issue for me, stutters are all but gone. Stick with it, first few days after wipe, everyone is piling on, doing the same missions so the same maps have much longer wait/queue times. Give it a week or 10 days and people then start to spread move evenly across the various maps.
Finally bought this game after seeing a few Youtubes reviews.

It's absolutely brutal. I walked around Customs offline to try learn a map then play a couple of SCAV games. Managed to extract on the first on then died within a few minutes on the second game.

There is so much to the game, what should I sell/keep?
Best thing to do is look at the wiki and see what things you need to keep for quests. If it’s your first wipe, then don’t stress too much, it’s a hard game and a learning experience. Next wipe you’ll be better equipped (knowledge wise).
I also think playing as SCAV helps, it doesn't really matter if I die. The most annoying thing is the 20min cool down!!

Anyone else play solo only? It's tense!
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