Escape from Tarkov

What happens when you die in this game, you loose everything. Is it pvp only?
Scav mode you lose nothing but can gain what the scav has at the start and what you collect if you make it out. That stuff can be used in pmc mode.

Pmc mode you lose everything you have carried into the raid if you die, unless you insure it and another pmc doesn't loot ya corpse.
I've killed plenty in scavs by accident lol. Its hard. But I'm not that good at fps anyway. So it's doubly hard.

You'll get used to it and be a pro soon ;)

@Jase Basically what Inoton has said.. I'm currently doing a lot of SCAV runs to get some decent gear before going in with my character :)
So I decided to run a thermal scope last night on a variety of maps, I know it's a game mechanic but it felt like cheating.

I was using one that I got from somebody else so didn't feel like I'd paid for the advantage, but for the price they are if you're a slow or cautious player like I tend to be they will have paid for themselves in one or two raids
So I decided to run a thermal scope last night on a variety of maps, I know it's a game mechanic but it felt like cheating.

I was using one that I got from somebody else so didn't feel like I'd paid for the advantage, but for the price they are if you're a slow or cautious player like I tend to be they will have paid for themselves in one or two raids

Thermals are dirty - but necessary at times.....With that much money sloshing around, loads of people running thermals now. SDVS + REAP-IR + 7N1 ammo = insta delete.
Thermals are dirty - but necessary at times.....With that much money sloshing around, loads of people running thermals now. SDVS + REAP-IR + 7N1 ammo = insta delete.

I'm running it on my modded akm and just using BP and that's lethal enough, I told myself once I die and lose it I won't buy another but think I'll rely on it for some maps, if it was a few hundred k more I wouldn't bother
If any of the newer players want to join up, I'll be online most of tomorrow, happy to accompany, run missions, donate some gear and help you get up and running. Same goes for experienced players who want someone new to play with.

I'll be on the ocuk unofficial discord throughout the day, feel free to drop in and post a message in the EFT chat channel. If you see me in a channel, just drop in for games. Name on discord is SixyBeast.
If any of the newer players want to join up, I'll be online most of tomorrow, happy to accompany, run missions, donate some gear and help you get up and running. Same goes for experienced players who want someone new to play with.

I'll be on the ocuk unofficial discord throughout the day, feel free to drop in and post a message in the EFT chat channel. If you see me in a channel, just drop in for games. Name on discord is SixyBeast.

Still playing bud? not been playing long but have a grasp of customs now and don't die all the time lul

Had a nice scav run on there earlier.

Started with a PP and nothing else ended up with this haul


Had 5PMC kills and barely made it out :D what a buzz though!
Some details of future patches:

Nikita Buyanov stopped by at one of the popular Escape from Tarkov streamers - Pestily, where he told some insider information regarding upcoming plans for the game and answered some questions. We present to your attention a short clipping of the main topics that Nikita discussed with streamers.

  • Information about the wipe will probably be released next week.
  • RAID episode 4 is planned in mid-May.
  • The next patch 0.12.5 will contain the settings of graphic post-effects. Filters from Nvidia will become unavailable for use.
  • The 1911 pistol will be in 0.12.6.
  • Kriss Vector - most likely will appear in 0.12.7.
  • UMP is in the plans, but there are no exact dates yet.
  • Boss on the Shoreline - The Sanitar is scheduled for 0.12.7
  • Rework of skills - the first changes will be in the patch 0.12.7.
  • The compass is planned in patch 0.12.7 or 0.12.8.
  • Steam Audio - will appear in 0.12.6, this will be the first iteration and it is aimed at improving the quality of sound positioning in the game.
  • About 50,000 cheaters were blocked in March. Developers work daily with BattlEye.
  • Nikita and the developers do not quite approve the ping limit. For example, due to high ping, players cannot play with friends in different parts of the world. But at the moment, "we have what we have." These are necessary measures to combat cheaters and abusers. In the future, perhaps something on this subject will change and be finalized.
  • Players will have the opportunity to send reports of suspicious players, abusive nicknames and bug-abuses (in the near future).
  • Nikita once again noted that there will be no microtransactions in the game. This is not a method of dealing with intruders selling loot for real money. Trading for real money violates the license agreement and will lead to account blocking - this is only a matter of time.
  • BEAR voice acting that speaks “broken” English will be added in the game.
  • Offline game with friends is in the plans, perhaps for this there will be separate servers without gaining experience in raids.
  • Button to quickly drop the backpack - in the plans.
  • Next location will be either Lighthouse or Streets of Tarkov. The main work goes on Streets of Tarkov
  • In 0.12.5 and 0.12.6 there will be various corrections aimed at eliminating freezes and various errors.
  • The idea of the ability to do everything all at once in one raid is something that the developers want to get rid of (lurking, shooting, making money). One man - no man - developers want players to have to choose between such things in raids.
  • Developers are actively trying to find a balance between the creation of new content and technical updates (bug fixes). Cheaters and bugs take up most of the time for programmers, and they cannot work fully on new features.
  • Nikita and the developers believe that the gameplay at the Escape from Tarkov tournaments does not show the real essence of the game, but it is interesting to watch such tournaments. There will definitely be more tournaments, including those from Twitch - more well-developed.
  • Daily tasks (similar to quests from the tournament, random quests) - players will have the opportunity to perform such tasks in the future.
  • Merchandise store postponed due to COVID-19.
  • Patches 0.12.5 and 0.12.6 will be directed mainly to the technical component. 0.12.7 approximately 50/50 with content. When adding new mechanics, we have to stop and fix errors
  • The ability to send loot to the stash and remain in the raid is planned. This means the ability to evacuate a backpack with loot from a location for money.
  • Developers are also testing a version of Unity 2019 so they can switch to it soon.
  • Unity is a rather complex and specific engine. There are no games like EFT on Unity and most likely will not appear.
I haven't played for a month or so now as I've been tied up on other things, has cheating become a big thing then?

From what i see with my limited playtime there are a lot of people crying hacks but having no proof naturally.

I suspect an awful lot of the time people are crying hacks because they died to someone who they didn't see or hear. I could be wrong though as i haven't done any major research. The only instance i had that was " questionable " was a person who just appeared in front of me really quickly and then was 15 ft away. However im not sure if this was hacks as the servers are quite poor and i see my mate teleporting around like that all the time. He will be walking with me then he will stop dead for a few seconds and then he will be 15ft away. He sees me do the same.
Most of the cheaters are on labs....And they are very obviously speed hacking/teleporting etc.

in 900 hours playing on all the other maps, I reckon I've maybe come across 4 or 5 people that seemed "dodgy" - not saying they are cheating but took out whole 4 man squads with headshots etc. Only 1 I would say was 100% cheating.

The rest of the time, people are just sometimes better than you, but people cry cheat without any evidence at all.

Updates look good but they seriously need to fix the lockups.....They are less frequent that they were, but they are like full 1.5/2 second lockups now.
Most of the cheaters are on labs....And they are very obviously speed hacking/teleporting etc.

in 900 hours playing on all the other maps, I reckon I've maybe come across 4 or 5 people that seemed "dodgy" - not saying they are cheating but took out whole 4 man squads with headshots etc. Only 1 I would say was 100% cheating.

The rest of the time, people are just sometimes better than you, but people cry cheat without any evidence at all.

Updates look good but they seriously need to fix the lockups.....They are less frequent that they were, but they are like full 1.5/2 second lockups now.

Did you turn off the hyperthreading option ? that reduced mine massively! Seems the game doesn't like threads.
looking for some people to do co-op with, just getting back into the game, trying to get the steep learning curve in better before the next wipe.

If there is any OCUK'ers stioll playing, let me know.
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