If anyone wants to help me understand this game over discord etc drop me a message.
I lost all my guns! No clue what I'm doing. I've reset my character now I have some basic understanding.
Just playing as a scav at the mo. Tried to do some tasks as a pmc, no hope.
Playing as a scav is a good way to get a few pieces of gear, as long as you can manage to extract so that you can keep the loot. Remember when you do a Scav run, the NPCs are friendly toward you (unless you shoot one) , so you dont need to fight them and can safely walk by them. Try to pick up/buy some headphones (the ingame ones, not the ones you are wearing

) , they make a huge difference to how far away you can hear people moving about. Sound is a MAJOR factor in this game, literally everything you do makes noise, running, walking, turning, reloading, looking through bodies , looting items, opening bags, doors etc etc. If you can master the audio it makes a big difference to your success. Try to not run too much, makes a hell of a lot of noise, try to keep movement on quieter surfaces, like grass etc, rather than on loud gravel or rocks. Get sights on your guns asap, even just reflex dotscopes etc can vastly improve your survival. On PMC runs, remember to put the most valuable items you get, into your gamma container as you will keep hold of those even if you die. You get experience for identifying items, so its worth going to the traders at the start and just identifying everything they have for sale, good way to get a level or two straight away without even going into a map.
Theres WAY more to the game than that though, its got quite a surprising amount of depth, Ammo type and weapon modifying are basically games in themselves