Essential Android Apps

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Yeah, major memory leaks with the facebook app lately - I've ditched it in favour of friendcaster (which has a cool 'dark theme' option now which doesn't kill the retinas when browsing facebook in the dark :D)

Has anyone tried installing the chrome beta on a non-ics phone? anyone wanna pull the apk for me and I'll test it on CM7?
^^ It's only for ICS

The Facebook app has been doing that for months mrk, you've only just got it on your set up, just ditch it already ;)
Only just?

I've been using the FB app since release alongside Friendcatser. This issue has only been evident since the latest update.
Well I'm just saying you've only realised it being that bad now. It's been notoriously bad for thousands of people for months! Even before they made it practically identical to
Personally I just get e-mail notifications and then check what they are using the mobile site, works much easier that way. Then I just browse Facebook at home if I wanted to - saves a lot of procrastination and a whole lot of battery :p

You'd think it would be amongst the best apps on any platform with Facebook being so popular. But no, it's riddled with bugs, has a stupid design and barely works as intended the majority of the time.
It's down as "Chrome Beta" in the market place.

I know that.

I am saying that it could be due to that reason as to why it only works on ICS devices for now........

But then, why would they not see how it works on other versions as well and just support it from the beginning rather than doing it later on, seems like a very strange move by google (if they don't support older versions) and only makes the whole fragmentation regarding updates/versions across android devices even worse now considering nearly every device is still on gingerbread or froyo and only a few devices are getting ICS relatively soon..........
They are just testing their browser on ICS because it takes advantage of the fancy new APIs, amongst other things. Also, decoupling the browser from the OS is actually a good thing for security reasons.

Quit moaning!
I ain't moaning, just saying that it is a stupid move (if they don't support older versions, even though it should work perfectly fine, but it may end up the same as the apps chrome to phone etc. which only work on 2.2 + despite people making an identical app or modding the app a tiny bit to work on 2.1 etc.) :rolleyes:

Not everyone here goes and buys the latest and greatest device just for the sake of it or the epeen factor and therefore doesn't have the latest OS...... some people will be stuck on a 2.2/2.3 device till their contract runs out or may not even receive the ICS update on (which will be most of the current devices) :rolleyes:
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Not everyone here goes and buys the latest and greatest device just for the sake of it or the epeen factor and therefore doesn't have the latest OS......

So the new OS is only for the sake of epeen... so what is it you are moaning about? Oh yes, that your older OS can't do what the new one can. Oh, hold on a second?
Firstly the "epeen factor" is meant for the ones that want "OMG dual CPU, super fast GPU, scores 150000 points in quadrant OMG!!!!!! MUST HAVE" not the OS.

Which leads to;

What mobiles currently support ICS officially.......... oh that is right NONE! Apart from the GN and NS. How long till gs 2 etc. gets ICS officially.......oh only another month or 2 probably and how many devices are getting ics officially anyway.......not very many :rolleyes:


And the point is, I am sure that if they really wanted they could make it work on previous android versions (this may change but it is strange that they don't just implement support from first release and that they haven't mentioned anything about previous versions being supported yet.......)
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Firstly the "epeen factor" is meant for the ones that want "OMG dual CPU, super fast GPU, scores 150000 points in quadrant OMG!!!!!! MUST HAVE" not the OS.

But the two phones that have ICS don't have the fastest CPU out there, don't have the fastest GPU out there and don't score the highest on an outdated useless benchmark.

They do have the ability to run some funky ass apps though.

Maybe don't make out Galaxy Nexus owners are dicks and I might even listen to something you then say.
But the two phones that have ICS don't have the fastest CPU out there, don't have the fastest GPU out there and don't score the highest on an outdated useless benchmark.

Maybe don't make out Galaxy Nexus owners are dicks and I might even listen to something you then say.

They are still top end devices and the most expensive mobiles aren't they? And they still score some of the highest scores don't they?

Where exactly did I "make out that the GN owners are dicks" specifically.

Anyway, doesn't matter and I cba wasting any more time on this pointless discussion, which was originally suppose to be as to why Google aren't making the effort to support earlier versions considering no mobiles are officially on ICS and won't be for quite a while apart from 2 and even still it is only a small number of devices that will be getting the upgrade to ICS leaving 2.2/2.3 devices behind.

Granted they could be implementing the support later on, but why is nothing mentioned in the details of the app regarding that and why not just do it from the beginning.

Well either way I am sure the guys at XDA will do a few simple tweaks to the app to make it work on 2.2/2.3 just like they have done with other apps that don't support certain versions officially.

And I couldn't care less about getting the app as I am perfectly happy with dolphin mini and I use firefox on my PC so the fancy features are of no use to me, it is more the principle of it and that the weakest area of Android (OS updates), which is "suppose" to be improving and then this happens by GOOGLE?!
Where exactly did I "make out that the GN owners are dicks" specifically.

By listing the two reasons of 'for the sake of it or for epeen', which is kinda funny considering how much you are crying because our devices can run Chrome and yours cant. I believe that is functionality, not epeen.

it is more the principle of it and that the weakest area of Android (OS updates), which is "suppose" to be improving and then this happens by GOOGLE?!

But this is nothing to do with their upgrades program. Google showed how quick ICS can be put on another device, so maybe stop moaning at them and moan about whoever it is YOU CHOSE to by your handset from.

I chose to buy a Nexus, as that gets the updates as they happen. Oh no, wait. That wasn't an option, it was either for the sake of it, or for epeen :confused:
Thank you. To summarize. There are LOTS of reasons I wanted to own a Galaxy Nexus, one of them wasn't bragging rights or epeen.

Google don't issues your updates. ICS source code has been out for months. It goes Google --> manufacturer --> carrier. Why does everyone blame Google that they don't have ICS? Google have done their part...
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