Essential Android Apps

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I hope they make this work with older versions from 2.2 onwards, otherwise it is complete fail considering the only devices that have ICS officially is the GN and NS......
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Very minimalist. Looks alright on my touchpad though. :)


Other devices tabs doesn't seem to work for me though.

just tried it - its ok but has none of the great features like duplicating tabs etc like chrome on windows.

Just have to wait for the updates to add more features.
why isnt google chrome the stock browser for all android devices anyway? i'm guessing google made the stock browser in froyo/gingerbread and ics and didn't just buy it from another company?
why isnt google chrome the stock browser for all android devices anyway? i'm guessing google made the stock browser in froyo/gingerbread and ics and didn't just buy it from another company?

I think the idea is that chrome will become the standard browser.
Tried this on both my SGS2 and HP Touchpad, seems to love hanging on the sgs2 but when it does work browsing forums is lovely due to the increased font sizes, even readable easily in portrait mode without any zooming.

The Touchpad works a lot better though, renders nicely for what I've tried so far and generally works really well.

I love the ability to see the open tabs on other devices, even works on other mobile devices so on my touchpad I could see the ~6 tabs I had open at that time on the PC and the 3 I had open on the SGS2 :) It's like chrome to phone but on steroids :p

Of course it does raise the question of just how much information of mine Google now have, but not sure I really want to think about that :p
With the Android backup that's in the internal settings will that update my Gameloft save game files? Or any other for that matter?
Adobe has said Chrome won't be getting Flash and they are no longer developing flash player for mobile browsers.
Does Chrome only work on ICS phones?

Yup, which is complete fail and very surprising move from google tbph. Do they want to put people of android even more considering most devices don't get the latest android updates and if they do it only takes months for it to happen........


Unless this is just a test for now and they will be supporting older versions within the next update or 2??
Anyone notice the official Facebook app recently taking up a lot of battery power by keeping the phone up more than it should? Yesterday it was listed as 31mins of "awake" time in the background even though I didn't even use the app. I recall this started since the last update.

I think I will just uninstall it TBH because it's virtually a mirror of the Facebook Mobile website anyway so see little point in keeping it installed. I get all notifications via email as well and when clicking links it loads the website.
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